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Möjligheternas land: En kvalitativ studie om invandrare och deras tankar kring utbildning, arbete, socialt nätvekr och integration i Sverige

The land of possibilities – a qualitative study about immigrants and their thoughts about education, work, social network and integration in the Swedish society. Abstract Authors: Emir Agovic, Romana Bardak Title: The land of possibilities – a qualitative study about immigrants and their thoughts about education, work, social network and integration in the Swedish society. Supervisor: Christina Er

Det sa bara klick - En kvalitativ studie om nätdejting och hur identiteter konstrueras online

Uppsatsen behandlar fenomenet nätdejting utifrån teorier om identitetsskapande och konsumtionssamhället. Syftet var att ta reda på hur användare resonerade kring sitt eget och andras identitetsbyggande på nätdejtingsidor. För att få en inblick i, och kunna illustrera hur en sådan sida kan se ut, valde vi att utgå från Detta eftersom samtliga av våra intervjupersoner varit medlemmar där,

Vapenfokuseringseffektens påverkan på visuella och auditiva minnen vid gärningsmannaidentifieringar

Fokus för den här undersökningen är vapenfokuseringseffekten och huruvida den har en negativ effekt på det visuella och det auditiva minnet. Huvudhypotesen var att vapenfokuseringseffekten påverkar det visuella minnet men inte det auditiva. 60 personer, indelade i en experimentgrupp och en kontrollgrupp, mellan 21 och 56 år, tittade på en av två filmer. Experimentgruppen fick bevittna ett rån av e

Risk Arbitrage in the Swedish Market – Evaluation with Contingent Claims

The thesis analyses a risk arbitrage portfolio in Swedish equities over 2611 trading days (132 months), to evaluate the ability of a risk arbitrage strategy to generate excess returns, alpha, in the Swedish market. It is found that risk arbitrage generates a significant alpha of 120 basis points per month, in a linear model and assuming CAPM holds. In a contingent claims framework, aiming to corre

Value Creating or Value Destroying? A Study of Cash Flow Volatility¡¯s Relation with Firm Value

The cash flow volatility could be either value destroying or value creating. It is also meaningful to classify the firms by growth options when analysis the firm value. These results develop the prior study to a more specification condition. Managers should focus on real cash flow management and the effects of firm¡¯s earning management should also be measured by cash flow rather than accruals.

The impact of firm-specific financial factors on cross-border M&A: Assessing the likelihood and transaction size in changing market environments

IThis study aims at proving the impact of firm-specific financial determinants on the likelihood of cross-border M&A and their impact on the relative size of transactions, both against the background of changing market conditions. In conclusion, we find our first hypothesis, that the strength of single firm-specific financial factors increases the likelihood of firm’s to undertake cross-border

Insider Trading at the Swedish Stock Market- To What Extent Can the Behaviour of Insiders be Mimicked to Obtain Abnormal Returns?

PURPOSE: The main purpose of this thesis is to determine to what extent, if any, outsiders are able to obtain abnormal returns by mimicking the behaviour of insiders at the Swedish stock market prior to earnings announcement. By making separations this study will hopefully provide some advice when the abnormal returns are most likely to happen when outsiders mimic insiders. METHODOLOGY: This study

Inflation Illusion and Equity Return: a Fed Model Approach

We identified that investors in Sweden are affected by inflation illusion. Investors also incorrectly accounting for debt capital gain error for the levered companies. We can also conclude that the Fed model proved to be a weak tool for forecasting future real returns and its modification only partially increase its quality. Finally we identified that earnings yield standalone is a much better mea

Value of Hedging in U.S Airline industry: A Perspective on firm value and accounting performance

The purpose of this research is to investigate the value premium associated with extent of hedging in the U.S. airline industry during the period 2006 to 2010 and to study the results of hedging on accounting performance as a proxy for firm value. The multivariate approach has been taken to measure the firm value using Tobin's q and accounting performance variables. The results show that hedgi

Volontärverksamhetens värden: om kulturella, sociala och ekonomiska värden i volontärarbetet under ASSITEJ Scenkonstfestival och Världskongress 2011

This paper is about the values within the volunteering work in conjunction with the ASSITEJ Performing Arts Festival and World Congress 2011. Using a questionnaire method amongst the volunteers in Malmoe, I have collected 93 answers on the reasons to why they became volunteers. As a theoretical framework I use Pierre Bourdieu’s declaration of symbolic, social and cultural capital to catch the non-

Trade effects of the EMU: A panel data study of the importance of exchange rate volatility

This essay investigates the impact on trade flows of the formation of the European Monetary Union (EMU) and whether countries with differences in the degree of exchange rate volatility prior to the adoption of the euro have experienced such trade effects to different extents. The gravity model forms the basis for the study, which is performed using a fixed effects-method on panel data from 24 OECD

Valuation of Agricultural estates

The purpose of this thesis is to describe and analyze the price development over time, the price setting procedure and industry structure theoretically and empirically. From these studies, the aim is to analyze what models are most apt to value agricultural estates.

En balansakt mellan formellt och informellt. En uppsats om de lexikogrammatiska utmaningarna vid översättningen av den mångfacetterade texten ”What women farmers need: A blueprint for action”

Denna magisteruppsats bygger på en översättning av en text från hjälporganisationen ActionAid. Texten behandlar kvinnliga jordbrukares situation och hur denna kan förbättras. Uppsatsen består av en inledande textanalys där några av textens utmärkande drag tas upp. Därefter följer en genomgång av förutsättningarna för översättningen och valen av översättningsstrategier. Sist kommer en översättnings

Implementation of the Focused Improvement concept in outsourced production - A study at Tetra Pak's suppliers of Distribution Equipment

Problem description: Tetra Pak has started to develop their suppliers of Distribution Equipment in pursuit to regain control over quality and reducing lead-times. The next step in the development of suppliers has been identified as to spread Tetra Pak in-house capabilities in terms of World Class Manufacturing and the Focused Improvement pillar measures and procedures, which is focusing on systema

Åt skogen med pedagogiken - en C-uppsats om friluftspedagogik som metod för att motverka normbrytande beteende

Every year about 1400 students in Sweden leave elementary school without grades high enough to begin high school. It is a fact that the risk of ending up with psychosocial problems increases without a high school education. The intention with this paper is to study how a special method called EDUQ can help troubled youths to get back to school and stay out of trouble. To collect the data to this p

Relationship marketing

Relationsmarknadsföring är ett betydelsefullt verktyg i dagens hårda konkurrens. Att skapa relationer har blivit viktigare då det finns fler aktörer att konkurrera med på marknaderna. Vad som är viktigt att ta hänsyn till är att relationsbyggande är ett pågående och kontinuerligt arbete som kräver tid och ansträngningar. Relationsbyggande måste finnas med i arbetsplaneringen och i budgeten för bäs

ALBA-TCP: Hur långt ifrån ett optimalt valutaområde?

This essay analyses to what extent the Latin American countries of Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua and Venezuela, within the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America – Peoples’ Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP), fulfil the criteria for an optimum currency area (OCA). It does so by applying the theory of optimum currency areas (Mundell 1961), and by examining the different factors of asymmetric s

"It´s not what you know, it´s who you know". A Minor Field Study about a Philippine cooperative.

According to the World Bank Group, social capital is an important factor in the process of fighting poverty in developing countries, and some researchers mean that cooperative organizations are the ultimate business model to create social capital (Majee & Hoyt, 2011). The aim of this study is to investigate whether or not social capital is emerging in a Philippine water cooperative, funded by