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Scales and Forces in Emulsification

This chapter introduces mechanical aspects of the formation and break-up of emulsion droplets. An overview of the most common types of emulsification machines and homogenization devices is provided. Droplet disruption mechanisms are presented considering the forces, length and time scales involved in the various types of flow regimes encountered in the mechanical production of emulsions by differe

A new severe plastic deformation method : Twist extrusion

One of the most effective methods for obtaining bulk ultrafine-grained materials is severe plastic deformation that is typically done using equal channel angular pressing. In this work we describe and analyze a new method for obtaining severe plastic deformations proposed by the first author. The method is based on direct extrusion and was called "twist extrusion" The main idea of the method is to

The control of texture to improve high-cyclic fatigue performance in copper after equal channel angular pressing

High-cyclic fatigue life in ultra-fine grained materials fabricated by equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) suffers from a specific shear texture induced during the fabrication as has been demonstrated in the present study on the example of pure copper. This texture promotes orientation of the easy glide crystallographic planes to be aligned parallel to the shear plane in ECAP. If specimens for t

Recovery of Uniform Samples and Spectrum of Band-limited Irregularly Sampled Signals

This paper presents a straightforward method to convert non-uniformly sampled data to uniform samples in order to be processed by some off-line techniques such as system identification. In such scenarios, we deal with a finite-length measurement sequence. We assume periodic extension of the signals, which results in a simple system of linear equations. Furthermore, we take into account a number of

Floods in the Douala metropolis, Cameroon : attribution to changes in rainfall characteristics or planning failures?

With urban populations worldwide expected to witness substantial growth over the next decades, pressure on urban land and resources is projected to increase in response. For policy-makers to adequately meet the challenges brought about by changes in the dynamics of urban areas, it is important to clearly identify and communicate their causes. Floods in Douala (the most densely populated city in th

Modeling, implementation and evaluation of IEEE 802.11ac in NS-3 for enterprise networks

In this work we implement features for IEEE 802.11ac in the NS-3 simulator, in particular wider channels and bit-error calculations for higher modulation coding schemes. We also implement four wireless LAN deployment scenarios from the 802.11ax working group scenario document, and evaluate their performance under different operating conditions. Our simulation results demonstrate that many nodes in

Normalization of qPCR in platelets – YWHAE a potential genericreference gene

The mRNA of human platelets has been extensively studied and it is generally appreciated that platelets contain mRNA transcripts derived from the megakaryocytes, and they have the ability to translate it into proteins. Additionally, platelets contain microRNA (miRNA) that has been shown to potentially regulate the translation of certain proteins. When quantifying gene expression by quantitative re

Seismic human loss estimation for an earthquake disaster using neural network

In Iran, earthquakes cause enormous damage to the people and economy. If there is a proper estimation of human losses in an earthquake disaster, it could be appropriately responded and its impacts and losses will be decreased. Neural networks can be trained to solve problems involving imprecise and highly complex nonlinear data. Based on the different earthquake scenarios and diverse kind of const

Congenital stationary night blindness with hypoplastic discs, negative electroretinogram and thinning of the inner nuclear layer

Purpose: To describe congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB) with negative electroretinogram, hypoplastic discs, nystagmus and thinning of the inner nuclear layer (INL). Methods: Retinal structure was analyzed qualitatively with spectral domain optical coherence tomography and wide field imaging. Retinal function was evaluated with full-field electroretinography (ffERG). Molecular genetic tes