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EBL Patterned ITO Contacts for Single Nanowire Devices

Transparenta material som kan leda ström är viktiga för bland annat solceller. Nu har ett sådant material, indiumtennoxid (ITO), för första gången tillverkats i rekordliten storlek för att användas till exotiska solcellsprover på nanoskalan. ”Konventionella” solceller lider av ett problem som kan liknas vid grötproblemet Guldlock stötte på hos de tre björnarna: när solen lyser på solceller kommerNanowires have attracted interest as fundamental building blocks for electronic and optoelectronic devices as well as for fundamental research. Photonic studies of single nanowire devices typically involve patterning of metal electrodes for electronic access, yet plasmonic ef- fects between the metal contacts and the light source may perturb experimental measurements. An alternative to conventiona

An estimator of winter loss of honey bees in Sweden

The aim of this thesis is to suggest a statistical model to estimate the loss rates of honey bees during winter in Sweden. The estimator is to be based on annual summary statistics, collected by the Swedish beekeeping organisation. Regional specific estimates for winter loss rate is derived by a spatial and temporal hierarchical model with binomial response. The model is updated by Bayesian infere

Integration of a Technological Tool in an Early Warning System within its Social Context: A Case Study from Durazno, Uruguay

A disaster is not just natural but largely of social and political origin. To be effective, an early warning system must therefore be viewed as a social process with a strong focus on the people at risk. This contrasts with the conventional view on an early warning system that it is a pure engineering and technological solution, following a linear chain from observation to dissemination of warning

Remote Solidarity and Remote Warfare: Street Art and Military Visualising Technologies in Palestinian Territories.

This essay investigates the ways of convergence of the spectacle with the surveillance, as suggested by Thomas Mitchell and Nicholas Mirzoeff. In order to ground their suggested theory in concrete visual empirical cases, I situate my analysis in the Palestinian territories. I juxtapose ostensibly disparate visual phenomena deriving from the street art and the military visualizing technologies. The

Analys av LVU-domar: om genus och föräldraskap

Every year, over 1000 young people receive care through LVU. LVU is compulsive care and in each LVU case a judgment is written, where the decision on LVU is taken. My essay is about these judgements. I will analyze these judgement with the method discourse analysis.

Trends in Flooding in Europe and North America - an Extreme Value Approach

This study examines minimally altered catchments in Europe and North America in order to determine whether any changes to the dynamics of flooding have occurred due to changes in the climate. By examining the parameters of the Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distributions of in- dividual catchments it is possible to determine not just if changes in flood patterns have occurred, but also the nature

A Place for Play

Architects not so often focus on playgrounds. Indeed, it is a huge field, full of challenge and curiosity. The aim of this work is to design a playground, that would encourage children to stay outdoors enjoying the most interesting forms of play. Having studied the routes and the major aspects of playgrounds design, I decided not to impose a fixed form of organisation. Instead, an instrument was s

Antaganden i riskutredningar vid fysisk planering med avseende på transport av farligt gods och deras effekt på riskbilden

I samband med att kommuner planerar ny bebyggelse måste en detaljplan upprättas. En detaljplan är ett dokument som specificerar hur ett avgränsat område i kommunen ska bebyggas och hur markområdet får användas. När ny bebyggelse planeras i närheten av en väg eller järnväg där det transporteras farligt gods måste risknivåerna, som denna förändring medför, undersökas. Farligt gods utgörs av ämnen elRisk assessments regarding transportation of dangerous goods are a vital part of land-use planning. This is regulated by laws and regulations to ensure that risk levels are acceptable. Thus, it is of interest to the general public that these risk assessments are as accurate as possible. However, the establishment of these risk assessments tend to be somewhat problematic. Information may be inadequ

No title

This essay accounts for a study comparing the linguistic landscapes of Menton (France) and Ventimiglia (Italy), two border cities. The aim of the study is to quantify the penetration of both languages in the respective towns. The methodology consists in collecting a corpus of photographs that forms the base of the analyses. These are with respect to monolingual and multilingual signage, the presen

Exploring the contextual conditions for entrepreneurship in overcoming seasonality within travel destinations: A case study of Åre & Isaberg mountain resorts

The vast majority of contemporary literature and research disregards the impact of entrepreneurship within a tourist destination for overcoming seasonality. Therefore, our research focuses on, “exploring the contextual conditions for entrepreneurship in overcoming seasonality within travel destinations.” We have used a comparative research design, which we have applied to our two selected cases, I

