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Oxidation of aliphatic compounds using Fe(IV)-Oxo complexes with a monoisoquinoline substituted pentadentate ligand.

Klimatkrisen vi står inför är ett av de största problemen för samhället. För att sakta ner och motverka de ändringar i klimat och miljö som industrialiseringen har medfört så är introduktionen av ”grön kemi” i industrin en av de mest brådskande utmaningarna. Principen bakom grön kemi är att reducera andvändingen och utsläpp av miljöfarliga kemikalier. Ett område där grön kemi kan appliceras är oFe(II) and Fe(IV)-oxo complexes of a ligand based on the pentadentate N4Py framework have been investigated for oxidation of aliphatic compounds. The ligand N-(isoquinolin-3-ylmethyl)-1,1-di(pyridin-2-yl)-N-(pyridin-2-ylmethyl)methanamine (N3Py-IQ) and the complex [Fe(II)(-NCMe)(-N3Py-IQ)]2+ have been successfully synthesised and characterized. The 1H NMR spectrum of the low spin d6 [Fe(II)(-NCMe)

The Hedging Premium

Seminar Date: 2022-06-01 Course: BUSN79, Degree Project in Accounting and Finance Authors: Jakob Mathiasson & Philip Hausenkamph Examiner: Reda Moursli Key Words: Risk Management, Hedging, Firm Value, Insider Ownership, Foreign Ownership Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of hedging derivatives on firm valuation in present time, as well as the partial effect o

Identity Construction through Consumer Collectives: A qualitative study on how consumers construct their identity within the beauty community on Tiktok

The study aims to develop an understanding of how consumers construct their identities through online communities on social media platforms. The paper will specifically look into the platform Tiktok, and moreover how consumers construct their identities within the beauty community on the platform. The findings of the study demonstrate how consumers within the beauty community on Tiktok are seeking

Knutby och Kristi brud : en diskursanalys av den kvinnliga brottslingen Kristi brud i tv-serien Knutby

Felicia Samuelsson, Vanna Andersson: ”Knutby och Kristi brud, en diskursanalys av den kvinnliga brottslingen Kristi brud i tv-serien Knutby”. Lunds Universitet: Inst. för kommunikation och medier, b-uppsats, vårtermin, 2022. Det huvudsakliga syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur verkliga kvinnliga brottslingar fiktionaliseras i multimodala verk. För att undersöka detta gör vi avstamp i tv-

Colliding Galaxies in a (Nut)Shell

Galaxy interactions and mergers are natural recurring events in the current cosmological paradigm, events that often coincide with starbursts and enhanced star formation activity. To understand why that is, one can use idealised (non-cosmological) merger simulations, which provide freedom to recreate specific tidally distorted galaxies, and analysis of the time evolution and underlying physics of

The Nature of Digital Extension Services in the Developing World

The rapid diffusion of mobile phones and the internet in Kenya is hoped to be an effective solution to meeting the crucial information needs of smallholder farmers to improve their economic and environmental resilience. This thesis conducts a case study based on interviews with actors who provide digital agricultural extension services to farmers in Kenya to assess the Agricultural Innovation Syst

"Jag är pedagog, inte ekonom" - En kvalitativ studie om upplevda svårigheter i samband med rekonstruktion av professionell identitet

Examensarbetets titel: “Jag är pedagog, inte ekonom” - En kvalitativ studie om upplevda svårigheter i samband med rekonstruktion av professionell identitet Seminariedatum: 2 juni 2022 Kurs: FEKH49, Examensarbete i organisation på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Ida Broman, Gustav Gustafsson, Elin Perströmer och Jennifer Rydh Johansson Handledare: Nadja Sörgärde Fem nyckelord: identitetTitle: “I am an pedagogue, not a business manager” - A qualitative study concerning experienced difficulties during reconstruction of professional role identity Seminar date: 2 June 2022 Course: FEKH49, Business Administration: Bachelor’s Degree Project in Organization, Undergraduate level, 15 credits Authors: Ida Broman, Gustav Gustafsson, Elin Perströmer och Jennifer Rydh Johansson Advisor: Nad

Vectorization of the Jacobi method with single- and multiple right-hand sides

Att effektivisera program som löser komplexa problem har länge varit ett av målen inom beräkningsvetenskapen. I denna kandidatuppsats så undersöker vi ett sätt att göra program mer effektiva, och det är med hjälp av vektorisering. Detta är en metod som tidigt i beräkningsvetenskapen var central för att göra program mer effektiva. Senare blev andra former av parallelisering mer central, men det finVectorization has been an important consideration for scientific com- puting performance for a long time. Early super computers were designed around vectorization, the so called ”vector computers”, but recent trends point toward favouring other computer architectures, and vector comput- ers are much more rare than they used to be. Nonetheless, vectorization still lives on to a smaller extent in mo

Mapping of Process Hazard Analyses in Swedish Process Industries and How the Work Can Be Improved

This study aims to map how Swedish process industries use qualitative risk analyses, such as process hazard analyses (PHA), to assess risks. Beyond the Seveso legislation, which requires all facilities classified as upper tier to perform a safety report each fifth years, there are no Swedish legislation or regulations regarding how and when PHAs should be executed. Hence, Swedish process industrie

The Unification of Germany and Regional Economic Convergence: Evidence from Real Wage Data, 1850-1889

This thesis studies the regional development of Germany in the 19th century, examining whether there was an increased tendency toward economic convergence between the German states following the country’s unification. Through a quantitative analysis using real wage data on various German cities and regions covering the period 1850-1889, the study looks for evidence of beta-convergence both before

Vart går Lunds nästa spårvägslinje?

