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How accurate is food security early warning? Evaluation of FEWS NET accuracy in Ethiopia
Famine early warning systems are fundamental for anticipating and preventing food security crises. These systems require diverse socio-economic, climate and other environmental indicators. However, the uncertainty that is inherent in climate forecasts and other early warning data can influence the accuracy of early warning systems. Inaccurate forecasts result in ineffective preparedness and poor r
Comorbidities in patients with generalized pustular psoriasis : a nationwide population-based register study
Impact of Extreme River Flows on Bridges An Application to River Lagan in Ljungby Municipality, Sweden Using HEC RAS
Strömmande vatten påverkar broar över vattendrag huvudsakligen genom: (1) hydrodynamiska krafter med direkt effekt på konstruktionen och (2) lokal erosion kring bropleare och sidostöd, inkluderat erosion på grund av flödeskontraktion. Utformning och dimensionering av broar i Sverige med avseende på direkt flödespåverkan och lokal erosion är relativt förenklad och täcker inte alla aspekter av problThe role of bridges in the transportation network has become increasingly important as they ensure the smooth and safe passage of people and goods across rivers and other bodies of water. Flowing water impacts bridges over rivers primarily in two ways: (1) Hydrodynamic forces that directly impact the structure and (2) scouring at the pier and abutment, including contraction scour. The design princ
Hot-Wall MOCVD for High-Quality Homoepitaxy of GaN : Understanding Nucleation and Design of Growth Strategies
Thick GaN layers with a low concentration of defects are the key to enable next-generation vertical power electronic devices. Here, we explore hot-wall metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) for the development of GaN homoepitaxy. We propose a new approach to grow high-quality homoepitaxial GaN in N2-rich carrier gas and at a higher supersaturation as compared to heteroepitaxy. We develop
Pulmonary surfactant and drug delivery : Vehiculization of a tryptophan-tagged antimicrobial peptide over the air-liquid interfacial highway
This work evaluates interaction of pulmonary surfactant (PS) and antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) in order to investigate (i) if PS can be used to transport AMPs, and (ii) to what extent PS interferes with AMP function and vice versa. This, in turn, is motivated by a need to find new strategies to treat bacterial infections in the airways. Low respiratory tract infections (LRTIs) are a leading cause
Influence of nanostructure formation on the crystal structure and morphology of epitaxially grown Gd2O3 on Si(001)
The influence of growth conditions on the layer orientation, domain structure and crystal structure of gadolinium oxide (Gd2O3) on silicon (001) has been investigated. Gd2O3 was grown at low (250°C) and high (850°C) temperatures with different oxygen partial pressure as well as a temperature ramp up during growth. At low temperature, the cubic bixbyite type of crystal structure with space group Ia
Spontaneous Cell Cluster Formation in Human iPSC-Derived Neuronal Spheroid Networks Influences Network Activity
Three-dimensional neuronal culture systems such as spheroids, organoids, and assembloids constitute a branch of neuronal tissue engineering that has improved our ability to model the human brain in the laboratory. However, the more elaborate the brain model, the more difficult it becomes to study functional properties such as electrical activity at the neuronal level, similar to the challenges of
Density matrix renormalization group description of the island of inversion isotopes F 28-33
Background: Recent experiments have confirmed that the neutron-rich isotopes F28,29 belong to the so-called island of inversion (IOI), a region of the nuclear chart around Z=10 and N=20 where nuclear structure deviates from the standard shell model predictions due to deformation and continuum effects. However, while the general principles leading to the IOI are relatively well understood, the deta
Human-directed attachment behavior in wolves suggests standing ancestral variation for human–dog attachment bonds
Domesticated animals are generally assumed to display increased sociability toward humans compared to their wild ancestors. Dogs (Canis familiaris) have a remarkable ability to form social relationships with humans, including lasting attachment, a bond based on emotional dependency. Since it has been specifically suggested that the ability to form attachment with humans evolved post-domestication
Peatland Heterogeneity Impacts on Regional Carbon Flux and Its Radiative Effect Within a Boreal Landscape
Peatlands, with high spatial variability in ecotypes and microforms, constitute a significant part of the boreal landscape and play an important role in the global carbon (C) cycle. However, the effects of this peatland heterogeneity within the boreal landscape are rarely quantified. Here, we use field-based measurements, high-resolution land cover classification, and biogeochemical and atmospheri
Interfacial layer formation during the growth of Gd2O3 on Si(001) and its thermal stability
The thermal stability of monoclinic Gd2O3 grown on Si(001) as well as changes of the interfacial layer formed during the growth are investigated during rapid thermal annealing in nitrogen atmosphere between 600 °C and 1000 °C using x-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The monoclinic Gd2O3 layer was grown at 400 °C and oxygen partial pressure of 5 × 10−7 mbar. The Gd2O3 lay
Production of forward heavy-flavor dijets at the LHCb within the kT -factorization approach
We calculate differential cross sections for cc¯- and bb¯-dijet production in pp scattering at s=13 TeV in the kT-factorization and hybrid approaches with different unintegrated parton distribution functions (uPDFs). We present distributions in the transverse momentum and pseudorapidity of the leading jet, the rapidity difference between the jets and the dijet invariant mass. Our results are compa
How socio-technical regimes affect low-carbon innovation : Global pressures inhibiting industrial heat pumps in the Netherlands
This paper shows that the socio-technical barriers that sustainable innovations face, may stem from global regimes. Existing transitions approaches like the Technological Innovation System (TIS), overlook the impact of global regimes on radical innovation. Building on institutional theory, we therefore develop a theoretical framework that captures TIS-regime interaction, allowing us to analyze the
Relativistic Two-Photon Matrix Elements for Attosecond Delays
The theory of one-photon ionization and two-photon above-threshold ionization is formulated for applications to heavy atoms in attosecond science by using Dirac–Fock formalism. A direct comparison of Wigner–Smith–Eisenbud delays for photoionization is made with delays from the Reconstruction of Attosecond Beating By Interference of Two-photon Transitions (RABBIT) method. Photoionization by an atto
Teamarbete stärker vård av patienter med hemifacial mikrosomi
Toward Autonomous Production of mRNA-Therapeutics in the Light of Advanced Process Control and Traditional Control Strategies for Chromatography
mRNA-based therapeutics are predicted to have a bright future. Recently, a B2C study was published highlighting the critical bottlenecks of mRNA manufacturing. The study focused on supply bottlenecks of various chemicals as well as shortages of skilled personnel. The assessment of existing messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) vaccine processing shows the need for continuous manufacturing processes th
The development and certification of a single fuel high speed marine CI engine on methanol
Reducing emissions is a priority for all vessels, as global warming is accelerating, and emissionregulations are becoming ever stricter. Still, waterborne transport is the most energy efficientalternative in many cases, and in some cases the only alternative. Vessels in the maritime sectoroperate far from electric charging infrastructure, and have large demands in terms of autonomy, so tobe able t
Women in the public sphere in Egypt : 2011–2014
Through interviews, many documents and secondary data, this dissertation investigates how fifty-four women activists participated in the public sphere in Egypt from the outbreak of the 2011 uprising to the re-emergence of the authoritarian regime in 2014. The women activists studied in the dissertation took part in various counter-publics of social movements, opposition political parties, and civi