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Swedish trial on embolization of middle meningeal artery versus surgical evacuation in chronic subdural hematoma (SWEMMA)—a national 12-month multi-center randomized controlled superiority trial with parallel group assignment, open treatment allocation and blinded clinical outcome assessment

Background: Chronic subdural hematoma (cSDH) is one of the most common neurosurgical disorders and the incidence is rising. The routine treatment is neurosurgical hematoma evacuation, which is associated with recurrence rates up to 10–25%. In recent years, endovascular embolization of the middle meningeal artery (eMMA) has garnered much attention due to recurrence rates as low as < 5%. Several ran

PSA : role in screening and monitoring patients with prostate cancer

The test used for early detection and monitoring of prostate cancer—prostate-specific antigen (PSA)—is one of the most accurate and frequently used tumor markers in medicine today. No tumor marker has had such a critical impact on early detection through stage-migration, and monitoring after treatment for prostate cancer as the blood test PSA. This chapter provides an overview of the PSA test and

Exploring Different User Interfaces for Velocity based Training using Smart Gym Machines : Pilot Study

With the emerging technology called the Internet of Things (IoT), we can now connect computing devices and sensors to the Internet. The IoT sensors serve to collect data, pushing it and sharing it with a whole network of connected devices. We decided to explore how to utilize IoT data to increase the user experience from a commercial gym application called Advagym. Advagym is a commercial solution

The relation of body mass index, body height, and parity to pyelonephritis : A nationwide population-based cohort study of over one million parous women (1997-2018)

Objectives: We aimed to explore the association between various physiological factors and pyelonephritis in parous women. Methods: Swedish nationwide registers were used to identify 1,073,467 parous women aged 15-50 years. The study period began in 1997 and ended in 2018, or at the first incidence of pyelonephritis, death, or emigration. Cox proportional hazards methods were used to determine haza

Urban Geoelectrical Survey and Spatially Constrained Interpretation for a New Metro in Copenhagen

Geophysical methods are prone to fail in an urban environment as all sources of noise are present in cities. The Fælledparken Park, a large open space area in Copenhagen, Denmark is not an exception. However, an extension of the metro along sections of high variability on the surface of a limestone surface motivated the use of geoelectrics as complement to seismic methods. The site conditions haveGeophysical methods are prone to fail in an urban environment as all sources of noise are present in cities. The Fælledparken Park, a large open space area in Copenhagen, Denmark is not an exception. However, an extension of the metro along sections of high variability on the surface of a limestone surface motivated the use of geoelectrics as complement to seismic methods. The site conditions have

Associations between metabolic factors and radiographic knee osteoarthritis in early disease - a cross-sectional study of individuals with knee pain

Objective: Metabolic factors have been shown to be associated to severe radiographic knee osteoarthritis (RKOA). However, more knowledge is needed in early clinical knee osteoarthritis (KOA). The aim was to study associations between metabolic factors and radiographic knee osteoarthritis (OA) in individuals with knee pain. A second aim was to study associations between metabolic factors and RKOA i

A physically active lifestyle is associated with lower long-term incidence of bipolar disorder in a population-based, large-scale study

Background: Physical activity has been proposed to be beneficial for the symptomatic control of bipolar disorder, but the duration of the effects, sex-specific mechanisms, and impact of exercise intensity are not known. Method: With an observational study design, we followed skiers and age and sex-matched non-skiers from the general population to investigate if participation in a long-distance cro

MASW Characterisation of Conditions at Planned highway Expansions, Denmark

There is an increasing demand for the application of geophysical methods in engineering projects like bridge construction, mining for building materials and road expansions. Geophysical methods offer reasonable resolution and in cost efficient results as compared with more traditional methods like drilling. Seismic surveying is one of the methods that provide information that can be compared with There is an increasing demand for the application of geophysical methods in engineering projects like bridge construction, mining for building materials and road expansions. Geophysical methods offer reasonable resolution and in cost efficient results as compared with more traditional methods like drilling. Seismic surveying is one of the methods that provide information that can be compared with

Sensor node calibration in presence of a dominant reflective plane

Recent advances in simultaneous estimation of both receiver and sender positions in ad-hoc sensor networks have made it possible to automatically calibrate node positions - a prerequisite for many applications. In man-made environments there are often large planar reflective surfaces that give significant reverberations. In this paper, we study geometric problems of receiver-sender node calibratio

