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"Document of the Month" - a regular feature of the PRC History Group website

As of February 2014, a regular monthly contribution to the PRC History Group's website ( comprising the selection and reproduction of a unique archival record from the first decades of the People's Republic of China with added contextualizing, critical, and explanatory commentary highlighting the significance and importance of the document in question.

Crosstalk Mitigation for LTE-over-Copper in Downlink Direction

Radio-over-copper is a niche idea that has potential to become a cornerstone in the deployment of dense 5G networks. We address one of the remaining hurdles and present an architecture for transparent crosstalk mitigation in LTE-over-copper systems. By taking advantage of reference symbols present in the downlink LTE signals we propose two methods for estimating the copper channel. System performa

Low-molecular-weight carbohydrate Pentaisomaltose may replace dimethyl sulfoxide as a safer cryoprotectant for cryopreservation of peripheral blood stem cells

BACKGROUND: Cryopreserved hematopoietic stem cell products are widely used for certain hematologic malignancies. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is the most widely used cryoprotective agent (CPA) today, but due to indications of cellular toxicity, changes of the cellular epigenetic state, and patient-related side effects, there is an increasing demand for DMSO-free alternatives. We therefore investigate

3-D Integrated Track-and-Hold Circuit Using InAs Nanowire MOSFETs and Capacitors

This letter presents a vertical integration scheme where track-and-hold circuits, consisting of a MOSFET in series with a metal-insulator-metal (MIM) capacitor, are successfully fabricated along vertical InAs nanowires. The nanowire MOSFET is used as a switch with varying switch resistance, Rsw, as the gate-source voltage, VGS, is varied. The track-and-hold circuit operation is verified by a sine

What is the causal effect of R&D on patenting activity in a “professor’s privilege” country? Evidence from Sweden

We investigate the responsiveness of academic patenting to research and development (R&D) at the subject level at Swedish universities in panel data regressions. The general responsiveness to R&D is found to be higher than corresponding estimates in US studies, especially when we adopt instrumental variable techniques that address endogeneity in the R&D-to-patent relationship studied.

Physical Fitness and Body Composition Two Years after Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass in Adolescents

Background: We have previously shown promising results 2 years after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery, within the Adolescence Morbid Obesity Surgery study (AMOS). The aim of the current study was to describe the 2-year outcome in cardiorespiratory fitness, body composition, and functional capacity in the Stockholm subset of the AMOS study. Methods: Forty-one adolescents (10 male, 31 female, age 14

Application of twist extrusion

Twist Extrusion (TE) is a process of severe plastic deformation (SPD) being developed by us during recent 5 years. Upon this time we published few papers on mechanics of the process and influence of the TE processing on materials structure and properties. Here we reported some results on application of the twist extrusion processing and made few general conclusions.

Scales and Forces in Emulsification

This chapter introduces mechanical aspects of the formation and break-up of emulsion droplets. An overview of the most common types of emulsification machines and homogenization devices is provided. Droplet disruption mechanisms are presented considering the forces, length and time scales involved in the various types of flow regimes encountered in the mechanical production of emulsions by differe

A new severe plastic deformation method : Twist extrusion

One of the most effective methods for obtaining bulk ultrafine-grained materials is severe plastic deformation that is typically done using equal channel angular pressing. In this work we describe and analyze a new method for obtaining severe plastic deformations proposed by the first author. The method is based on direct extrusion and was called "twist extrusion" The main idea of the method is to

The control of texture to improve high-cyclic fatigue performance in copper after equal channel angular pressing

High-cyclic fatigue life in ultra-fine grained materials fabricated by equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) suffers from a specific shear texture induced during the fabrication as has been demonstrated in the present study on the example of pure copper. This texture promotes orientation of the easy glide crystallographic planes to be aligned parallel to the shear plane in ECAP. If specimens for t