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Hantering av avbrottsrisker i flödeskedjan vid produktsortimentssamarbete mellan enskilda små/medelstora företag - En vägledande modell

Almost all businesses, in today’s market, builds on complex supply chains operating on the global market. The competition is no longer between individual companies but between different supply chains. This creates new risks for both the individual company and the companies operating in the supply chain. Cooperation between small and medium sized business partners can create possibilities and high

Strukturellt brandskydd på marina farkoster – Analytisk dimensionering av brandsektioneringar samt utvärdering av flexibla brandtätningar genom viktat urval

This master thesis is written at the request of Kockums AB to solve the need for flexible fire barriers on submarines, particularly for the future submarine class A26. The report uses event tree analysis to demonstrate that a lower fire resistance classification for decks and bulkheads, compared to the prescriptive rules, is sufficient to obtain a satisfactory level of safety. The thesis also incl

Utvärdering av dagens befintliga dimensioneringsmetod för brand i bärande konstruktioner

The existing Swedish regulation of fire dimensioning regarding structures are separated into two separate parts which isn’t unproblematic. This sets demands for a new regulation based on a holistic view that can reveal how a fire in a compartment can affects the whole building. This compared to the existing demands that only could quantify a certain time limit as a demand in only a single fire cel

Exchange rate modeling - Using fundamental macroeconomic variables

Vi undersöker huruvida rörelser på växelkursmarknaderna hos fyra olika par av växelkurser kan förutspås av en VECM (Vector Error Correction Model) baserad på de makroekonomiska variabler som ingår i akademiskt vedertagna monetära modeller. En långsiktig modell med ovan nämnda variabler byggs upp för att sedan kontrolleras efter ett långsiktigt samband och omvandlas till en mer dynamisk form, en så

Neural Correlates of Emotional Retrieval Orientation: An electrophysiological investigation into strategic retrieval processing of emotional memories

Retrieval Orientation refers to the differential processing of memory retrieval cues according to the sought after information (Rugg & Wilding, 2000). The study manipulated the orientation effect by varying the retrieval demand on a block basis using two emotional source recognition conditions and a non-emotional old-new recognition condition. Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) evoked by new face