The main purpose of this survey is to investigate new tramway alternatives in Lund, how effective and useful every new route is. The survey will be done by the author and information collected is checked and controlled by Lund Kommun staff and people working with Lund first tramway to Brunnshög. Every route of the tramway has stops which are located in well thought-out places, where they should h

Chefers föreställningar - en självuppfyllande profetia

Sammanfattning Examensarbetets titel: Chefers föreställningar - en självuppfyllande profetia, En kvalitativ analys av bilden chefer har av privatrådgivares förväntningar och dess inflytande på det psykologiska kontraktet Seminariedatum: 2 juni 2022 Kurs: FEKH49, Examensarbete kandidatnivå i organisation, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Hanshoff, Ellen; Hultström Palerius, Jakob; Molander, Per Handled

Högskolebibliotekarier, öppen forskningsdata och yrkesidentitet : en kvalitativ intervjustudie

The aim of this master’s thesis is to create knowledge about the occupational identity of academic librarians in relation to their work with open research data. Interviews with six librarians from six different Swedish academic libraries were performed and analysed with the use of occupational identity-theory and sociocultural theory. It was found that the informants of the study had a difficult t

Att förstå andras emotioner i givna kontexter: en studie om människors förmåga att predicera emotioner utifrån Appraisalteorin

Vår studie genomfördes för att undersöka hur väl människor kan identifiera andra människors emotioner utifrån scenarier, där inga visuella signaler eller för mycket bakgrundsinformation gavs. Detta var för att simulera det konceptuella sammanhanget vi får i vardagen där mycket information inte är tillgänglig, men där vi ändå drar slutsatser om vad andra människors emotioner kan vara. Vi konstrueraOur study was conducted to investigate how well people can identify other people's emotions from scenarios where no visual cues, nor too much background information was given. This was to simulate the conceptual context we are given in everyday life where much information is not present yet we make inferences about what other people's emotions might be. We constructed a survey with 24 fict

Synthesis and Investigation of Nitrile-Containing Polymers Inspired by Lignin

The lignin-inspired derivatives coniferyl aldehyde and sinapyl aldehyde were used to prepare nitrile-containing methacrylate monomers with the aim to synthesize bio-based polymers exhibiting high glass transition temperatures (Tgs). The aldehydes were initially transformed to the corresponding nitriles and then underwent methacrylation before being polymerised by free-radical polymerisation. The h

Aerial View Image-Goal Localization with Reinforcement Learning

With an increased amount and availability of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and other remote sensing devices (e.g. satellites) we have recently seen an explosion in computer vision methodologies tailored towards processing and understanding aerial view data. One application for such technologies is in the area of search-and-rescue (SAR), where the task is to localize and assist one or several peo

Organisational capabilities for monetising on digital transaction platforms. A single case study in the MedTech industry

The purpose of this study is to explore what organisational capabilities are needed to monetise on the value of a digital transaction platform during a business model transformation. The study brings forward six capabilities which are divided into the three themes: enable, create and capture. To enable value on the platform, the capabilities innovative mindset and supportive leadership are assumed

Artificial Intelligence and the EU Copyright Framework: The CJEU’s Subjective Originality Requirement

Framväxandet av artificiell intelligens (AI) inom den kreativa sektorn ger upphov till nya juridiska utmaningar. Den här uppsatsen undersöker originalitet och kreativitet inom EU:s upphovsrättsliga ramverk. Utifrån upphovsrättens historiska utveckling (exempelvis fotograferingens tillkomst) och informationsålderns moderna upphovsrättsmiljö analyseras koncepten ‘verk’ och ‘originalitet’ i EU-domstoThe emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) applications in the creative sector brings about new legal challenges. This thesis examines originality and creativity within the EU copyright framework by drawing on historical developments in copyright law, such as the introduction of photography, and the modern copyright environment of the information age. The concepts of ‘work’ and ‘originality’ ar

Sustainable Use: A Contentious Promise - A Case Study on International Funding of Consumptive Sustainable Wildlife Use in South Africa's Biodiversity Economy

In South Africa, sustainable use of wildlife is widely recognized as providing economic incentives and actively engaging rural communities in conservation management. Aiming to combat rampant poverty and wildlife crime in communities around protected areas (PAs), the country’s biodiversity economy envisions to scale (non-)consumptive activities in the pursuit of creating economically and environme