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Why have microsaccades become larger? Investigating eye deformations and detection algorithms
Abstract in UndeterminedThe reported size of microsaccades is considerably larger today compared to the initial era of microsaccade studies during the 1950s and 1960s. We investigate whether this increase in size is related to the fact that the eye-trackers of today measure different ocular structures than the older techniques, and that the movements of these structures may differ during a microsa
OARSI Clinical Trials Recommendations: Design and conduct of clinical trials of surgical interventions for osteoarthritis.
To highlight methodological challenges in the design and conduct of randomized trials of surgical interventions and to propose strategies for addressing these challenges. This paper focuses on three broad areas: enrollment; intervention; and assessment including implications for analysis. For each challenge raised in the paper, we propose potential solutions. Enrollment poses challenges in maintai
Child and adult witnesses: the effect of repetition and invitation-probes on free recall and metamemory realism
Witnesses' event recall and the realism in their evaluation of the correctness of their recall are of great importance in forensic processes. These issues were investigated in the present study by use of calibration methodology. More specifically, we analyzed the effects of two recalls of the same event (repetition) and of probes (non-informative follow-up questions at recall) on 9-11 year-old chi
β-amyloid Peptides and Amyloid Plaques in Alzheimer's Disease.
Many lines of evidence support that β-amyloid (Aβ) peptides play an important role in Alzheimer's disease (AD), the most common cause of dementia. But despite much effort the molecular mechanisms of how Aβ contributes to AD remain unclear. While Aβ is generated from its precursor protein throughout life, the peptide is best known as the main component of amyloid plaques, the neuropathological hall
Life cycle assessment of green pilot-scale extraction processes to obtain potent antioxidants from rosemary leaves
In this work, the water extraction and particle formation on-line (WEPO) process has been used to obtain dry antioxidant powder from rosemary leaves. This process includes pressurized hot water extraction (PHWE) and on-line drying of the extracts in one step. Based on previous works, water extraction at 200 degrees C was selected to achieve the maximum antioxidant activity while water flow rate wa
Protein synthesis of the pro-inflammatory S100A8/A9 complex in plasmacytoid dendritic cells and cell surface S100A8/A9 on leukocyte subpopulations in systemic lupus erythematosus
Introduction: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease with chronic or episodic inflammation in many different organ systems, activation of leukocytes and production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. The heterodimer of the cytosolic calcium-binding proteins S100A8 and S100A9 (S100A8/A9) is secreted by activated polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) and monocytes and serves as a seru
Dead space and CO2 elimination related to pattern of inspiratory gas delivery in ARDS patients
Introduction: The inspiratory flow pattern influences CO2 elimination by affecting the time the tidal volume remains resident in alveoli. This time is expressed in terms of mean distribution time (MDT), which is the time available for distribution and diffusion of inspired tidal gas within resident alveolar gas. In healthy and sick pigs, abrupt cessation of inspiratory flow (that is, high end-insp
Male behaviour drives assortative reproduction during the initial stage of secondary contact.
Phenotypic divergence in allopatry can facilitate speciation by reducing the likelihood that individuals of different lineages hybridise during secondary contact. However, few studies have established the causes of reproductive isolation in the crucial early stages of secondary contact. Here we establish behavioural causes of assortative reproduction between two phenotypically divergent lineages o
Entrepreneurship and survival over the business cycle: how do new technology-based firms differ?
We investigate the survival performance of new technology-based firms (NTBFs) over the business cycle and compare them against other entrepreneurial firms. Our data comprise the entire population of entrepreneurial firms entering the Swedish economy from 1991 to 2002, which we follow until 2007. Discrete-time duration models are employed to investigate whether the business cycle impacts differentl
STrengthening the Reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology: Molecular Epidemiology STROBE-ME. An extension of the STROBE statement
Advances in laboratory techniques have led to a rapidly increasing use of biomarkers in epidemiological studies. Biomarkers of internal dose, early biological change, susceptibility, and clinical outcomes are used as proxies for investigating the interactions between external and/or endogenous agents and the body components or processes. The need for improved reporting of scientific research led t
Back to the drawing board: rethinking multiculturalism
"I'm Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde": Are GPs' antibiotic prescribing patterns contextually dependent? A qualitative focus group study.
Abstract Objective. To explore factors and circumstances contributing to prudent antibiotic prescribing for respiratory tract infections in primary care. Design. Two focus groups representing rural and urban areas. A semi-structured interview guide with open-ended questions and an editing analysis style was used. They were examined to identify meaning units that were sorted into categories in an i
Swirl switching in turbulent flow through 90 degrees pipe bends
Turbulent flow through 90 degrees pipe bends, for four different curvatures, has been investigated using large eddy simulations. In particular, the origin of the so-called swirl switching phenomenon, which is a large scale oscillation of the flow after the bend, has been studied for different bend curvature ratios. A classification of the phenomenon into a high and a low frequency switching, with
Transglutaminase Iga Antibodies in A Celiac Disease Mass Screening and the Role of Hla-Dq Genotyping and Endomysial Antibodies in Sequential Testing.
OBJECTIVES:: To evaluate hypothetical screening strategies in a Swedish celiac disease (CD) mass screening. PATIENTS AND METHODS:: Out of 10041 Swedish sixth-graders born in 1993 invited to a population-based CD mass screening, 7208 participated. Anti-tissue-transglutaminase (tTG) IgA were analyzed in all children and total serum IgA (s-IgA) in 7161 children. Additional analyses of tTG-IgG, endomy
Heparan sulfate proteoglycan as a cell-surface endocytosis receptor.
How various macromolecules are exchanged between cells and how they gain entry into recipient cells are fundamental questions in cell biology with important implications e.g. non-viral drug delivery, infectious disease, metabolic disorders, and cancer. The role of heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) as a cell-surface receptor of diverse macromolecular cargo has recently been manifested. Exosomes,
Carbon dioxide degassing in fresh and saline water I: degassing performance of a cascade column
A study was undertaken to measure carbon dioxide degassing in a cascade column operating with both fresh (0‰) and saline water (35‰ NaCl) at 15 ◦C. The cascade column contained bio-block type packing material, was 1.7m long in each dimension, and was tested both with and without countercurrent air exchange. The CO2 concentration of the influent and effluent water was measured using submersible inf
Size-Dependent Effects of Nanoparticles on Enzymes in the Blood Coagulation Cascade.
Nanoparticles (NPs) are increasingly used in diagnostic and drug delivery. After entering the bloodstream, a protein corona will form around NPs. The size and curvature of NPs is one of the major characteristics affecting the composition of bound protein in the corona. Key initiators of the intrinsic pathway of blood coagulation, the contact activation complex, (Kallikrein, Factor XII, and high mo
Students' reflections in a portfolio pilot: Highlighting professional issues.
Background: Portfolios are highlighted as potential assessment tools for professional competence. Although students' self-reflections are considered to be central in the portfolio, the content of reflections in practice-based portfolios is seldom analysed. Aim: To investigate whether students' reflections include sufficient dimensions of professional competence, notwithstanding a standardized port
Pedogenic and biogenic alkaline-extracted silicon distributions along a temperate land-use gradient
The primary source of dissolved silicon (Si: DSi) is the weathering of silicate minerals. In recent years, it has been shown that Si cycling through vegetation creates a more soluble Si pool in the soil, as amorphous Si (ASi) deposits in plants (phytoliths) are returned to the soil through litter. Amorphous Si accumulation in soils depends on a number of factors, including land use. In addition to