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I det här kapitlet möter ni några exempel på dåliga bedömningar av exempelvis sannolikheter. Ni kommer också att få veta mer om vad som gör bedömningar bra eller dåliga.

Risk och det levande mänskliga

En kort presentation av boken och dess författare Filosofer och kognitionsforskare, samhällsvetare och en professor i konstruktionsteknik belyser i den här boken riskproblem i olika mänskliga sammanhang. Risk och det levande mänskliga inleds med att Åsa Boholm tar oss med till Hallandsåsen. Där framförs motstridiga riskbedömningar och riskhanteringsstrategier, av Banverket och dess experter å ena

Innovation in symbolic industries: the geography and organisation of knowledge sourcing

This paper deals with geographical and organisational patterns of knowledge flows in the media industry of southern Sweden, an industry that is characterised by a strong ‘symbolic’ knowledge base. Aim is to address the question of the local versus the non-local as the prime arena for knowledge exchange, and to examine the organisational patterns of knowledge sourcing with specific attention paid t


This is a summarizing commentary on ten chapters in the book.

Tuning the magnetism of ordered and disordered strongly-correlated electron nanoclusters

Most recent publications on spin-related phenomena focus on technological aspects of spin-dependent transport, with emphasis on the specific needs of spintronics. The present publication targets rather fundamental problems related to the physics of spin in solids, such as: manifestation of spin and orbital polarization in spectroscopy, including valence and X-ray photoemission, magneto-optics, low

The crown of Arsinoë II : The creation of an imagery of authority

This study deals with a unique crown that was created for Queen Arsinoe II. The aim is to identify and understand the symbolism that is embedded in each pictorial detail that together form the crown and how this reflects the wearer.s socio-political and religious positions. The study focuses on the crown and its details, while also including all contextual aspects of the relief scenes in order to

Varför heteronormativitet?

This chapter discusses the research project "Heteronormativity: An Interdisciplinary and Empirical Approach", funded by the Swedish Research Council in 2000-2005.

An unexpected gap with unexpected restrictions : subject deletion in a South West Swedish dialect

The aim of this article is to propose a syntactic analysis of a dialectal con- struction systematically displaying deletion of the subject, found in spoken south-west Swedish. The deletion appears in certain interrogative subordi- nated clauses and relative clauses, where standard Swedish requires a re- sumptive pronoun, which hence can be left out in the dialectal clause con- struction. The propo

Art students making use of studio conversations

The empirical study analyses students’ use of studio conversations within the context of a Master of Fine Arts programme in visual arts in Sweden, showing how the students intentionally use the interaction in the studio conversations to access alternative options, to find out how others interpret their work, and to situate themselves in the professional art world. The study explores different ways

Klass : feministiska och kulturanalytiska perspektiv

Efter Berlinmurens fall och postmodernismens genomslag inom vetenskapen talades det om klassbegreppets kris, eller rent av dess död. Utomlands fördes en livlig diskussion, men i Sverige var det jämförelsevis tyst. På senare år har det dock blivit på modet igen att beskriva samhället i klasstermer, såväl i den offentliga debatten som i litteraturen och populärkulturen. Det här är den första grundli

Teaching Environmental Assessment in international interdisciplinary Masters courses

Abstract in Undetermined This chapter discusses teaching Environmental Assessment as part of international environmental Masters programmes. It reflects on the experience of one such programme called MESPOM (an Erasmus Mundus Masters course in environmental sciences, policy and management – ) operated by four European Universities: the University of the Aegean in Greece, Central Euro

Off-design performance investigation of a low calorific value gas fired generic type single-shaft gas turbine

When low calorific value gases are fired, the performance and stability of gas turbines may deteriorate due to a large amount of inert ballast and changes in working fluid properties. Since it is rather rare to have custom-built gas turbines for low Lower Heating Value (LHV) operation, the engine will be forced to operate outside its design envelope. This, in turn, poses limitations to usable fuel

A model reduction case study: automotive engine air path

Low complexity plant models are essential for model based control design. Often a detailed high order model is available and simplification to a low order approximative model is needed. This paper presents a case study of two model reduction methodologies applied on the automotive engine air path. The first methodology is based on balanced truncation of models obtained by linearization around equi

Israel och al-Aqsa intifadan: Självförsvar och ockupationspolitik

Rättfärdigande av krig har i alla tider varit ett centralt inslag i internationell politik. Kan militärt våld rättfärdigas? För vilka ändamål kan militära interventioner legitimeras? Hur rättfärdigas humanitära interventioner? Med vilka etiska kriterier försvaras krigen i Afghanistan, Irak och Israel-Palestina? Dessa är några av de många intressanta frågor som behandlas i denna bok. Antologin utg