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Högskolebibliotekarier, öppen forskningsdata och yrkesidentitet : en kvalitativ intervjustudie

The aim of this master’s thesis is to create knowledge about the occupational identity of academic librarians in relation to their work with open research data. Interviews with six librarians from six different Swedish academic libraries were performed and analysed with the use of occupational identity-theory and sociocultural theory. It was found that the informants of the study had a difficult t

Att förstå andras emotioner i givna kontexter: en studie om människors förmåga att predicera emotioner utifrån Appraisalteorin

Vår studie genomfördes för att undersöka hur väl människor kan identifiera andra människors emotioner utifrån scenarier, där inga visuella signaler eller för mycket bakgrundsinformation gavs. Detta var för att simulera det konceptuella sammanhanget vi får i vardagen där mycket information inte är tillgänglig, men där vi ändå drar slutsatser om vad andra människors emotioner kan vara. Vi konstrueraOur study was conducted to investigate how well people can identify other people's emotions from scenarios where no visual cues, nor too much background information was given. This was to simulate the conceptual context we are given in everyday life where much information is not present yet we make inferences about what other people's emotions might be. We constructed a survey with 24 fict

Synthesis and Investigation of Nitrile-Containing Polymers Inspired by Lignin

The lignin-inspired derivatives coniferyl aldehyde and sinapyl aldehyde were used to prepare nitrile-containing methacrylate monomers with the aim to synthesize bio-based polymers exhibiting high glass transition temperatures (Tgs). The aldehydes were initially transformed to the corresponding nitriles and then underwent methacrylation before being polymerised by free-radical polymerisation. The h

Aerial View Image-Goal Localization with Reinforcement Learning

With an increased amount and availability of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and other remote sensing devices (e.g. satellites) we have recently seen an explosion in computer vision methodologies tailored towards processing and understanding aerial view data. One application for such technologies is in the area of search-and-rescue (SAR), where the task is to localize and assist one or several peo

Organisational capabilities for monetising on digital transaction platforms. A single case study in the MedTech industry

The purpose of this study is to explore what organisational capabilities are needed to monetise on the value of a digital transaction platform during a business model transformation. The study brings forward six capabilities which are divided into the three themes: enable, create and capture. To enable value on the platform, the capabilities innovative mindset and supportive leadership are assumed

Artificial Intelligence and the EU Copyright Framework: The CJEU’s Subjective Originality Requirement

Framväxandet av artificiell intelligens (AI) inom den kreativa sektorn ger upphov till nya juridiska utmaningar. Den här uppsatsen undersöker originalitet och kreativitet inom EU:s upphovsrättsliga ramverk. Utifrån upphovsrättens historiska utveckling (exempelvis fotograferingens tillkomst) och informationsålderns moderna upphovsrättsmiljö analyseras koncepten ‘verk’ och ‘originalitet’ i EU-domstoThe emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) applications in the creative sector brings about new legal challenges. This thesis examines originality and creativity within the EU copyright framework by drawing on historical developments in copyright law, such as the introduction of photography, and the modern copyright environment of the information age. The concepts of ‘work’ and ‘originality’ ar

Sustainable Use: A Contentious Promise - A Case Study on International Funding of Consumptive Sustainable Wildlife Use in South Africa's Biodiversity Economy

In South Africa, sustainable use of wildlife is widely recognized as providing economic incentives and actively engaging rural communities in conservation management. Aiming to combat rampant poverty and wildlife crime in communities around protected areas (PAs), the country’s biodiversity economy envisions to scale (non-)consumptive activities in the pursuit of creating economically and environme

Assessing the impact of post-fire restoration interventions using spectral vegetation indices: A case study in El Bruc, Spain

Ecological restoration has become an increasingly used practice to revert degraded land and mitigate the effects of extreme events in vulnerable biomes such as drylands. Methods to improve the assessment of these restoration interventions are essential to ensure their success, optimize resources and identify improvement aspects for future interventions. This study develops a method to assess the p

Trafiksäkerhet och framkomlighet för cyklister i korsningar - En analys av korsningar i Malmö

För att nå Sveriges transportpolitiska mål är krävs det att fler väljer cykeln som huvudsakligt färdmedel. Genom att prioritera cyklisters trafiksäkerhet och framkomlighet ökar attraktiviteten vilket gör att fler väljer att cykla. I denna studie har tre korsningar i Malmö analyserats med avseende på trafiksäkerhet och framkomlighet där syftet var att undersöka hur trafiksäkerhet och framkomlighet In order to achieve Sweden's transport policy goals, it is required that more people choose the bicycle as their main mode of transport. By prioritizing cyclists' traffic safety and level of service, attractiveness increases, which means that more people choose to cycle. In this study, three intersections in Malmö have been analyzed with regard to traffic safety and level of service, where

Earth Architecture - Towards a Sustainable Future?

