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Your search for "*" yielded 533204 hits

Standardiserade intervjuer i socialt arbete - exemplet ASI

Standardiserade bedömningsinstrument lanseras som en del i strävanden mot ett mätbart, transparent och evidensbaserat socialt arbete. Ett exempel är den standardiserade ASI-intervjun (Addiction Severity Index) som används inom exempelvis socialtjänsten och kriminalvården. ASI har transformerats från ett kvantitativt forskningsinstrument utformat för Vietnamveteraner frivilligt inlagda på behandlin

Computer Aided Participatory Planning

A computer aided action research method for design of work places is presented. A project group of researchers, managers, union representatives, supervisors, shop-floor workers and representatives from the health-and-safety department analyse different aspects of the physical and organizational work environment. Factory layouts and the flow of raw materials and goods, truck routes and overhead cra

Är alla marginaliseringar likvärdiga?

This article discusses the theoretical concept of intersectionality from a queer perspective and argues for a broader understanding of that specific term.

Bent Diamond Crystals and Multilayer Based Optics at the new 5-Station Protein Crystallography Beamline ‘Cassiopeia’ at MAX-lab

A new 5-station beamline for protein crystallography is being commissioned at the Swedish synchrotron light source MAX-II at Lund University. Of the 2K/gamma = 14 mrad horizontal wiggler fan, the central 2 mrad are used and split in three parts. The central 1 mrad will be used for a station optimized for MAD experiments and on each side of the central fan, from 0.5 mrad to 1 mrad, there are two fi

Quantitative Genetics and Genome Structure in a Wild Population: the Use of a Great Reed Warbler Pedigree

Popular Abstract in Swedish Evolution är förändringen av en egenskap över flera generationer i en population. För att en sådan förändring ska kunna ske måste ärftlig variation finnas i populationen. Med detta menas att en gen som påverkar en egenskap, t.ex. en fågels vinglängd, måste finnas i olika former, så kallade alleler, som har olika effekt på egenskapen (t.ex. längre eller kortare vinge). MLong-term studies of birds play an important role in the understanding of quantitative traits in natural populations. The relative ease by which individual birds can be monitored and caught in the wild enable us collect detailed information from individuals throughout their life time, sometimes from several generations in a population. In this thesis I describe the utilization of a great reed warb

On Boolean Functions in Symmetric-Key Ciphers

This thesis discusses new results on the design and the existence of cryptographically strong Boolean functions used in the design of stream and block ciphers. By interlinking theoretical results and computer search some open problems have been solved, that is, we have shown the existence of previously unknown classes of functions. Furthermore, several general construction methods are exhibited an

Project Assessments in Construction and Real Estate - Analysing management of end-user needs and ensuring performance in the building life cycle. CREDIT Report 4

In this report a generic model for the capture and assessment of end-user requirements and needs, the CREDIT carpenter model, has been developed. The main determinants of the model is the need for the project organisation (including the facilities management organisation) to ensure a thorough understanding of the end-user requirements and needs as well as an assessment through out the project proc

Reference-based search strategies in systematic reviews

In systematic reviews, the number of articles found by search strings tend to be very large. In order to limit the number of articles to handle manually, we investigate a search strategy based on references between papers. We first identify a “take-off paper” which is the starting point for the search and then we follow the references from that paper. We also investigate “cardinal papers”, i.e. pa