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Here Today, Gone Tomorrow - Consumer Experiences at Fashion Pop-Up Sales

Within business practice, the concept of pop-up retailing has already grown out its status of just being a trend, and has developed into a highly accepted and widely used retail format in a variety of business sectors. Despites this rising popularity, academic research has given rather little attention towards the phenomenon of temporary retail sites. Due to this research scarcity, the purpose of

Träs svällning på mikro- och makronivå

The aim of this study was to examine if the radial swelling of wood correlated with the density of the wood. The aim was also to investigate whether the area of the lumen changed from dry to water-saturated state for wood with different densities. Two different experiments were performed. In the first experiment a light microscope was used to examine different species of wood. The wood samples wer

Effect of in vitro gastrointestinal conditions on the structural and conformational properties of oat β-glucan

The physicochemical properties of oat β-glucan have been shown to govern its health benefits by a plethora of studies. However, the effect of the passage through the gastrointestinal tract on the conformational and structural characteristics is not fully explained. The aim of the present study was to elucidate the effect of in vitro gastrointestinal conditions on the structure and conformation of

The Milk Revolution The role of the ‘emergent’ smallholder farmers in the commercialisation of the Zambian Dairy Sector

The purpose of the study is to contribute to the debate on whether smallholder or large-scale farming is the more pertinent strategy to spur agricultural growth and commercialisation in Sub-Saharan Africa. This study will examine the meteoric increase in the growth of ‘emergent’ medium-scale commercial dairy farming in Zambia. Both the Magoye and Fisenge dairy cooperatives will serve as a case stu

Start-ups in Egypt: A Study on Access to Capital

In spite of Egypt’s recent political and economic instability, there still exists a burgeoning entrepreneurial community, taking risks, undergoing the trials and tribulations associated with acquiring the capital necessary for getting a business off the ground. This research was conducted to provide insights about the current situation of the Egyptian start-up market, especially as it pertains to

Social fobi som psykiatrisk diagnos och interaktiv typ

I uppsatsen undersöks ett par av de omständigheter som låg till grund för skapandet av den psykiatriska diagnosen social fobi. Det föreslås att det delvis kan förstås som ett resultat av att ett visst sätt att bedriva psykiatrisk forskning på hade gjort sig gällande, ett sätt i allt väsentligt baserat på psykiatern Emil Kraepelin och hans deskriptiva ansats. Efter avsnittet om diagnosens etableri

Student representation and power relations at Lund University

This study aims to illuminate the power relations that are developed between student and nonstudent representatives while performing governance at the context of Lund University. Furthermore, the influence of these incidents on student’s contribution is investigated, highlighting the strengths and the weaknesses of this representation structure. For this purpose, the study utilizes semi-structured

Generation and molecular characterization of recombinant scFv antibodies, microarray adapted by molecular design

Vetenskapen har gjort att vi kan idag kan känna igen ett sjukdomstillstånd, eller följa ett sjukdomsförlopp genom att titta på dess biologiska fingeravtryck. För att man ska kunna upptäcka och tolka ett sådant fingeravtryck behöver man ett högteknologiskt redskap; microarray. Ett biologiskt fingeravtryck utgörs av en uppsättning ämnen, eller biomarkörer, som i olika kombinationer och koncentrationAnalyses of biological samples today include protein microarray, a high-throughput technology that can be used for protein expression profiling, targeting disease related biomarkers. Affinity microarray utilises scFv antibodies, fixed in an ordered pattern on a solid support. Albeit high biocompatibility and sensitivity, this technique causes randomised antibody orientation, which could negatively

Thinking outside the plastic bag: How Greece can reduce the plastic bag consumption

In 2015 the EU introduced Directive 2015/720 on the reduction of the consumption of lightweight plastic carrier bags creating the first transnational agreement on plastic bag issue in the world. This Directive sets the scope within which Member States will design their own policies in order to reach a significant reduction in the plastic bag consumption over the following years. Greece is one of t

Real-Time Rendering of Volumetric Clouds

Rendering volumetric clouds is a compute-intensive process which makes it difficult to use in real-time applications. At the same time, the need for volumetric clouds is evident as game developers look for new places to increase the realism of their games. Skyboxes and flat textures work well in 3D scenes where the camera is expected to be far away from the clouds and not move over large distances

The French Attempt to Legalize Human Rights Due Diligence: Is France leading the European Union in Business and Human Rights?

This thesis is a comprehensive analysis of the different regulatory designs and arguments shaping French law in order to hold French businesses liable for their human rights abuses occurring in global supply chains. It focuses on the innovative law proposal on the duty of vigilance for parent and ordering companies currently debated within the French Parliament, and France’s potential to make huma

War of Memories : A securitization theory approach to South Korea-Japan bilateral relations

In contrast to a quite vast literature on the underlying external reasons for the current South Korea-Japan bilateral relationship, there is less research undertaken on the subjective contextual factors of how a nation state shape its foreign policies and create its perception of a security threat. Even less exists on the domestic debates and how these possibly influence the bilateral relationship

The protection of work-related human rights of asylum seekers, refugees and migrant workers in the Netherlands

The aim of this thesis is to describe the rights of asylum seekers, refugees and migrant workers with regard to the right to have access to employment, the right to work under safe and fair conditions and the right to have access to social security in the Netherlands. One of the purposes of this thesis is furthermore to bring clarity and awareness to the fact that asylum seekers and refugees have

Hur digitala knytnävar kan skapa smärta i det fysiska livet

Denna uppsats syftar till att öka förståelsen för näthat och dess spridning bland ungdomar i åldern 12-16 år. I denna studie konkretiseras och definieras fenomenet näthat för att skapa en djupare förståelse av ämnet. Utifrån tidigare forskning har två huvudsakliga aspekter lyfts fram - ansvar och kommunikation Studien syftar till att konkretisera vem som bär ansvar att informera om näthat och lyftThis Bachelor thesis aim to increase the understanding of expressions of hate, hatred and vitriol on the Internet, in other words cyber bullying. Furthermore the study aims to increase the understanding of how the phenomenon is spread. The essay focus to embody the question of the liability issue within the phenomenon and how it can be prevented by strategic communication. Based on previous resear

Prospect Utility Portfolio Optimization

Portfolio choice theory have in the last decades seen a rise in utilising more advanced utility functions for finding optimal portfolios. This is partly a consequence of the relatively simplistic nature of the quadratic utility, which is often assumed in the classical mean-variance framework. There have been some suggestions on how to find optimal portfolios in ac- cordance to more realistic utili