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Your search for "*" yielded 525909 hits

Towards Closing the Gender Gap in Engineering. How Can Role Models Affect Girls’ Self-efficacy, Belonging, and Communal Goal Congruity?

Girls continue to be less interested in studying engineering than boys. Previous research has found that this gender difference is in part due to girls’ lower self-efficacy, lower sense of belonging in engineering and higher communal goals, which they perceive are difficult to fulfil in engineering. This study tested if a role model intervention can improve these factors in female high school stud

What is the Real Cost of Purchasing? - A comparison between purchasing offshore and purchasing nearshore

The product price given when producing offshore is not the entire truth and more companies decide to move their offshore production nearshore (Stentoft et. al, 2016). To measure the actual cost of producing many more parameters than visible costs needs to be taken account for. There are advantages as well as risks with outsourcing and costs can increase with distance such as quality issues, freigh

Allt mitt bär jag med mig – en kvalitativ studie om anorexia nervosa ur ett sociologiskt perspektiv

Författare: Veronica Johansson Titel: Allt mitt bär jag med mig – en kvalitativ studie om anorexia nervosa ur ett sociologiskt perspektiv Kandidatuppsats: SOCK04, 15hp Handledare: Kjell Nilsson Sociologiska institutionen, vårterminen 2017 Orsakerna till anorexia nervosa är fortfarande till stor del okända, men klarlagt är att anorexia nervosa är ett mångfacetterat tillstånd bestående av olika samv

Study of glazed spaces as a renovation strategy for two typical residential multi-apartment buildings from the Swedish Million Programme

There were around one million apartments built in Sweden during 1965 to 1974 as part of the so called Swedish Million Programme, almost half of them concentrated in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmoe. These building are now considered unattractive. The need of renovation is urgent in many aspects -ventilation, windows, balconies, facades and sanitary pipe replacement. The total investment cost for t

Att brygga förtroende

SAMMANFATTNING Examensarbetets titel: Att Brygga Förtroende, Förtroendets påverkan på ex ante- och ex post transaktionskostnader. Seminariedatum: 2017-06-02 Ämne/Kurs: FEKH19, Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete inom Strategic Management på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng. Författare: Joakim Olsson, Johanna Hjälm och Linda Österdahl Handledare: Niklas Lars Hallberg Nyckelord: Transaktionskostnadsteorin,

Return Policy Signaling: An Explorative Study of Swedish E-tailers’

Purpose: Return policies are an important component for consumers when making a decision to transact with an E-tailer, as such it is equally important for E-tailers’ that the returns policy aids in this decision by reducing information asymmetry. While lenient return policies have the ability to influence the customer positively, they are also subject to opportunistic behavior from consumers, as

Trouble-free charging of electric vehicles

Hur kan man optimera den fysiska användarupplevelsen vid laddningen av elbilar? Bilindustrin står inför en stor utmaning med övergången från bensin- och dieselbilar till elbilar. Elektrifieringen resulterar i helt nya vanor och interaktioner för användarna vilket påverkar användarupplevelsen. Genom att designa de parametrar som påverkar den fysiska användarupplevelsen kan man optimera laddningsprThe car sector is facing a big challenge with the conversion from gasoline and diesel vehicles towards electric vehicles. This electrification results in new habits and interactions for the users. The major objective for this study is to investigate how to facilitate the charging procedure for the electric vehicle users. The aim of this thesis is to investigate how to, as effectively as possible,

Services of general economic interest - an (im)possibility in Swedish municipal housing policy - An evaluation of the applicability of the EU provisions on services of general economic interest on housing provision in Sweden

In light of the housing shortage in Sweden, municipalities all over the country are struggling to fulfil their responsibility of housing provision. In many municipalities it is an imminent problem to provide affordable and proper housing, not least for the most vulnerable groups in society. This situation has not gone by unnoticed. Several political initiatives have been taken in order to examine

Undersökning på om det finns samma sensoriska kvalitet på chipsproduktion med bortsorterade betor som med kvalitetsgodkända betor, samt finns det ett ekonomiskt värde i en sådan produktion?

Matsvinnet ökar globalt, även i Sverige. Åtgärder för att förhindra detta diskuteras både hos FN och i den svenska regeringen och mål har därför satts upp för att minska detta. Nu finns det dessutom företag som går in med affärsidén att minska på matsvinnet genom att ta tillvara på råvaror som på grund av exempelvis fel storlek eller missformning sorterats bort och därmed egentligen skulle blivit Food waste is becoming a bigger problem globally, but even in Sweden. Actions to prevent this are being discussed both by UN but also in the Swedish government and goals for the future has because of that been set. Many new companies have started their business with the idea to take care of the food waste by using the raw material that because of the size or shape has been sorted out. These raw ma

Kvinnliga VD:ar och rörlig ersättning

The purpose of this study is to examine incentive-based pay to CEO’s at publicly listed companies and how this is affected by the demographic variables of gender and age. Furthermore, profitability will be taken into account in order to examine the connection with incentive-based pay.We find a positive and statistically significant correlation between the CEO’s share of variable remuneration and his or her age, as well as between share of variable remuneration and profitability. However, we do not find any significant correlation between variable remuneration and gender.

