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Integrated stratigraphy and chronostratigraphy across the Ypresian-Lutetian transition in the Fortuna Section (Betic Cordillera Spain)

This integrated study across the Ypresian/Lutetian boundary in the Fortuna Section (Spain) allowed us to recognize a bundle of events in the transitional interval between the Ypresian and Lutetian stages. Planktic foraminifera show an apparently continuous succession spanning the planktic foraminiferal zones P9, P10 and P11. Calcareous nannofossils allowed the recognition of the nannofossil subzon

Projekt som retorik och praktik : Om utvecklingsarbete på särskilda ungdomshem

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen handlar om utvecklingsarbete av institutionsvård för ungdomar. Årligen bevil-jar Statens institutionsstyrelse ett tiotal miljoner kronor till utvecklingsprojekt för sina institu-tioner. Sedan i mitten av 1990-talet har stora satsningar gjorts för att utveckla institutionernas kompetens i familj- och nätverksarbete. Syftet med avhandlingen är att undersöka iThe thesis deals with development work within institutional care for young people. The Swedish National Board of Institutional Care (SiS) grants tens of millions of Swedish crowns to development projects to their institutions. Since the mid-1990s major investments have been made in order to develop the institutions? competence in family-work and networking. The aim of this thesis is to study the g

Intra- and inter-laboratory reproducibility of estrogen and progesterone receptor enzyme immunoassay in breast cancer cytosol samples--a Swedish multicenter study. Swedish Society of Cancer Study Group

Estrogen and progesterone receptor analysis results were compared within and between six laboratories in Sweden using frozen breast cancer cytosol samples, and the same technique (enzyme immunoassay, Abbott Laboratories). The concordance in receptor status (positive vs. negative) was excellent (98.4% (571/580)). The discordant results were attributable to values near cut-off (n = 4) or outliers (n

On Lactobacillus plantarum 299v, bacterial translocation and intestinal permeability.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Tarmväggen har till uppgift att både absorbera vatten och näringsämnen till kroppen, och samtidigt utgöra en barriär mot alla de bakterier, gifter och skadliga ämnen som vi får i oss. Tarmväggen innehåller också kroppens största förråd av immunologisk vävnad, dvs de celler och ämnen som utgörs kroppens försvar. I mag-tarmkanalen, ffa i tjocktarmen, finns 100 biljoner (1The gastrointestinal tract harbours a huge load of bacteria which exerts important biological functions to maintain health. In certain conditions the relation between commensal bacteria and pathogens may be set off balance, with an increase in number of pathogens and risk of bacterial translocation (BT). Disease and trauma may also render the intestinal barrier dysfunctional, inducing BT and incre

The role of cytochrome b559 and tyrosineD in protection against photoinhibition during in vivo photoactivation of Photosystem II

In vivo photoactivation of Photosystem II was studied in the FUD39 mutant strain of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii which lacks the 23 kDa protein subunit involved in water oxidation. Dark grown cells, devoid of oxygen evolution, were illuminated at 0.8 μE m-2&#;s-1 light intensity which promotes optimal activation of oxygen evolution, or at 17 μE m-2&#;s-1, where photoactivation

The performance of incremental redundancy schemes based on convolutional codes in the block-fading Gaussian collision channel

The throughput performance of incremental redundancy (INR) schemes, based on short constraint length convolutional codes, is evaluated for the block-fading Gaussian collision channel. Results based on simulations and union bound computations are compared to estimates of the achievable throughput performance with random binary and Gaussian coding in the limit of large block lengths, obtained throug

Misplaced Concreteness and Concrete Places : Critical Analyses of Divergent Discourses on Sustainability

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling bygger på en kritisk granskning av spänningen mellan etablerade och alternativa perspektiv på hållbarhetsproblematiken, med utgångspunkt i fyra olika diskurser: miljöekonomi, ekologisk ekonomi, adaptive management och bioregionalism. De fyra diskurserna representerar olika försök att i tilltagande grad utmana etablerade, modernistiska perspektiv på sociThis dissertation critically examines the tension between mainstream and counterpoint perspectives on sustainability on the basis of analyses of four approaches to this issue: environmental economics, ecological economics, adaptive management, and bioregionalism, which are presented as successive attempts to challenge mainstream, modernist perspectives on socio-ecological relationships. The differ

