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Your search for "*" yielded 532247 hits

Comparison of dermal vs internal light administration in human lungs using the TDLAS-GASMAS technique—Phantom studies

Oxygen and water vapor content, in the lungs of a 3D-printed phantom model based on CT-images of a preterm infant, is evaluated using Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy (TDLAS) in Gas in Scattering Media Absorption Spectroscopy (GASMAS), that is, the TDLAS-GASMAS technique. Oxygen gas is detected through an absorption line near 764 nm and water vapor through an absorption line near 820 nm

Multi-proxy analyses of Late Cretaceous coprolites from Germany

A total of 462 coprolites from three localities exposing Upper Cretaceous deposits in the Münster Basin, northwestern Germany, have been subjected to an array of analytical techniques, with the aim of elucidating ancient trophic structures and predator–prey interactions. The phosphatic composition, frequent bone inclusions, size and morphology collectively suggest that most, if not all, coprolites

On the implementation of finite deformation gradient-enhanced damage models

We introduce a comprehensive framework for the efficient implementation of finite deformation gradient-regularised damage formulations in existing finite element codes. The numerical implementation is established within a thermo-mechanically fully coupled finite element formulation, where the heat equation solution capabilities are utilised for the damage regularisation. The variationally consiste

Absorption and metabolism of orally fed arachidonic acid and linoleic acid in the rat.

[3H]arachidonic [( 3H]20:4) and [14C]linoleic acid [14C]18:2) were fed to rats in Intralipid or cream. Later (30-240 min) the stomach, small intestine, plasma, and liver were analyzed for radioactivity in different lipid classes. [3H]20:4 and [14C]18:2 were emptied from the stomach and absorbed by the intestine at similar rates. The [3H]20:4:[14C]18:2 ratio of the lipids in the small intestinal wa[3H]arachidonic [( 3H]20:4) and [14C]linoleic acid [14C]18:2) were fed to rats in Intralipid or cream. Later (30-240 min) the stomach, small intestine, plasma, and liver were analyzed for radioactivity in different lipid classes. [3H]20:4 and [14C]18:2 were emptied from the stomach and absorbed by the intestine at similar rates. The [3H]20:4:[14C]18:2 ratio of the lipids in the small intestinal wa

Professional judgements in collaboration

Although intimate partner violence is far from a new problem in society, it has lately gained increased attention both by governments and by the research community. In 2007, the Swedish government issued an action plan for “combating men’s violence against women, violence and oppression in the name of honour and violence in same-sex relationships” (2007/08:39), which included a call for increased

Learning to Reason: The Factorial Survey as a Tool in Professional Education

Judgement and decision-making are central activities in all professions. No matter which profession a practitioner belongs to, or which clients a practitioner is working with, he or she is regularly trying to find answers to the questions “what is the case?” and “what ought to be done?” When professionals are trying to find justifiable answers to such questions, they are reasoning. In this article

Dignity as a guiding principle for family care partners in the care of an old relative with dementia

Aim: There is a growing number of older people (65+) with dementia, and many family care partners are involved in making help-seeking choices. The aim of this study was to reveal how family care partners with an old relative with dementia proceed in the name of dignity in their desire to secure the best care possible while still maintaining their own dignity. Methods: Data were collected in 2009–2

Time Course of the Translocation and Inhibition of Protein kinase C During Complete Cerebral Ischemia in the Rat

Abstract: The time course for the ischemia‐induced changes in the subcellular distribution of protein kinase C (PKC) (α), (β311). and (γ) and the activity of PKC were studied in the neocortex of rats subjected to 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, and 15 min of global cerebral ischemia. In the particulate fraction, a 14‐fold increase in PKC (γ) levels was seen at 3 min of ischemia, which further increased at 5–15 mi

Cerebral protection by AMPA- and NMDA-receptor antagonists administered after severe insulin-induced hypoglycemia

Excitatory amino acids are implicated in the development of neuronal cell damage following periods of reversible cerebral ischemia or insulin-induced hypoglycemic coma. To explore the importance of glutamate receptor activation in the posthypoglycemic phase, we exposed rats to 20 min of insulin-induced severe hypoglycemia. The rats were treated immediately after the hypoglycemic insult with four r

Hypothermia Prevents the Ischemia‐Induced Translocation and Inhibition of Protein Kinase C in the Rat Striatum

: The effect of hypothermia on the ischemia‐induced changes in the subcellular distribution of protein kinase C (PKC)(γ), ‐(βII), and ‐(α) and the activity of PKC was studied in striatal homogenates of rats subjected to 20 min of cerebral ischemia. The effect of post‐ischemic cooling was also studied. During normothermic ischemia, PKC(γ) and ‐(βII) increased 3.9‐and 2.9‐fold, respectively, in the

Neuronal damage in the striatum following forebrain ischemia : lack of effect of selective lesions of mesostriatal dopamine neurons

Transient periods of global cerebral ischemia lead to selective neuronal damage in the striatum. We investigated the effects of unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine lesions of the mesostriatal dopamine (DA) system on the density and distribution of neuronal necrosis in the rat striatum following ischemia induced by bilateral occlusion of the common carotid arteries combined with hypotension. After both 12

Blockade of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore diminishes infarct size in the rat after transient middle cerebral artery occlusion

The mitochondrial permeability transition pore is an inducer of cell death. During the reperfusion phase after cerebral ischemia, calcium accumulates in mitochondria, and a burst of free radical formation occurs, conditions that favor the activation of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore. Here the authors demonstrate that a blocker of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore, the