WONCA Europe position statement on the redefinition of fatty liver disease

Family doctors and general practitioners (GPs) are the frontline in the management of fatty liver disease. With its high prevalence and strong association with other conditions commonly treated in primary care, the voice of family doctors and GPs has an important role in informing the discussion on the redefinition of fatty liver disease. Primary care uptake of any proposed name will be hampered i

Genetics and Epigenetics of Manganese Toxicity

Purpose of Review: At elevated levels, the essential element manganese (Mn) is neurotoxic and increasing evidence indicates that environmental Mn exposure early in life negatively affects neurodevelopment. In this review, we describe how underlying genetics may confer susceptibility to elevated Mn concentrations and how the epigenetic effects of Mn may explain the association between Mn exposure e

High-speed videography of transparent media using illumination-based multiplexed schlieren

Schlieren photography is widely used for visualizing phenomena within transparent media. The technique, which comes in a variety of configurations, is based on detecting or extracting the degree to which light is deflected whilst propagating through a sample. To date, high-speed schlieren videography can only be achieved using high-speed cameras, thus limiting the frame rate of such configurations

Cosmopolitan Memories under Pressure : The Case of Postcommunist Wrocław

This article uses the Polish case of Wrocław (formerly Breslau), a city burdened by memories of war and forced displacement, to show the dynamics between hegemonic memories, dominant memories and countermemories. After the fall of communism, the city changed the previous nationalist-communist narrative of its past by institutionalizing a new official narrative that promotes cosmopolitan memory. Th

Spatially Mutually Constrained Inversion of Airborne Hydrogeophysics Survey with Ground Geophysics and Borehole Data

This work presents examples from processing and interpretation of 2576 km of SkyTEM data in the Ringsted-Suså groundwater mapping area located southeast of Denmark. The mapping area is approx. 422 km2 and includes approx. 75,000 SkyTEM soundings. Additionally, diverse ground based geophysical data (>260 km Multi-Electrode Profiling (MEP), > 130 km Pulled-Array Continuous Electrical Soundings (PACEThis work presents examples from processing and interpretation of 2576 km of SkyTEM data in the Ringsted-Suså groundwater mapping area located southeast of Denmark. The mapping area is approx. 422 km2 and includes approx. 75,000 SkyTEM soundings. Additionally, diverse ground based geophysical data (>260 km Multi-Electrode Profiling (MEP), > 130 km Pulled-Array Continuous Electrical Soundings (PACE

Acceptability of a physiotherapeutic pain school treatment in trauma-affected populations in the Middle Eastern & Northern African region

Introduction: The aim of this study was to evalu-ate the acceptability of a physiotherapeutic pain treatment (Pain School), focusing on patient education, physical exercises and self-reliance, and a capacity building program developed for MENA based physiotherapists working with pain and trauma-affected populations. Method: Qualitative interviews with seven physiotherapists participating in the Pa

A prospective, controlled study on the utility of rotational thromboelastometry in surgery for acute type A aortic dissection

To evaluate the hemostatic system with ROTEM in patients undergoing surgery for acute type aortic dissection (ATAAD) using elective aortic procedures as controls. This was a prospective, controlled, observational study. The study was performed at a tertiary referral center and university hospital. Twenty-three patients with ATAAD were compared to 20 control patients undergoing elective surgery of

Maps and stories in the creation of richer accounts of change in pastoral landscapes in Nordland, northern Norway

The categories and concepts in the existing official land-use maps have been under improvements over recent years; however, this study from Nordland, northern Norway, shows that they continue to pose several dilemmas when aiming to better capture the impacts of multiple land uses on reindeer herding. While these developments have done much to better communicate the presence of reindeer herding to

Modeling rush hour vehicular traffic using a machine learning approach

Det finns olika typer av så kallade artificiella neurala nätverk som används till olika saker. En av dessa kallas för konvolutionella neurala nätverk och används till att bearbeta bilder. Denna typ av artificiella neurala nätverk används bland annat för klassificering av bilder och för att styra självkörande bilar. I den här uppsatsen används ett konvolutionellt neuralt nätverk för att försöka förIn this thesis, a convolutional neural network is used to model the behaviour of individual vehicles on a stretch of the U.S. 101 highway during rush hour. This model is then extended to model the collective behaviour of all vehicles on the stretch of road and a 15 minute simulation is carried out. Using an initial vehicle layout, images displaying the position of nearby vehicles and information o