Modelling and Simulations of a clinical PET-system using the GATE Monte Carlo software

I verksamheten för diagnostisk medicin är de bildgivande systemens funktion ett ständigt område för förbättring. En metod för utveckling och förbättring av systemen är genom simuleringar. I detta arbete har programmet GATE använts för att modellera och simulera ett PET-system. Simuleringarna har sedan gjorts om till bilder med programmet CASToR för att jämföra resultaten med verkliga undersökningaIntroduction: The increased importance of PET imaging in the health care system has lead to a constant need for improvement and optimisation of scanner systems and their protocols. By utilising the features of the GATE Monte Carlo program one can gain a better understanding of the limitations and possibilities of the system. GATE together with the reconstruction software CASToR provides a link fro

Surface guided radiotherapy for high precision treatments of brain metastases

Antalet cancerpatienter i Sverige ökar. Varje år diagnostiseras över 60 000 fall. Den vanligaste formen av cancer i hjärnan är hjärnmetastaser som uppstår då cancerceller sprider sig från den primära tumören till hjärnan. Patienter med hjärnmetastaser har en övergripande dålig prognos och bidrar signifikant till antalet cancerdödsfall. Patienterna behandlas oftast med kirurgi, strålbehandling ellePurpose/Background High accuracy treatment techniques such as stereotactic radiotherapy (SRT) requires precise patient positioning prior to and during treatment. The Catalyst™ is an optical surface scanning (OSS) system that has been utilized for patient positioning and real time monitoring during radiotherapy. The company behind the system recently released a novel algorithm for calculating the i

Insight into Innovation Resistance - The Stance of Technophile Car Drivers Towards Autonomous Vehicles

Background: Autonomous driving is expected to create a radical change from driving actively to being driven passively. Hence, because of an altered human-machine interface in the vehicle, this technology is considered to provide a huge change to the society and its driving behavior. At this early development stage of fully autonomous vehicles (FAVs), one field of interest is innovation resistance

Residual Spatial Correlation in Two-Way Error Panel Data Models

Denna uppsats behandlar förekomsten av rumslig autokorrelation i residualer till paneldatamodeller med tvåvägsfel. Tre modelltyper undersöks: den linjära paneldatamodellen, en dynamisk paneldatamodell och en spatial paneldatamodell. Ett känt resultat för den linjära modellen, att minsta kvadrat-skattaren tillämpad på oberoende observationer resulterar i en rumslig korrelation i residualserien varsThis thesis examines the spatial autocorrelation in residuals of two-way error panel data models. Three types of models are examined: the standard linear panel data model, the dynamic panel data model, and the spatial lag panel data model. A known theoretical result for the linear model, that the within estimator applied to independent observations results in a spatial correlation in the residuals

Den språklöse protagonisten – identitet och afasi i romanen "Tan"

The aim of this study was to look into the relationship between language and identity in the swedish novel "Tan". The protagonist is a man who suffers from severe speech, reading and writing disabilities and is based on the true story of the neurologist Broca´s most well known patient.

How do Personal Values Relate to Strategic Thinking

In the light of globalization and a growing demand for handling complexity and uncertainty, the ability to think strategically is a vital asset for future managers. However, there is no consensus in the definition of strategic thinking. Nevertheless, many theorists suggest on a relationship between strategic thinking and personal values, though the detailed specifics in this connection is inadequa

Point. 3

Abstract: Internet of Things (IoT) devices play a huge role in our lives today, and this constant connectivity will continue to grow. As these products are becoming an increasingly more important part of our homes, it is interesting to explore the design of them. This thought of interest led to a collaboration with Minut AB and the development of their product called Point. In order for th

Performance Measurement as a central element in Management Control Systems:a study of centers for unaccompanied minors in Trelleborg

Statistics in Sweden show that more than 160,000 people applied for asylum in 2015 alone. Out of that number, over 35,000 applicants are unaccompanied minors ( Migrationsverket , 2016). The work around these minors is of utmost importance to ensure they can integrate to the society and become self-sufficient in the future. Under crisis conditions, allocating resources in the most effective and eff

Moderum - Parkrum

Mode står likt arkitektur med ena benet i konsten och det andra i funktionen. Mode är allt från en tröja som håller dig varm till en haute couture-klänning som snarare är att betrakta som konst. Kläder bär vi alla och därmed berör mode fler människor än annan kultur såsom konst och film. Ändå upplever jag att mode ses som en kulturyttring med lägre dignitet och ofta avfärdas som fånigt och ytligt.