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Otur, orsakande och oaktsamhet - om rättssäkerhet i bedömningen av vållande

I svensk rätt är vållande till annans död kriminaliserat under 3 kap. 7 § brottsbalken. I den juridiska litteraturen har olika metoder utformats för att tolka rekvisitet vållande. En av metoderna, lanserad av professor Nils Jareborg, har särskilt på senare tid vunnit genomslag i den juridiska litteraturen. Läran separerar gärningsculpa, oaktsamhet i gärningen och ett rekvisit för brottsbeskrivningChapter 3 § 7 of the Swedish Penal Code (brottsbalken) criminalizes the causing of another’s death by negligence. Several systems for determining the necessary prerequisite causing has been established in the legal literature. One learning developed by Nils Jareborg has obtained considerable recognition in the Swedish judicial literature. It separates culpa of the deed (gärningsculpa), a prerequi

Effects of Vacuum Impregnation with Various Substances in Combination with Pulsed Electric Field to Improve the Freezing Tolerance of Arugula Leaves

As of 2020 an estimated number of 821 million people across the world are undernourished and that figure is expected to grow by 2 billion before the end of 2050 (United Nations Sustainable Development 2020). Despite this, every year over 1/3 of food produced globally is disposed of without consumption (Global Panel on Agriculture and Food Systems for Nutrition 2018), and the actual number might be

Art history through a queer lens - Focalization and semiotics applied to two Instagram accounts dedicated to queer art history

This thesis examines how queer art history is created through the interaction between two Instagram accounts, the art they post, and their followers. This thesis has analysed how the semiotic meaning-making construct a representation of queerness and what the effects are of a queer focalization in a social media context. This research has analysed several posts and screenshots of the Instagram acc

Är CAS kass? - Uppfyller idrottsskiljedomstolen Europakonventionens garantier om rätten till en rättvis rättegång?

Idrottens skiljedomstol inrättades på 1980-talet efter en ökad efterfrågan på ett domstolsorgan som kunde döma i samtliga idrottsrelaterade tvister. The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) blev produkten och har sedan dess begynnelse dömt i ett stort antal tvister inom idrottsvärlden. Den här uppsatsen syftar till att redogöra för hur CAS verksamhet fungerar samt utreda huruvida processen införThe Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) was established in the 1980s following an increased demand for an arbitration tribunal to handle all sports-related disputes. The Court of Arbitration for Sport was introduced and has since its inception delivered a large number of decisions within the world of sports. The subject of the paper is to describe how CAS operates as an institution and analyze w

Sustainable transportation and mapping of logistics activities - With the goal of having fossil-free transportation by 2030

Today’s supply chains have become more global than ever before, which has brought out an enormous increase in environmental damage such as CO2 emissions. In an initiative to become more environmentally friendly, Swedish Food Federation has launched a joint sustainability manifest. 41 food producers in Sweden have joined this initiative and The Company is one of them. The manifest consists of five

Designing the Laptop Lounge Chair: A Product for the Workplace of Tomorrow

This master thesis maps and discusses the current and future needs, wishes and challenges of office workers. The resultant contextual knowledge is utilized to develop a concept of an office chair. The work followed an exploratory design process. Initially, literature and data on various topics were researched to form an understanding of the current and future working conditions of office workers.

”Det har inte fattats några beslut om neddragningar av assistans från regeringens sida” Språkliga strategier för undvikande av skuld i två riksdagsdebatter om LSS-krisen

In this thesis the aim is to investigate linguistic strategies of blame avoidance in two parliamentary debates about LSS (The Swedish Act concerning Support for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments). Focus lies upon how representatives from the government parties use linguistic strategies to avoid being made responsible for the many cases of decreased and withdrawn assistance. This is analy

Förvaltningsdomstolens materiella processledning - en tillfredställande garanti för den enskildes rättsskydd?

När den enskilda överklagar ett förvaltningsbeslut står den ofta som ensam motpart i rätten mot myndighetens processjurister. För att den enskilde ska kunna ta till vara på sin rätt och obalansen inte ska bli oskäligt stor mellan parterna har domaren lagstadgade möjligheter att påverka processen så att den enskildes rätt tas tillvara. Denna uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka om en sådan ordning kanWhen the individual appeals against an official decision, he or she often stands as the sole counterparty in the court against the authority’s litigator. In order for the individual to be able to exercise his or her rights and to even out an unreasonably large imbalance between the parties, the judge has statutory opportunities to influence the process so that the legal rights of the individual is

Tvetydigt - En utredning av förhållandet mellan neutralitetsprincipen och regler med beteendeförändrande syfte eller effekt

