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Your search for "*" yielded 533505 hits

Secondary hyperparathyroidism, weight loss, and longer term mortality in haemodialysis patients : results from the DOPPS

Background: Wasting is a common complication of kidney failure that leads to weight loss and poor outcomes. Recent experimental data identified parathyroid hormone (PTH) as a driver of adipose tissue browning and wasting, but little is known about the relations among secondary hyperparathyroidism, weight loss, and risk of mortality in dialysis patients. Methods: We included 42,319 chronic in-centr

Accuracy of echocardiographic estimates of pulmonary artery pressures in pulmonary hypertension : insights from the KARUM hemodynamic database

Accurate assessment of pulmonary artery (PA) pressures is integral to diagnosis, follow-up and therapy selection in pulmonary hypertension (PH). Despite wide utilization, the accuracy of echocardiography to estimate PA pressures has been debated. We aimed to evaluate echocardiographic accuracy to estimate right heart catheterization (RHC) based PA pressures in a large, dual-centre hemodynamic data

Effect of amines on (peroxo)titanates : characterization and thermal decomposition

This report describes the thermal behaviour of nanotitania precursors and the influence of various amines and peroxide treatment on properties of TiO2. Thermal degradation of amine-containing amorphous (peroxo)titanates was examined via TG–DTA coupled with evolved gas analysis (EGA) by mass spectrometry in inert and oxidizing atmosphere. Crystallization to anatase and subsequent transformation to

Search for trilepton resonances from chargino and neutralino pair production in s =13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector

A search is performed for the electroweak pair production of charginos and associated production of a chargino and neutralino, each of which decays through an R-parity-violating coupling into a lepton and a W, Z, or Higgs boson. The trilepton invariant-mass spectrum is constructed from events with three or more leptons, targeting chargino decays that include an electron or muon and a leptonically

Sustainability and Competition

Sustainability has been on the agenda of international organisations, states and, increasingly, private businesses for some time. From a competition agency perspective, regulation to achieve sustainability might be the preferred option. Yet, business action might equally affect sustainability and competition and competition laws are crucial considerations for businesses. Occasionally, the debate i

Breaking up and a new beginning when one’s partner goes into a nursing home : An interview study

In aging societies worldwide, spouses take on great responsibility for care when their partner continues to live at home. Nursing home placement occurs when the partner becomes too frail due to multimorbidity, and this will cause a change in the spouse’s life. This study aimed to explore the spouse’s experience of their partner’s move to a nursing home. Two interviews were conducted at 9-month int

General practitioners’ attitude toward early and pre-dementia diagnosis of ad in five European countries—a mopead project survey

Introduction: General practitioners (GPs) play a key role in early identification of dementia, yet diagnosis is often missed or delayed in primary care. As part of the multinational Models of Patient Engagement for Alzheimer’s Disease project, we assess GPs’ attitude toward early and pre-dementia diagnosis of AD and explore barriers to early diagnosis. Methods: Our survey covered general attitude

RUBIC (ReproUnion Biobank and Infertility Cohort) : A binational clinical foundation to study risk factors, life course, and treatment of infertility and infertility-related morbidity

Background: Infertility affects 15%–25% of all couples during their reproductive life span. It is a significant societal and public health problem with potential psychological, social, and economic consequences. Furthermore, infertility has been linked to adverse long-term health outcomes. Despite the advanced diagnostic and therapeutic techniques available, approximately 30% of infertile couples

Emotions during the Covid-19 pandemic : Fear, anxiety, and anger as mediators between threats and policy support and political actions

The Covid-19 pandemic has significantly changed the lives of most people. It has been described as the most severe global health disaster of modern times by the United Nations. No doubt such a major crisis influences what citizens think of different policies, and how they become politically active, not to mention, the forceful emotional experiences that the Covid-19 pandemic brings. This study eva

Patient Utilities in Health States Based on Hoehn and Yahr and Off-Time in Parkinson’s Disease : A Swedish Register-Based Study in 1823 Observations

Background: Cost-effectiveness models in Parkinson’s disease often include health states based on Hoehn and Yahr (H&Y) and time in ‘off’. Few studies have investigated utilities in these health states. Objective: The aim of this study was firstly to explore utilities in health states based on H&Y and off-time, and secondly to investigate to what extent H&Y and off-time correlated with

Alone on an island : The reassessment of an enigmatic species of Handmaiden Moth (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) endemic to Mauritius

Maculonaclia florida (de Joannis, 1906) has been one of the most mysterious moths of Mauritius, a small volcanic island located some 900 km east from Madagascar. Here, we reviewed its generic placement, phylogenetic relationships and the potential evolutionary scenarios leading to the current distribution of this unique Mauritian member of Syntomini. The species, known previously only from a few o

High-Resolution Proteomic Profiling Shows Sexual Dimorphism in Zebrafish Heart-Associated Proteins

Understanding the molecular basis of sexual dimorphism in the cardiovascular system may contribute to the improvement of the outcome in biological, pharmacological, and toxicological studies as well as on the development of sex-based drugs and therapeutic approaches. Label-free protein quantification using high-resolution mass spectrometry was applied to detect sex-based proteome differences in th

Fragmentation of relativistic nuclei in the α-particle model

We investigate reactions between high-energy oxygen and carbon nuclei and various nuclear targets. The beam nucleus is described by an α-particle model and the reaction products are classified into groups corresponding to inelastic collisions of one, two, three and four alpha particles. Excellent agreement with experiment is obtained.

Use of the drop volume of amniotic fluid in estimating the risk for respiratory distress syndrome in the newborn infant

The present study describes the testing and function of the drop-volume method in the analysis of fetal lung maturity with use of amniotic fluid. Elevated surface tension resulting from a lack of surface-active phospholipids (surfactant) is the primary etiologic defect in the development of respiratory distress syndrome. The drop-volume method quantifies the surface tension of amniotic fluid with

Microstructural heterogeneity of the collagenous network in the loaded and unloaded periodontal ligament and its biomechanical implications

The periodontal ligament (PDL) is a highly heterogeneous fibrous connective tissue and plays a critical role in distributing occlusal forces and regulating tissue remodeling. Its mechanical properties are largely determined by the extracellular matrix, comprising a collagenous fiber network interacting with the capillary system as well as interstitial fluid containing proteoglycans. While the phas

Rapid personalized AMR diagnostics using two-dimensional antibiotic resistance profiling strategy employing a thermometric NDM-1 biosensor

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) threatens global public health and modern surgical medicine. Expression of β-lactamase genes is the major mechanism by which pathogens become antibiotic resistant. Pathogens expressing extended spectrum β-lactamases (ESBL) and carbapenemases (CP) are especially difficult to treat and are associated with increased hospitalization and mortality rates. Despite considera

The non-saying of what should have been said

According to Grice’s analysis, conversational implicatures are carried by the saying of what is said (Grice 1989: 39). In this paper, it is argued that, whenever a speaker implicates a content by flouting one or several maxims, her implicature is not only carried by the act of saying what is said and the way of saying it, but also by the act of non-saying what should have been said according to wh

High-fat diet-induced diabetes leads to vascular alterations, pericyte reduction, and perivascular depletion of microglia in a 6-OHDA toxin model of Parkinson disease

Background: Diabetes has been recognized as a risk factor contributing to the incidence and progression of Parkinson’s disease (PD). Although several hypotheses suggest a number of different mechanisms underlying the aggravation of PD caused by diabetes, less attention has been paid to the fact that diabetes and PD share pathological microvascular alterations in the brain. The characteristics of t