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A numerical and experimental study of initial defibration of wood

A major drawback of the defibration or refining process in manufacturing pulp is that of its large energy requirements. If the mechanics of the process were better understood, large amounts of energy could probably be saved. The initial defibration seems to be crucial for both the quality of the pulp and the total consumption of energy. Numerical simulations by means of the finite element method r

SPI-C, a PU-box binding ETS protein expressed temporarily during B-cell development and in macrophages, contains an acidic transactivation domain located to the N-terminus.

Mice deficient for SPI-group ETS transcription factors PU.1 or SPI-B fail to generate lymphocytes or do not mount normal antibody mediated immune responses, respectively. PU.1 expression is restricted to B-, T-lymphocytes and macrophages, while SPI-B is expressed in B- and T-lymphocytes. SPI-C is an ETS transcription factor closely related to PU.1 and SPI-B, and expressed temporarily during B-cell

Gas chromatographic determination of D-arabinitol/L-arabinitol ratios in urine: a potential method for diagnosis of disseminated candidiasis

A gas chromatographic procedure was developed to determine the relative amounts of D- and L-arabinitol in urine. Samples were filtered, diluted, purified through extractions, evaporated, and treated with trifluoroacetic anhydride; the arabinitol derivatives thus obtained were separated on a chiral stationary phase and registered by using an electron-capture detector. Urine samples from a patient w

Kreativitetens yttre villkor : Miljöer, rörlighet och nobelpristagare

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det är allmänt accepterat att kreativa individer är resultatet av deras sociala miljö. I denna bok görs analysen ett steg djupare och det visas att kreativa individer är resultatet av inte bara en utan flera miljöer. Med hjälp av den tidsgeografiska metoden studeras hur individer passerar genom olika vetenskapliga miljöer, vilket gradvis formar dem till nobelpristagare.It is a largely accepted fact that creative individuals are products of their social environment. This book takes the concept further and builds upon the hypothesis that in most cases a creative individual is the result of not just one, but several environments. Using the time-geographical method it studies how individuals passing through different environments are shaped into future Nobel Prize l

An argument for agent-neutral value

This paper argues (a) that to any agent-relative value maker there will correspond an agent-neutral value maker, and the latter explains the former; and (b) that to each agent-relative constitutive ground there corresponds a neutral one, and the latter explains the former. It follows from (b), if not from (a), that agent-neutral value exists if agent-relative value does.

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Popular Abstract in Swedish I den här avhandlingen utforskas förhållandet mellan position, funktion och betydelse hos den tyska partikeln ?also? (?alltså?). I den tyska grammatiken har ?also? traditionellt sett klassificerats som ett konjunktionellt adverb eftersom det ensamt kan fylla positionen före det finita verbet i en tysk sats, den så kallade ?Vorfeld?-positionen (?fundamentet?). När ?also?This thesis explores the relationship between the position, function and semantics of the German particle "also" (?so?). Traditionally, "also" is classified as a conjunctional adverb because it can fill the position in front of the finite verb in the German clause, the so-called "Vorfeld" (?pre-field?). In this position, it has a meaning similar to that of a conjunction but a distribution similar

Graft polymerization of vinyl monomers inside macroporous polyacrylamide gel, cryogel, in aqueous and aqueous-organic media initiated by diperiodatocuprate(III) complexes

Graft polymerization initiated by diperiodatocuprate(III) complex (Cu(III)) initiator was found to be an effective and convenient method for graft polymerization of vinyl monomers onto macroporous polyacrylamide gels, the so-called cryogels (pAAm-cryogels). The effect of time, temperature, monomer and initiator concentration during the graft polymerization in aqueous and aqueous-organic media was

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On the work of Marijke van Warmerdam.

CT and MR imaging of the liver using liver-specific contrast media. A comparative study in a tumour model

PURPOSE: A new type of liposomal liver-specific contrast medium (CM) in CT was studied, and the results were compared with those obtained with Mn-DPDP, a paramagnetic hepatobiliary CM, in MR imaging. The contrasts of normal liver tissue to tumorous tissue and the importance of the CM for tumour detection in the 2 modalities were studied in a rabbit tumour model. CT and T1-weighted pre- and postcon

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Endovascular treatment of aneurysmal disease of descending thoracic aorta and infra-renal abdominal aorta, has become an accepted technique, in selected cases due to the reduction of neurological morbidity, paraparesis or paraplegic and renal ischemia, associated with conventional surgery. The authors describe the first case performed in Portugal of a 75-year-old female with an expanding thoracic

Essential role of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase in insulin-induced activation and phosphorylation of the cGMP-inhibited cAMP phosphodiesterase in rat adipocytes. Studies using the selective inhibitor wortmannin

Incubation of rat adipocytes with wortmannin, a potent and selective phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) inhibitor, completely blocked the antilipolytic action of insulin (IC50 = 100 nM), the insulin-induced activation and phosphorylation of cGMP-inhibited cAMP phosphodiesterase (cGI-PDE) as well as the activation of the insulin-stimulated cGI-PDE kinase (IC50 = 10-30 nM). No direct effect

Interference between extrinsic and intrinsic losses in x-ray absorption fine structure

The interference between extrinsic and intrinsic losses in x-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) is treated within a Green's-function formalism, without explicit reference to final states. The approach makes use of a quasiboson representation of excitations and perturbation theory in the interaction potential between electrons and quasibosons. These losses lead to an asymmetric broadening of the

Att komplettera eller konkurrera – om prästers och begravningsentreprenörers arbetsuppgifter och ansvarsområden

På begravningsgudstjänsten möts två yrkesgrupper: prästen och begravningsentreprenören. Undersökningar visar att detta möte oftast präglas av ett samarbete där man upplever att man kompletterar varandras arbetsuppgifter och ansvarsområden. Det finns emellertid få strategier och reflektioner bakom detta samarbete, vilket blir tydligt när en konfliktsituation uppstår. I artikeln betonas behovet av a

Tire Models for Use in Braking Applications

The tire is a significant part for control of a vehicle. For a well-working brake system the contact properties between the tire and the ground is the limiting factor for a safe braking. To get optimal performance it is important that the system can utilize all friction resources. The brush tire model was a popular method in the 1960's and 1970's before the empirical approaches became dominating.

Immune responsiveness in adult blue tits: heritability and effects of nutritional status during ontogeny

What is the relative contribution of genetic and various environmental factors to variation in the ability to mount an immune response? We measured antibody responsiveness to diphtheria-tetanus vaccine during the winter in free-ranging blue tits with a known nestling history to investigate (1) if nutritional status during the nestling stage has persistent effects on an individual's immune defence