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Sverige samverkar med fel muslimska representanter

De representanter för islam som ledande svenska politiker och svensk media framhäver gynnar extremister, stärker reaktionärt förtyck mot svaga minoriteter och eldar på stereotyper om islam och muslimer.

Methodological considerations for identifying multiple plasma proteins associated with all-cause mortality in a population-based prospective cohort

Novel methods to characterize the plasma proteome has made it possible to examine a wide range of proteins in large longitudinal cohort studies, but the complexity of the human proteome makes it difficult to identify robust protein-disease associations. Nevertheless, identification of individuals at high risk of early mortality is a central issue in clinical decision making and novel biomarkers ma

Near ambient pressure photoelectron spectro-microscopy : From gas-solid interface to operando devices

Near ambient pressure scanning photoelectron microscopy adds to the widely used photoemission spectroscopy and its chemically selective capability two key features: (1) the possibility to chemically analyse samples in a more realistic gas pressure condition and (2) the capability to investigate a system at the relevant spatial scale. To achieve these goals the approach developed at the ESCA Micros

Science Goals and Mission Objectives for the Future Exploration of Ice Giants Systems : A Horizon 2061 Perspective

The comparative study of planetary systems is a unique source of new scientific insight: following the six “key science questions” of the “Planetary Exploration, Horizon 2061” long-term foresight exercise, it can reveal to us the diversity of their objects (Question 1) and of their architectures (Question 2), help us better understand their origins (Question 3) and how they work (Question 4), find

The future is old – Patients with topical ocular hypotensive treatment in the Nordic region between 2008 and 2017 with projections for 2040

Purpose: The primary objective was to evaluate prescribing trends for topical ocular hypotensive treatment in the Nordic region during the last decade and, by population projections, estimate the glaucoma burden in 2040. A secondary objective was to analyse national variations in prescription patterns across the Nordic region. Methods: A retrospective analysis of national pharmacy data between 200

A Comparison of tumor demarcation potential for various hematoporphyrin derivatives and phtalocyanine using laser-induced fluorescence

Laser-induced fluorescence data for rats injected with the different tumor-marking drugs, dihematoporphyrin ether, poly hematoporphyrin esters, hematoporphyrin and phtalocyanine, are presented. Studies were performed at two different excitation wavelengths. Comparisons between the different drugs are made with regard to fluorescence intensity and tumor demarcation capability. Further, the origin o

Back pain is also improved by lumbar disc herniation surgery

Background and purpose — Indication for lumbar disc herniation (LDH) surgery is usually to relieve sciatica. We evaluated whether back pain also decreases after LDH surgery. Patients and methods — In the Swedish register for spinal surgery (SweSpine) we identified 14,097 patients aged 20–64 years, with pre- and postoperative data, who in 2000–2016 had LDH surgery. We calculated 1-year improvement

Who cares about the public sphere?

This article offers the first empirical and cross‐national analysis of citizens’ views about the democratic importance of the public sphere. We first identify three normative functions that public spheres are expected to perform in representative democracies: they provide voice to alternative perspectives, they empower citizens to criticise political authorities and they disseminate information on

Bacteremic sepsis leads to higher mortality when adjusting for confounders with propensity score matching

One can falsely assume that it is well known that bacteremia is associated with higher mortality in sepsis. Only a handful of studies specifically focus on the comparison of culture-negative and culture-positive sepsis with different conclusions depending on study design. The aim of this study was to describe outcome for critically ill patients with either culture-positive or -negative sepsis in a

Regional differences in how related variety ‘works’: the case of labour mobility

The benefits of related variety on regional employment growth have become a prevailing view. However, these remain potential benefits unless channels (e.g. labour flows, inter-firm cooperation) and regional capabilities are in place to convert them into actual growth. This paper focuses on the labour mobility channel and proposes a way to measure the realized part of related variety. It demonstrat