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A Socio-Legal Gender Perspective Through a Case-Study on Robotic Peripartum Depression Screening

Mental health disorders are usually gendered, with more women being diagnosed with depression for example. This elicits guidelines on how to diagnose mental health according to symptoms common to women, which in turn normalises those practices. This creates legal norms which are reflected when screening for such conditions; however, they require scrutiny, especially as they become formalised in or

Commemorating a war that never came : The Cold War as counter-factual war memory

The Cold War never became the global World War III. It was a war that never broke out. Nevertheless, in some countries like for instance Denmark it is commemorated as exactly that: a war. This is particularly apparent at museums and heritage sites, where the narrative and mnemonic frame works used and activated in the representations stem from cultural memories of the Second World War. In the proc

Diagnostic Efficacy of Rectal Suction Biopsy with Regard to Weight in Children Investigated for Hirschsprung's Disease

BACKGROUND/AIM: Diagnostic efficacy, defined as the percentage of rectal suction biopsy (RSB) specimens sufficient enough to determine the absence of ganglia cells in Hirschsprung's disease (HD) diagnosis, has been reported to be low, requiring repeated biopsies. The aim was to explore whether RSB diagnostic efficacy was influenced by the child's weight and to ascertain whether RSB efficacy differ

Four Facets of AI Transparency

Transparency in artificial intelligence (AI) can mean many things, but at the same time, it is currently a central focus for both scientific and regulatory attention. We seek to critically unpack this conceptual vagueness. This is particularly called for given recent focus on transparency in much of AI policy. To this end, we construct our analysis of AI Transparency into four facets. Firstly, (1)

DnaK response to expression of protein mutants is dependent on translation rate and stability

Chaperones play a central part in the quality control system in cells by clearing misfolded and aggregated proteins. The chaperone DnaK acts as a sensor for molecular stress by recognising short hydrophobic stretches of misfolded proteins. As the level of unfolded protein is a function of protein stability, we hypothesised that the level of DnaK response upon overexpression of recombinant proteins

Simulation of wear and effective friction properties of microstructured surfaces

Wear and friction characteristics are simulated on metal forming tools with tailored surfaces generated by micro-milling. Friction homogenisation is applied to study surface cut-outs on the meso-scale where the structures are resolved by means of finite element methods and where asperities are represented by a combined friction law appropriate for metal forming. Dissipation based and pressure base

State-Customary Interactions and Agrarian Change in Ghana. The Case of Nkoranza Traditional Area

While agrarian change has been a recurrent theme in Ghana’s endeavor for economicdevelopment, questions on how land resources should be managed to ensure prompt attainment of economic growth remain unanswered. In Ghana, land is controlled by customary actors, while the state is the custodian of agricultural policies. The need for interaction between the two actors to ensure that the envisioned eco

Possible dual bubble-like structure predicted by the relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov model

Experimental observation of 34Si as a proton bubble nuclei has heated up the interest in the study of exotic bubble shaped nuclei. In this work, some of the potential doubly bubble-like (for proton as well as neutron both simultaneously) cases have been explored using relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov (RHB) in light mass region, specially around N or Z = 14. Further, the role of pairing and the evol

Precipitating factors of heart failure decompensation, short-term morbidity and mortality in patients attended in primary care

Objective: To evaluate the precipitating factors for heart failure decompensation in primary care and associations with short-term prognosis. Design Prospective cohort study with a 30-d follow-up from an index consultation. Regression models to determine independent factors associated with hospitalisation or death. Setting: Primary care in ten European countries. Patients Patients with diagnosis o

Registry-based randomised clinical trials : a remedy for evidence-based diabetes care?

This narrative review describes a new approach to navigation in a challenging landscape of clinical drug development in diabetes. Successful outcome studies in recent years have led to new indications and guidelines in type 2 diabetes, yet the number of clinical trials in diabetes is now declining. This is due to many environmental factors acting in concert, including the prioritisation of funding

Ethnic Composition of Couples and Mutual Health Benefit Receipt: Register-Based Evidence from Finland

We study partners’ mutual receipt of sickness allowance and disability pension in ethnically endogamous and exogamous couples in Finland. The population consists of native individuals in similar socioeconomic positions but belonging to two different ethnic groups, Finnish and Swedish speakers, which differ regarding health and cultural practices related to family life. Using data from population r

Appealing Locally for Transnational Humanitarian Aid : Italian Bishops and the Great Irish Famine

Im März 1847 erließ Papst Pius IX die Enzyklika „Praedecessores Nostros“, die die katholische Geistlichkeit weltweit aufrief, zur Linderung der großen irischen Hungersnot drei Tage der Gebete und Kollekten abzuhalten. Die Bischöfe, die diese Botschaft in den italienischen Staaten weiterführten, verfassten ihrerseits Appelle zur lokalen Durchführung des Triduums. Sie animierten die Gläubigen, dem B

Search for direct production of electroweakinos in final states with missing transverse momentum and a Higgs boson decaying into photons in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector

A search for a chargino-neutralino pair decaying via the 125 GeV Higgs boson into photons is presented. The study is based on the data collected between 2015 and 2018 with the ATLAS detector at the LHC, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 139 fb−1 of pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. No significant excess over the expected background is observed. Upper limits at 95% conf