It is widely recognised that the two major challenges of the 21st century are climate change and poverty. The building sector is responsible for over a third of all global carbon dioxide emissions. At the same time, we see vastly overcrowded and rapidly growing informal settlements in developing countries, where people lack the basic right to decent shelter. This is simply not sustainable and forc

Automatic 3D Segmentation in CT images of Congenital Heart Defects using Deep Learning

Automatiska 3D modeller av hjärtan med medfödda hjärtfel med hjälp av AI Tänk om du kan titta på ett hjärta innan du ska operera på en patient. Detta är möjligt genom att skapa en 3D modell av hjärtat. Detta görs bara på några få patienter om året men tack vara det här arbetet så kan 3D modeller skapas för fler patienter och därmed öka patientsäkerheten. På Skånes universitetssjukhus i Lund så 3D segmentations of hearts with congenital heart defects are routinely used today. They are used to study hearts and to prepare before surgery which makes them an important part of patient care. The 3D segmentations are usually created manually, which is a time-consuming process. By automating this process, less time can be spent creating these models, and more time can be spend on patient care.

Protection of Data in the Context of Big Data

Inom ramen av Big Data och användning av AI-teknik så har vi nu möjlighet att automatisera komplexa uppgifter genom att samla in, dela och behandla inhämtade data. Dataanalys öppnar upp möjligheten att låsa upp enorm potential inom de flesta branscher. Samtidigt råder osäkerhet kring juridiska rättigheter kopplat till ägande av data vilket föranleder att företag väljer att inte delta fullt ut i maWithin the framework of Big Data and the use of AI technologies we now possess the ability to automate complex tasks through collecting, sharing, and processing the collected data. Analysis of data can unlock enormous potential within most fields. Meanwhile, legal uncertainty in data ownership rights causes businesses to not fully participate in the data sharing market. In this context this thesis

Longshore Sediment Transport Along the Coast of Ystad Municipality

Sandstränder utgör en stor del av Ystads kust och används flitigt för bad och hundpromenader och är en stor del av kommunens turism. Förutom att glädja besökare fungerar de även som skydd mot översvämningar och hindrar havet från att nå vägar och byggnader vid högvatten eller stormar. I takt med klimatförändringarna finns det ett ökat hot för att stränderna ska erodera bort, genom att sand transpoThe coast of Ystad municipality has historically been subject to erosion, leading to the loss of recreational areas and near-beach structures, consequently resulting in the implementation of mitigating measures. With the ongoing climate change, erosion is expected to continue. This generates a need for a better understanding of sediment dynamics and sediment transport patterns, in order to further

Structural investigation of ductile deformations across the Frontal Wedge south of Lake Vättern, southern Sweden

Deformationszonen kallad ”Frontal wedge” är ett system av N-S branta och vertikala deformationszoner i gränsen mellan Svekonorvegiska och Sekorareliska provincen, i södra Sverige. Ursprung av dessa strukturer är inte fullt förstått och under de senaste årtiondena har endast ett fåtal undersökningar gjorts på dessa deformationszoner. Det finns flera olika tolkningar och modeller för bildandet av stThe Frontal wedge is a system of N-S trending steep to vertical deformation zones at the border between the Sveconorwegian and Svecokarelian provinces in south-central Sweden. The origin of these structures is not fully understood and few investigations have been done on these deformation zones during the past decades. There are various interpretations of and models for the formation of the struct

Simulating Space

he late visionary architect Lebbeus Woods once said; "We inhabit space in which we are not sure how to move". With increasing environmental destruction and rising see levels we might soon be forced to literally inhabit space, in which we definitely are not sure how to move. Astronauts have continously reported problems with orienting in space and of unhomely space interiors. So, what wou

The Relationship between Tax Avoidance and ESG Ratings

This study investigates the relationship between tax avoidance and corporate responsibility measured through ESG ratings among Swiss listed companies between 2010 and 2019. In the first part of the analysis, the aim is to identify whether Swiss firms provide evidence for the corporate culture theory, which considers that tax payments and CSR/ESG activities are complements, or for the risk manageme

Real time estimations of kLa and viscosity in a fermentation pilot plant

Fermentation is a process that utilizes live microorganisms to produce different biological products such as enzymes. The oxygen mass transfer rate is often the limiting factor in aerobic fermentations and thereby an important process parameter. The initial aim of this MSc thesis was therefore to develop a soft sensor for the volumetric oxygen mass transfer coefficient, kLa, in order to monitor it

“We realised that we are always into hunger when we don’t grow pearl millet” - Exploring decision-making by smallholder farmers and the situation for traditional small grain cropping using Political Ecology in the semi-arid regions of Zimbabwe

Food insecurity in Zimbabwe is severe and increasing. The staple food is made from maize, which is highly sensitive to drought. The traditional small grains; finger millet, pearl millet and sorghum are drought resistant, nutritious and require little inputs compared to maize. Despite this, few farmers grow small grains even though they have been praised as a panacea. This thesis aims to narrow the

Human Factors in Aerial Drone Operations

Meanwhile experiencing an industry-wide lack of regulatory adaptation and official incident/accident data, aerial drone usage is becoming increasingly popular and so the potential safety concern they pose to civil aviation and ‘ground-based objects’. Similarly to the aviation industry, its assumed Human Factors will be a proportionally increasing contributing factor in drone related incidents/acci