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Swedish predicative oblique case : default or not?

This article describes and discusses an ongoing change of case marking, NOM(inative) > OBL(ique), in certain predicates in Swedish (type “Then you can be I” > “Then you can be me”). This change has gone largely unnoticed hitherto. The discussion is based on a large-scale online survey, conducted in May 2016. It was tested whether the change relates to finiteness or to semantics. The results strong

Peasants' rights and agrarian violence in transitional settings: From transitional justice to transformative agrarian justice

This article addresses why the rights of peasants and agrarian violence matter to justice promotion work that seeks to lay the groundwork for future peace and stability. Its central contention is that although rural people have participated in transitional justice processes, the field is yet to engage with peasants as a distinct social group, with the social, economic, and political issues they fa

Continuous glucose monitoring systems give contact dermatitis in children and adults despite efforts of providing less ‘allergy- prone’ devices : investigation and advice hampered by insufficient material for optimized patch test investigations

Background: Medical devices are increasingly being reported to cause contact allergic dermatitis reactions. Objective: Review of patients with diabetes type I referred for suspected allergic contact dermatitis to insulin pump or glucose sensor systems. Method: We have reviewed 11 referred diabetes mellitus patients investigated for allergic contact dermatitis reactions to medical devices and speci

Differential delay constrained multipath routing for SDN and optical networks

In multipath routing, maximization of the cardinality K of the disjoint-path set for a given source and destination assuming an upper bound on the differential delay D is one of the key factors enabling its practical applications. In the paper we study such an optimization problem for multipath routing involving maximization of K under the D constraint as the primary objective, and then minimizati

Product-service systems and sustainability : Analysing the environmental impacts of rental clothing

Business models like product-service systems (PSSs) often recognise different sustainability goals and are seen as solutions for the impacts of consumption and fast fashion, but there is a lack of evidence supporting the environmental claims of such business models for clothing. The research aimed to understand if rental clothing business models such as PSSs have the environmental benefits often p

Translation and psychometric evaluation of the Swedish versions of the Nuss Questionnaire modified for Adults and the Single Step Questionnaire

Background: Pectus excavatum (PE) is the most common congenital chest wall deformity. Most individuals with PE suffer from psychosocial problems, with low self-esteem and poor body image. Correctional surgery for PE is available, the most widely used is the Nuss procedure. The Nuss procedure has previously been reported to improve self-esteem, body image and health-related quality of life (HRQoL).

Theories and myths of European Foreign Policy

The uncertainties over how to interpret European Foreign Policy (EFP), understood as the nexus between European Union and member state foreign policies, are multiplied in a more global era reconfigured by globalizing, multilateralizing and multipolarizing processes. In order to make greater sense of EFP in a global political-cultural context, this chapter will consider the ways in which political

Non-Overlapping Domain Decomposition Methods For Dual Total Variation Based Image Denoising

In this paper non-overlapping domain decomposition methods for the pre-dual total variation minimization problem are introduced. Both parallel and sequential approaches are proposed for these methods for which convergence to a minimizer of the original problem is established. The associated subproblems are solved by a semi-smooth Newton method. Several numerical experiments are presented, which sh

On the solar air heater thermal enhancement and flow topology using differently shaped ribs combined with delta-winglet vortex generators

A numerical investigation has been conducted to study the convective heat transfer enhancement and friction loss behaviors for turbulent flow by using arrays of differently shaped ribs combined with delta-winglet vortex generators (DWVGs) pair on the absorber plate of a solar air heater. Four transverse vortex generators arrays, i.e., 90° continuous ribs, 90° truncated ribs, 60° V-shaped continuou

Random forest modelling of high-dimensional mixed-type data for breast cancer classification

Advances in high-throughput technologies encourage the generation of large amounts of multiomics data to investigate complex diseases, including breast cancer. Given that the aetiologies of such diseases extend beyond a single biological entity, and that essential biological information can be carried by all data regardless of data type, integrative analyses are needed to identify clinically relev

Digitally Assisted Adaptive Non-Linearity Suppression Scheme for RF front ends

This paper presents a robust and low-complexity non-linearity suppression scheme for radio frequency (RF) transceiver building blocks to efficiently mitigate intermodulation distortion. The scheme consists of tunable RF components assisted by an auxiliary path equipped with an adaptive digital signal processing algorithm to provide the tuning control. This proposed concept of digitally-assisted tu

Membrane Protein Structures in Lipid Bilayers; Small-Angle Neutron Scattering With Contrast-Matched Bicontinuous Cubic Phases

This perspective describes advances in determining membrane protein structures in lipid bilayers using small-angle neutron scattering (SANS). Differentially labeled detergents with a homogeneous scattering length density facilitate contrast matching of detergent micelles; this has previously been used successfully to obtain the structures of membrane proteins. However, detergent micelles do not mi

Wavelet decomposition method for L2/TV-image deblurring

In this paper, we show additional properties of the limit of a sequence produced by the subspace correction algorithm proposed by Fornasier and Schönlieb [SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 47 (2009), pp. 3397-3428 for L2/TV-minimization problems. An important but missing property of such a limiting sequence in that paper is the convergence to a minimizer of the original minimization problem, which was obtaine


Sustainability science is fundamentally an interdisciplinary venture, but what does this interdisciplinarity imply in practice? And how can, and should, we think about interdisciplinarity more generally? These are important philosophical and methodological questions for sustainability science, the answers to which remain at least partially out of sight for a variety of reasons. This chapter has th

OmicLoupe : facilitating biological discovery by interactive exploration of multiple omic datasets and statistical comparisons

Background: Visual exploration of gene product behavior across multiple omic datasets can pinpoint technical limitations in data and reveal biological trends. Still, such exploration is challenging as there is a need for visualizations that are tailored for the purpose. Results: The OmicLoupe software was developed to facilitate visual data exploration and provides more than 15 interactive cross-d

Synthesis of large-area rhombohedral few-layer graphene by chemical vapor deposition on copper

Rhombohedral-stacked few-layer graphene (FLG) displays peculiar electronic properties that could lead to phenomena such as high-temperature superconductivity and magnetic ordering. To date, experimental studies have been mainly limited by the difficulty in isolating rhombohedral FLG with thickness exceeding 3 layers and device-compatible size. In this work, we demonstrate the synthesis and transfe