Neutralitetsprincipen är en grundläggande skatterättslig princip. Principen innebär bl.a. att beskattning inte ska styra individens val. Trots det innehåller skattesystemet en uppsjö av skatteregler med beteendeförändrande syfte eller effekt. Uppsatsen syftar till att utreda denna motsättning. Uppsatsen ämnar uppnå syftet genom att besvara följande frågeställningar: 1. Vad innebär och hur uppnåsThe principle of neutrality is a fundamental principle in tax law. The principle entails that taxation should not control the individual’s choice. Despite this, the tax system contains several tax rules with behaviour-altering purpose or effect. The purpose of this paper is to investigate this contradiction. The purpose is achieved by answering the following questions: 1. What is and how does one

UN Peacekeeping Forces – a Legal Analysis of Individual Accountability for Sexual Exploitation and Abuse

Förenta Nationernas fredsbevarande operationer har under nästan två decennier besvärats av anklagelser om sexuellt utnyttjande av och sexuella övergrepp på civilbefolkningar. Flera rapporter visar inte bara att organisationens fredsbevarande styrkor begår dessa brott mot just de människor de fått i uppdrag att beskydda, utan också att de undgår ansvar och straff. Denna uppsats undersöker och utvärUnited Nations peacekeeping operations have, for the better part of two decades, been plagued by allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse of local civilian populations. Several reports indicate not only that peacekeepers exploit and abuse the very people they were sent to protect, but also that these crimes routinely go unpunished. This thesis examines and evaluates the different methods of ho

Vems säkerhet? - Rättssäkerheten i kvalificerade säkerhetsärenden och dess förhållande till skyddet för rikets säkerhet

Säkerhetspolisen har idag möjlighet att enligt lag (1991:572) om särskild utlänningskontroll ansöka om utvisning av en utlänning som anses hota rikets säkerhet. Dessa ärenden kallas för kvalificerade säkerhetsärenden. Utvisningsförfarandet enligt denna särskilda lag har dock kritiserats för brister i rättssäkerheten, bland annat till följd av den begränsade partsinsynen och den avvikande instansorThe Swedish Security Service has the possibility to apply for expulsion of a foreigner who is considered a threat to the national security in accordance with The Special Controls of Aliens Act (1991:572). These cases are called high-level security cases. However, the expulsion procedure under this special law has been criticized for the lack of legal security. The purpose of this paper has been to

Det bortglömda offret? En rättssociologisk studie om sexköpslagen

Prostitution is a complex problem, because its surrounding legal and social norms are subject to constant debate across the world. While prostitution is not punishable by law in Sweden, the purchase of sexual services is. The seller of such services, however, cannot assume plaintiff status. The aim of this study is to contribute to a broader understanding of how the design of the law has impacted

Would You Think We Are Doomed Because of Climate Change? Risk Perception, Taking Action and Trusting Others in the Face of Different Climate Change Scenarios

Members of the general public assess risks of climate change differently than experts. Increasing the perceived risk through communication of climate change has been debated as a viable strategy to promote more sustainable behavior. This thesis exposes 412 subjects to four different messages regarding varying the likelihood and severity of averse consequences of global warming. Analysis of a two

Development of a deep learning method for soil moisture estimation at high spatial and temporal resolution using satellite data

Soil moisture (SM) is an essential climate variable that controls fundamental hydrological and climatic processes. Soil moisture products derived from microwave remote sensing often provide measurements at low spatial resolution and incomplete temporal records. This thesis presents a novel method for estimation soil moisture at both high spatial and temporal resolution by using a deep learning rec

Circular Economy in Sweden: a critical discourse analysis of the Swedish government’s strategy to transition

The concept of a circular economy (CE) has gained traction in the EU as a pathway towards sustainability. However, beyond the goal of closing resource loops there is no consensus on the key components of CE. Efforts to triangulate a definition of CE found that it is mainly a model for economic prosperity that aims to reconcile economic growth with sustainability. In 2020, the Swedish government ad

Internal Crisis Communication During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Association With Work-Related Stress: A Mixed Methods Study

In previous years, the crisis communication literature has increasingly emphasised the need for closer examination of internal crisis communication, thereby focussing on employees during crises. Additionally, so far, no research has been conducted exploring internal crisis communication and its impact on employee well-being. The present study aimed at closing this gap by investigating whether inte

"A Global Concern Through Local Lenses" A Human Rights-Based Approach to Georgia’s Law and Policy Framework on Disaster- and Climate Change-Induced Internal Displacement

Every year, millions of people are internally displaced as a result of disasters and the adverse effects of climate change. Considering that climate change acts as a “threat multiplier”, thus, posing a serious risk to the fundamental rights, such as the rights to life, health, food, an adequate standard of living of individuals and communities worldwide, it is expected that the magnitude of this i

Recombinant Food Proteins Expressed in E. coli as Complement to Plant Proteins in the Protein Shift

Increased awareness regarding nutrition, environmental sustainability, and animal welfare has sparked a trend to shift away from animal proteins. The phenomenon is referred to as the protein shift and has resulted in a higher demand for alternative protein sources. This dissertation aims to study potential opportunities and challenges of using recombinant food proteins expressed in Escherichia col