Digital Hardware Aspects of Multiantenna Algorithms

The field of wireless communication is growing rapidly, with new requirements for the next generation of mobile and wireless communications technology. In order to achieve the capacities needed for future wireless systems, the design and implementation of advanced communications techniques such as multiantenna systems is required. These systems are realized by computationally complex algorithms, r

Självkonfrontation via intern television i lärarutbildningen : Försök att modifiera lärarkandidaters perception och värdering med hjälp av videobandförmedlad självkonfrontation och traditionell handledning

This monograph contains a description and discussion of self-assessment data obtained from student teachers, who have participated in a self-confrontation experiment. The measurement scale: Assessment and Evaluation Schedule, has been especially devised for this experiment. The report includes a discussion of validity and reliability problems. The self-assessment data have been analysed by means o

Inventory of human skin fibroblast proteoglycans. Identification of multiple heparan and chondroitin/dermatan sulphate proteoglycans

Heparan sulphate and chondroitin/dermatan sulphate proteoglycans of human skin fibroblasts were isolated and separated after metabolic labelling for 48 h with 35SO4(2-) and/or [3H]leucine. The proteoglycans were obtained from the culture medium, from a detergent extract of the cells and from the remaining 'matrix', and purified by using density-gradient centrifugation, gel and ion-exchange chromat

Informal home caregiving in a gender perspective. A selected literature review

An informal home caregiver is a person (family member or friends) who takes care of or participates to some degree in the care of a person in the home. This study provides a selected review of literature published 1982-2003 of the informal home caregiving from a gender perspective. A computer-aided search using MEDLINE and CINAHL was carried out. The final number of articles was 45. The main findi

Weak telomerase activity in malignant cells in metastatic serous effusions - Correlation to short survival time

Objective The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether the intensity of telomerase activity measured on the cellular level in effusions correllates to survival time in cases of metastatic spread to the serous cavities. Study Design Telomere repeat amplification protocol (TRAP) in situ was applied to 46 effusions containing metastatic cancer cells. Results Weak telomerase activity in tumor cel

RoSiB - a 4 pi silicon ball for charged-particle detection in EUROBALL

A 4 pi silicon bail for detection and identification of light charged particles in large multidetector gamma-arrays as EUROBALL is presented. The design is based on a N = 42 ball with 12 pentagons and 30 hexagons as used in the GASP array. The absorptive material for gamma-rays is minimized to the detector thickness of 300 or 500 mu m and a 0.63 mm ceramic backing. The geometrical coverage is desi

Cumulative prostate cancer risk assessment with the aid of the free-to-total prostate specific antigen ratio

Objective: To evaluate the cumulative risk of having a prostate cancer diagnosis in a repeated screening situation in relation to the free-to-total prostate specific antigen ratio (F/T-PSA). Patients and Methods: The present study includes 1385 men (aged 50-70 years) who underwent prostate biopsy for the first time in the screening program that started in 1995. In case of a benign finding, the men

The impact of stent-graft development on outcome of AAA repair--a 7-year experience

OBJECTIVE: to analyse the impact of stent-graft (SG) design and operator skill on the outcome of endovascular AAA repair. DESIGN: prospective non-randomised open. MATERIAL: a total of 158 patients (mean age 71) underwent SG repair. Patients were treated with five different types of SG: first (n =58) and second ( n =17) generation Ivancev-Malmo monoiliac SG (IM I and IM II respectively) combined wi

Cholecystokinin causes contraction of the pupillary sphincter in monkeys but not in cats, rabbits, rats and guinea-pigs: antagonism by lorglumide

The effects of intracameral injections of cholecystokinin (CCK) on the pupil size were determined in monkeys, cats, rabbits, rats and guinea-pigs. In animals under muscarinic cholinergic blockade, CCK caused miosis in monkeys but not in the other species investigated. In monkeys CCK-8 was more potent than CCK-33, which was, however, much more potent than non-sulphated CCK-8. These observations ind

Identifying regular blocks in valued networks: A heuristic applied to the St. Marks carbon flow data, and international trade in cereal products

While the concept of regular equivalence is equally applicable to dichotomous as well as valued networks, the identification of regular blocks in regular blockmodels is somewhat problematic when dealing with valued networks. Applying the standard procedure for identifying ties in such blockmodels, a procedure perhaps most suited for dichotomous networks, does tend to generate block images and redu