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Treatment of ARS deficiencies with specific amino acids

Purpose: Recessive cytosolic aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase (ARS) deficiencies are severe multiorgan diseases, with limited treatment options. By loading transfer RNAs (tRNAs) with their cognate amino acids, ARS are essential for protein translation. However, it remains unknown why ARS deficiencies lead to specific symptoms, especially early life and during infections. We set out to increase pathophysi

Coronary heart disease in mothers and fathers of adult children with alcohol use disorders

Background and aim: Having a family member with an alcohol use disorder (AUD) may negatively affect a person's health. Our aim was to study the long-term risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) in parents who have an offspring with AUD. Design: Cohort study with Cox regression models and co-sibling analyses. Setting: Sweden. Participants: From population registers, we selected all parent-offspring pa

Trends in underweight, stunting, and wasting prevalence and inequality among children under three in Indian states, 1993-2016

Child undernutrition remains high in India with far-reaching consequences for child health and development. Anthropometry reflects undernutrition. We examined the state-level trends in underweight, stunting, and wasting prevalence and inequality by living standards using four rounds of the National Family Health Surveys in 26 states in India, conducted in 1992-1993, 1998-1999, 2005-2006, and 2015-

The emancipation of mindfulness from its religious context

The present paper argues that if the so-called mindfulness movement is to reach its full potential it needs to emancipate from its religious context and ally itself fully with psychological science. The argument that mindfulness meditation needs a religious context for ethical reasons is untenable. Although mindfulness skills may well be used for un-ethical purposes, this applies equally to both r

Stakeholder-based Brand Equity (SBBE) : A qualitative study of its development through firm-stakeholder interactions in emerging markets

This thesis challenges the prevailing firm-consumer/customer-centric and dyadic perspective that prevails within the brand equity literature, which is based on a linear, straightforward stimulus-response approach to the creation of brand value. Leaning on the literature on interorganisational relationships, stakeholder theory, market emergence/market driving, and firm internationalisation, which s

Preoperative sleep quality and adverse pain outcomes after total hip arthroplasty

Background: Sleep disturbance is thought to aggravate acute postoperative pain. The influence of preoperative sleep problems on pain control in the long-term and development of chronic postsurgical pain is largely unknown. Methods: This prospective, observational study aimed to examine the links between preoperative sleep disturbance (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, PSQI) and pain severity (Brief

Public housing, intersectoral competition, and urban ground rent: Iran’s first public housing program that never was

This paper investigates the structural political economic drivers of the housing market in urban Iran and the ways in which social and economic dynamics of the housing sector are rooted in peculiarities of Iranian capitalism, characterized by a relatively small public economy, low productivity of capital, and an underdeveloped financial system. The paper examines these processes and mechanisms in

Investigation of laser-induced grating spectroscopy of O2 for accurate temperature measurements towards applications in harsh environments

We present an in-depth investigation of laser-induced grating spectroscopy (LIGS) for temperature measurements in practical applications using a narrow-band dye laser with 760 nm wavelength and a pulse duration of 8 ns as the source for the pump beams creating the laser-induced grating. The pump laser wavelength was set to be either resonant with the (Formula presented.) transition from the (Formu

Lärande utvärdering som verktyg för förändring? : Erfarenheter från en utvärdering av Maria Nordvästs samverkansprocess

Maria Nordväst (MN) är en integrerad verksamhet i Helsingborg som omfattar fyra kommuner samt Region Skånes Vuxenpsykiatri och Barn- och ungdomspsykiatri. MN har som uppgift att erbjuda rådgivning och behandling till unga upp till 25 år som har problem med alkohol och/eller andra droger. I samband med uppstarten av verksamheten år 2013 genomfördes en lärande utvärdering. Syftet var att utvärdera h

Socioeconomic inequalities in all‐cause and cause‐specific mortality among patients with osteoarthritis in the Skåne region, Sweden

Objective: To assess the association between education and all-cause and cause-specific mortality among patients with osteoarthritis (OA) in comparison to an OA-free reference cohort.Methods: Using data from the Skåne healthcare register, we identified all residents aged ≥45 years in the region of Skåne, with doctor-diagnosed OA of peripheral joints between 1998 and 2013 (n=123,993). We created an

A Novel Method for Designing Fifth-Generation District Heating and Cooling Systems

District heating and cooling systems have been undergoing continuous development and have now reached the fifth-generation. In this innovative technology, connected buildings share local excess energy that otherwise would be wasted, which consequently reduces primary energy demands and carbon emissions. To date, the issue of implementing fifth-generation district systems on existing buildings has

Thermal exposure of implant osteotomies and its impact on osseointegration—A preclinical in vivo study

Objectives: Thermal and mechanical stresses during osteotomy preparation can impair implant osseointegration. This study investigated implant osseointegration following the measurement of temperature exposure during osteotomy drilling, varying drill design, sequence, and drill wear. Materials and methods: 36 tapered implants were placed in a mandibular minipig model after guided drilling of implan

Blue poo : Impact of gut transit time on the gut microbiome using a novel marker

Background and aims: Gut transit time is a key modulator of host-microbiome interactions, yet this is often overlooked, partly because reliable methods are typically expensive or burdensome. The aim of this single-arm, single-blinded intervention study is to assess (1) the relationship between gut transit time and the human gut microbiome, and (2) the utility of the a € blue dye' method as an inex