Design för alla? En kvalitativ studie av modets påstådda demokratisering och konsumenters upplevda symboliska värde av H&Ms designsamarbeten.

The aim of this bachelor thesis is to examine consumers’ perceived symbolic value of H&M’s designer collaborations and if they consider the concept as a democratization of fashion. These collaborations are a part of a bigger and more complex development of the fashion industry. Therefore, the analysis begins with a literature study which discusses the alleged democratization of fashion. Therea

Kan dagvatten förorena vattentäkten i Hurva?

Riskanalys för Hurvas dricksvattentäkt I den lilla byn Hurva i Skåne tar man sitt dricksvatten från berggrunden. Hurva omges av jordbruksmark och har en aktiv bilskrot. Dessutom går E22:an förbi i utkanten av byn. Om ett utsläpp sker skulle det kunna skada grundvattnet. Denna riskanalys gjordes tillsammans med VA SYD, som har ansvar för dricksvattnet I Hurva. De har även hand om dagvatten (regn-Groundwater is one of our most important natural resources. Therefore, it is important to monitor the groundwater and to protect it from pollution. At Hurva, southern Sweden, the local drinking water is produced by groundwater extraction. In this study the potential impact of storm water on groundwater quality at Hurva is studied in a risk analysis. Mapping of the geology and hydrogeology in the

All Bark and No Bite? A qualitative study of how changes in customer sustainability preferences affects the incorporation of CSR

During recent years, the topic of corporate social responsibility has received a lot of attention. Within the field of research, the responsibilities of corporations have been discussed for decades, but no common ground and definition of the concept is in place. In today’s business context where the threat of climate change and other environmental challenges is growing, neither businesses nor cons

“Learning to swim is like learning Swedish”: A Grounded Theory study of immigrant swim teacher’s conceptualization of swimming ability and their strategies used for newly immigrated families

Introduction: Swimming ability provides many known benefits while a lack of ability can result in dire consequences including death. Swimming and water safety are taught in the Swedish school system and increase the likelihood of being able to save oneself and other. Immigrants miss some or all these lessons – a safety concern in addition to a social and integration challenge. The Swedish Lifesavi

SIA. A case study on continuous development within the existing urban fabric.

The world is in transition. Europe is a Europe of transition. And so is the city; an incomplete, ever-changing and complex construct. While life itself is built upon the concept of change, organic order and vitality, society is currently finding itself struggling not to fall behind time. The Industrial Revolution has led to greater productivity and larger economic turnovers. Developments picked

How does the removal of repetitive tasks affect motivation? -A study of motivation within shared service centers

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate how the removal of repetitive tasks would affect employees’ motivation. Theoretical framework: The theoretical framework of this thesis is built upon theory regarding motivation, feedback, boring tasks and commitment. Methodology: A qualitative empirical research approach consisting of a multi-case study. Empirical foundation: The empirical data

Analysis of Cryptocurrency volatility and statistical distributions using ARMA and GARCH-type models

This study aims to investigate and model statistical properties of Bitcoin and other major cryptocurrencies. There were recent drastic changes in the level of Bitcoin prices as it moved from $740 in 2014 to $19,187 in 2017, and down to $3,830 in 2018. The current study aims to fill the gap in the analysis of cryptoccurencies, primarily Bitcoin returns statistical process. Specifically, the study s

Dynamic Analysis of the Interaction Between Vehicle Floor Panels and Interior Carpets - Simulations and Measurements

I designen av en ny bil används datormodeller för att förutsäga olika slags beteende. Ett exempel på ett sådant beteende är hur golvpanelerna vibrerar. Detta är av intresse eftersom golvpanelerna genererar ljud när de vibrerar, vilket uppfattas som buller. Golvpanelerna täcks därför med mattor som minskar ljudnivån i kupén. Problematiken som uppstår är att interaktionen mellan mattor och golvpanelFloor panels of vehicles are known to radiate structure-borne sound into the vehicle compartment. To reduce the structure-borne sound, numerical models are used in the development of vehicles to evaluate different design options of the vehicle body. The panels are covered with carpets composed of foam and heavy layer of rubber, which causes challenges and complications when predicting interior sou