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USA, en imperialistmakt? : en fallstudie av USA:s utrikespolitik i Latinamerika efter andra världskriget
Var finns mångfalden på den svenska arbetsmarknaden? : en kritisk studie av den svenska integrationspolitiken
Den längst skuggan, eller bara tillbaka till framtiden? : orsaker till Estlands och Georgiens skiftande politiska och ekonomiska transition, ur ett ny-institutionellt perspektiv
To Prevail with a Single Stroke : The Political Phenomenon of Coup d'état and Officers Motives for Governmental Overthrow
Ett underlag till ledningssystem för träindustrin - Verktyg för det systematiska brandskyddsarbetet
The aim of this report is to make it easier for companies within the wooden industry to start with and improve their systematic fire protection. It hopefully also helps out keeping the documentation at a high level. For this purpose a model has been created. The model is based on the internal and external demands this type of industry is living with. Also the specific needs and opportunities have
Simplified human exposure assessment of chemicals with the help of intake fraction?
The concept of intake fraction (iF) relates the emitted amount of a particular chemical to the subsequent human intake of that substance. Intake fractions have been calculated for more than 300 substances, spanning a range of up to seven orders of magnitude. It has furthermore been suggested that intake fractions can be estimated based on a few properties of the chemical. In this study, the follow
Bedömning av säkerhetskulturen i Göteborgs oljehamn - underlag till strategier för att reducera antalet olyckor och incidenter med spill och utsläpp
The purpose with this master thesis has been to reduce the number of accidents and incidents related to spillage and discharge of product. This has been done by assessing the safety culture and strategies have been proposed on how to act upon the shortcomings that have been revealed in the assessment. An adjusted model has been developed for the assessment of the safety culture. The adjusted model
Analys av brandskyddets egenskaper
This graduation project examines to study how analysis of different fire protection attributes shall be carried out using technological trade-offs. The purpose of this report is to develop guidance for engineers to verify technological trade-offs, and therefore make a more reliable verification. The report shows that safety levels of fire protection as multidimensional. Therefore, several system
Deluge and gas explosion risk management: A decision support framework
On offshore installations for oil- and gas exploration, fire-water deluge systems are often installed to mitigate the effect in case of fires. Recent research has shown that the deluge can also be used to mitigate explosion consequences by activating deluge on gas detection. The effect of deluge on the explosion risk is however very complex and could in some cases lead to increased explosion risk
Nätverksteori som verktyg vid risk- och sårbarhetsanalys av eldistributionsnät
Events such as a storm that hit Sweden in 2005 and caused considerable damage led to a number of new additions in the Swedish Electricity Act. Some of these additions were demands on power distribution companies on a risk and vulnerability analysis and an action plan concerning the reliability of delivery in distribution networks, and also on keeping its customers informed about this. The aim of t
Disaster Management Capacity from a National Perspective
Capacity development projects must be based on a thorough understanding of the situation within the subject country. However, the assessment phase is a very complex process and should cover a great number of aspects that both in time and space could affect the outcome of a triggering event. This project tries to identify what general aspects that could affect a country’s Disaster Management Capaci
Evaluation of alternative discharging points from Valdivia Cellulose Plant by using Bayesian Belief Network for environmental risk management
In November 2004, Valdivia Cellulose Pulp Plant started operating in San Pedro de la Mariquina, 56 kilometers north-west of Valdivia in southern Chile. A few months later a decrease in the population of the Black Necked Swans (Cygnus melancoryphus) in the Carlos Anwandter Sanctuary, near the discharging point of the mill, was discovered. The aim of the thesis was to evaluate three alternative disc
Kommunala risk- och sårbarhetsanalyser - en grund för handlingsprogram enligt Lag (2003:778) om skydd mot olyckor
According to the legislation for accident prevention and protection, which took affect January 1st 2004, all Swedish municipalities have to establish plans of actions for accident prevention and the fire service. Municipal risk analyses should constitute the foundations for these plans of actions. The purpose of this report is to describe and meet the requirements on municipal risk and vulnerabili
Klimatförändringars inverkan på den framtida riskbilden med avseende på naturkatastrofer - En modellutveckling
The main objective of this master’s thesis is to construct a model, which can be applied on a region to investigate the possible future climate changes. This investigation is intended to lead to an analysis of the region’s changing risks regarding natural hazards affected by climate change. The hazards investigated are hydrological and climatological hazards and consist of cyclone, tornado and flo
Ledningssystem för säkerhet, hälsa och miljö anpassat för industriparker
The aim of the thesis is to present a safety, health and environmental management system based on ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 for Industry Park of Sweden. The resulting system is based on a gap analysis between an ideal system and IPOS existing management system. The resulting management system emphasis safety culture before regulations and lets the tenants of the Industry Park proceed with their in
Hantering av avbrottsrisker i flödeskedjan vid produktsortimentssamarbete mellan enskilda små/medelstora företag - En vägledande modell
Almost all businesses, in today’s market, builds on complex supply chains operating on the global market. The competition is no longer between individual companies but between different supply chains. This creates new risks for both the individual company and the companies operating in the supply chain. Cooperation between small and medium sized business partners can create possibilities and high
Strukturellt brandskydd på marina farkoster – Analytisk dimensionering av brandsektioneringar samt utvärdering av flexibla brandtätningar genom viktat urval
This master thesis is written at the request of Kockums AB to solve the need for flexible fire barriers on submarines, particularly for the future submarine class A26. The report uses event tree analysis to demonstrate that a lower fire resistance classification for decks and bulkheads, compared to the prescriptive rules, is sufficient to obtain a satisfactory level of safety. The thesis also incl
Utvärdering av dagens befintliga dimensioneringsmetod för brand i bärande konstruktioner
The existing Swedish regulation of fire dimensioning regarding structures are separated into two separate parts which isn’t unproblematic. This sets demands for a new regulation based on a holistic view that can reveal how a fire in a compartment can affects the whole building. This compared to the existing demands that only could quantify a certain time limit as a demand in only a single fire cel
Exchange rate modeling - Using fundamental macroeconomic variables
Vi undersöker huruvida rörelser på växelkursmarknaderna hos fyra olika par av växelkurser kan förutspås av en VECM (Vector Error Correction Model) baserad på de makroekonomiska variabler som ingår i akademiskt vedertagna monetära modeller. En långsiktig modell med ovan nämnda variabler byggs upp för att sedan kontrolleras efter ett långsiktigt samband och omvandlas till en mer dynamisk form, en så