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Barriärer till Entreprenörskap - En studie om de barriärer som påverkar beslutet att starta företag

Syfte: Studiens syfte är att verka kunskapshöjande kring de barriärer studenter upplever inför valet att starta ett företag. Dessa ställs mot tidigare forskning på området. Likheter och skillnader mellan dessa lyfts sedan fram, varpå förslag på åtgärder för att höja andelen entreprenöriella studenter föreslås. Metod: I enlighet med hermeneutikens skola har undersökningen utformats som en kvalitati

Ett tredje kön : Hijrornas position och rättigheter i Indien

The purpose of this thesis was to understand the development and current position of people of a third gender in India, Hijras, against the background of Hindi religion. Specifically, I examined the situation of Hijras in relation to India’s official human rights commitments. Based mostly on anthropological and religious sources, I described the historical background and traditions of Hijras in In

Jämställdhet bland ungdomar i skolmiljö: metodologiska möjligheter och utmaningar.

This study is based on the final report of the state investigation "Girls, boys, and individuals-on the importance of equal opportunities for knowledge and development in schools" (SOU: 2010:99) In this final report, published in January 2011 pronounced a need for practical methods for promoting gender equality among adolescents. This study wants to highlight the possibilities of a child

Reglerna om uppskov - en analys av svensk beskattningsrätt, effektivitet och dubbelbeskattning

Från och med 2007 omfattar reglerna om uppskov med kapitalvinstbeskattning vid köp av ersättningsbostad i 47 kap. IL även ursprungs- och ersättningsbostad utanför Sverige men inom EES. Uppskovsbeloppet räntebelades 2008. Räntan tas ut genom att den skattskyldige årligen tar upp en schablonintäkt motsvarande 1.67 procent av uppskovsbeloppet till beskattning i inkomstslaget kapital. Den som innehar The rules regarding deferral on capital gains arising on sale of residential property in chapter 47 of the Income Tax Act are since 2007 applicable when a taxpayer buys or sells a residence within the EEA. Further, from 2008 everyone with a deferment have to pay an imputed tax on the deferred capital as a form of interest. A revenue equivalent to 1.67 % of the deferred capital gain will be taxed a

The Street Child's Process to Leave the Streets of Lima, Peru

This study is based on a field study conducted in Lima, Peru. The field study was financed by the MFS (Minor field study) scholarship of SIDA. My intention was to illuminate the street child’s process, as an actor in interaction with its surrounding environmental systems, to leave the streets of Lima, Peru. The questions that were related to this aim were how structural aspects, such as changes in

Negative Effects of Humanitarian Aid in Civil War: The Case of Operation Life Line Sudan

It is assumed that humanitarian aid in civil war does good by relieving the suffering of the civilians undergoing hardship. However, some authors claim that aid can also lead to the exasperation and prolongation of conflict. In this paper we test the hypothesis that humanitarian aid can lead to the exasperation of conflict in civil wars. Taking Operation Life line Sudan as an example this thesis p

On the M*-BCJR and LISS Algorithms for Soft-Output Decoding of Convolutional Codes

To communicate reliably over noisy wireline or wireless channels, algorithms that add redundancy are used to help reconstruct the transmitted sequence at the receivers. Such error control coding algorithms are today used in all digital communication systems. Optimum decoding algorithms such as the Viterbi and BCJR have very good performances but often too high complexity. Therefore, less complex s

Innovation within tradition

The objective of this study was to compare practitioners’ perspectives of the therapeutic relationship established face to face and online in order to add a broader understanding of the therapeutic relationship and whether a new context did highlight new aspects of therapy. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with nine psychotherapists in Greece: five of them worked face to face and four onl

Creative Potential, Expertise, Social Desirability and Group Climate: Their relation in work teams dedicated to creativity and innovation

Relationships between personal factors creative potential, expertise, social desirability, and the factor group climate studied in real life work teams dedicated to creativity and innovation. Sample of four groups, three with five members (n = 5), one with three members (n = 3), in total eighteen people (N = 18); nine women (n = 9), nine men (n = 9). Prominent instruments used: for creative potent

Möten utan förening - mot en omformulering av den romantiska berättelsen

The aim of this thesis is firstly to demonstrate how an ideal of symbiosis permeates our cultures writing of love stories, and to demonstrate the oppressive mechanisms within this ideal. I suggest an ideal of symbiosis as being oppressive in itself, by placing it under the psychoanalytical subject-object paradigm, where the subject can never perceive of the other as anything but a rejected or inco

Kontakt sökes. En studie om socialsekreterares och kontaktpersoners uppfattning om insatsen kontaktperson.

Author: Dennis Andersson & Simon Larsson Title: Contact wanted- a study about social secretaries and contacts perceptions regarding the intervention contact person Supervisor: Norma Montesino Assessor: Lars Harrysson The purpose of this study was to examine social secretaries and contact persons in their perception on the intervention contact person. More specifically the study’s aim was to i

American Beat Yogi: An Exploration of the Hindu and Indian Cultural Themes in Allen Ginsberg

This paper is an analytical study of the Indian cultural elements in Ginsberg’s life and work, focusing on Indian Journals: March 1962 - May 1963. The aim is twofold: firstly the study explores close-readings of poetry and prose from Indian Journals. The study also focuses on his poetic aesthetics and specific themes in Indian Journals and relates them to incidents of his personal life in a larger

Pakistan GST A Comparison to EU VAT with the Focus on Abusive Practices

ABSTRACT The paper will describe the comparative study of the GST bill 2010 of Pakistan and the EU VAT. The Bill is drafted for the purpose to introduce the modern VAT in Pakistan. The comparative study has been made to analyze the basic concept and difference of both these legal instruments. The difference between both these legislations makes the GST Bill vulnerable to the tax abuse or tax evasi

”Det var ett bevis på diamantmäklarnas förtroende för storebrorsövervakningens förmåga att kunna avskräcka från stöldförsök med sina övervakningskameror och poliser”. Konsten att översätta en hybridgenre utan att tappa tråden. Om översättningen av ett utdrag ur boken Flawless: Inside the Largest Diamond Heist in History

Det här examensarbetet grundar sig på en översättning av ett utdrag ur en amerikansk kriminalbok som är grundligt baserad på en verklig händelse. Uppsatsen består av två delar – först en analys av källtexten som framför allt utgår från Hellspong och Ledins (1997) textanalysmetod, och sedan följer en kommentar på översättningen där jag diskuterar mina tillvägagångssätt med sådant som varit problema