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Spherical White with Diamond

Site-specific public work, commissioned by NATUR North Atlantic Tales/Curated Place in collaboration with National Trust Formby. The work includes three sound installations: 'Spherical White with Diamond', stereo work (voice: Jez Dolan). 'Þytur', 9 mono-channels (voices: Maja Jantar, Angela Rawlings, Halla Steinunn Stefánsdóttir). 'The Shadowy Space Beneath', a stereo work, which builds on texts f

Local and international organizations' co-operation for urban migration policy and urban economics : the case of information centres (BILMER)

Migration has a global impact, but it also intersects with local and nationalissues. In 2020, 281 million people lived outside their country of birth or citizenship, according to the United Nations Global Migration Database. The number of persons displaced across international borders is increasing due to conflict, persecution, and violence. Most of the world’s refugees and asylum seekers live in

Pedagogik för frihet och förändring : Didaktisk innovation och förnyelse av folkhögskolans undervisning: Samlade examensarbeten från folkhögskollärarprogrammet på Linköpings universitet vårterminen 2021

Den här antologin innehåller tolv examensarbeten skrivna av tretton folkhögskollärare examinerade från Linköpings universitet våren 2021. På Linköpings universitet erbjuds en lärarutbildning specifikt för folkhögskolan. Studenterna kombinerar teoretiska studier med praktik ute i verkligheten, och deras examensarbete syftar till att skapa eller analysera didaktiska innovationer för folkhögskolorna.

Effects of panic-specific cognitive behavioural and psychodynamic psychotherapies on work ability in a doubly randomised clinical trial

Objective: The effects of panic-specific psychotherapy on occupational functioning remain under-researched. This study tests whether two brief psychotherapies for Panic Disorder with or without Agoraphobia (PD/A) may generate improvement in work ability. Methods: Adults (N = 221) with a primary diagnosis of PD/A were randomised to wait-list, panic-focused psychodynamic psychotherapy (PFPP), panic

Why do inverse models disagree? A case study with two European CO2 inversions

We present an analysis of atmospheric transport impact on estimating CO2 fluxes using two atmospheric inversion systems (CarboScope-Regional (CSR) and Lund University Modular Inversion Algorithm (LUMIA)) over Europe in 2018. The main focus of this study is to quantify the dominant drivers of spread amid CO2 estimates derived from atmospheric tracer inversions. The Lagrangian transport models STILT

Host shift and natural long-distance dispersal to an oceanic island of a host-specific parasite

Parasite dispersal and host-switching may be better understood by knowing when they occurred. We estimated when the ancestor of a parasite of great reed warblers (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) dispersed to the Seychelles and began infecting the endemic Seychelles warbler (A. sechellensis). We used mitochondrial genomes and published molecular divergence rates to estimate the date of divergence betwee

Stroke Learning Health Systems : A Topical Narrative Review With Case Examples

To our knowledge, the adoption of Learning Health System (LHS) concepts or approaches for improving stroke care, patient outcomes, and value have not previously been summarized. This topical review provides a summary of the published evidence about LHSs applied to stroke, and case examples applied to different aspects of stroke care from high and low-to-middle income countries. Our attempt to syst

Feedback Control in the Olivocerebellar Loop

About 40 years ago, a subpopulation of small neurons in the cerebellar nuclei was shown to project to the inferior olive, the source of the climbing fiber input to the cerebellum. This nucleo-olivary projection follows the zonal and probably also microzonal arrangement of the cerebellum so that closed loops are formed between the neurons in the olive, the cerebellar cortex, and the nuclei. Althoug

Reevaluating the protective effect of smoking on preeclampsia risk through the lens of bias

Preeclampsia is a hypertensive disorder that is usually diagnosed after 20 weeks' gestation. Despite the deleterious effect of smoking on cardiovascular disease, it has been frequently reported that smoking has a protective effect on preeclampsia risk and biological explanations have been proposed. However, in this manuscript, we present multiple sources of bias that could explain this association

A socio-institutional perspective on the reluctance among the elderly concerning the commercialization of 3D surgical video technology in Sweden

The pursuit of commercialization is at the core of economic activity, and limited commercialization success is generally ascribed to the lower scalability or potential of the venture. Drawing on the anti-profit-taking socio-institutional perspective and innovation resistance theory, commercialization of a value-creating technology could be resisted from the demand side. We use a 3D surgical video

Cardiorespiratory dysautonomia in post-COVID-19 condition : Manifestations, mechanisms and management

A significant proportion of COVID-19 patients experience debilitating symptoms for months after the acute infection. According to recent estimates, approximately one out of ten COVID-19 convalescents reports persistent health issues more than three months after initial recovery. This "post-COVID-19 condition" may include a large variety of symptoms from almost all domains and organs, and for some

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Bread is the main food source that cuts horizontally across historical, social, cultural and economic areas. Bread is produced and consumed in the context of economic, political and social relations throughout human history. The factors affecting the production of bread are discussed. The political economy of the public bread practice, which is produced and distributed by the municipalities, is st

Bling & : Other Breaches in Design

Det övergripande temat i denna avhandling är hur normbrott (breaches) kan användas för att belysa blinda fläckar inom designfältet, samt hantera och förvalta den potentiella friktionen som uppstår på ett konstruktivt sätt. Forskningsprojektet som presenteras här består av två delar: Bling?-studierna, som redovisas i licentiatavhandlingen, bifogad i sin helhet i Appendix 2 och Breach!-studierna.I BThe overall theme of this thesis is norm deviations, i.e. breaches, as an approach to illuminating blindspots in the design field in order to handle potential friction that arises constructively. The research presented consisted of two parts: the Bling? studies, which are part of the licentiate thesis, attached in Appendix 2, and the Breach! studies.The Bling? studies present how planned provocati

Precision Standard Model Phenomenology for High Energy Processes

The present status of particle physics is that the Standard Model has been completed with the discovery of theHiggs boson in 2012, but there is a multitude of phenomena in nature which is not accounted for by this model.Researchers are investigating possibilities for detecting new physics at the current particle physics facilities, withthe Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the frontier. As no signifiThe present status of particle physics is that the Standard Model has been completed with the discovery of theHiggs boson in 2012, but there is a multitude of phenomena in nature which is not accounted for by this model.Researchers are investigating possibilities for detecting new physics at the current particle physics facilities, withthe Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the frontier. As no signifi

Clinical Significance of a 16S-rDNA Analysis of Heart Valves in Patients with Infective Endocarditis : a Retrospective Study

A substantial proportion of patients with infective endocarditis (IE) are subjected to heart valve surgery. Microbiological findings on valves are important both for diagnostics and for tailored antibiotic therapy, post-operatively. The aims of this study were to describe microbiological findings on surgically removed valves and to examine the diagnostic benefits of 16S-rDNA PCR and sequencing (16

The unhinged paradox – what does it mean for the energy system?

In man-made energy systems like the electricity system, new concepts have the potential to influence and shape the development of the system. Sometimes the influence leads to a positive development and in other cases the new concept may lead into disadvantageous pathways. In this paper we argue that when a new concept is introduced, it may give rise to an unhinged paradox. An unhinged paradox impl