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Determinants of cognitive and brain resilience to tau pathology: a longitudinal analysis

Mechanisms of resilience against tau pathology in individuals across the Alzheimer’s disease spectrum are insufficiently understood. Longitudinal data are necessary to reveal which factors relate to preserved cognition (i.e. cognitive resilience) and brain structure (i.e. brain resilience) despite abundant tau pathology, and to clarify whether these associations are cross-sectional or longitudinal

Arbetslivsforskning vid Lunds universitet : En inventering av arbetslivsforskningens omfattning, hemvist och förutsättningar

Vi lever i en tid då arbetslivet – både i Sverige och globalt – genomgår storaförändringar och står inför stora utmaningar. Arbetslivsforskning har därför enstor samhällelig relevans. Men hur står det egentligen till med arbetslivsforskningen vid Lunds universitet? Hur många arbetslivsforskare finns det och var någonstans håller de hus? Och hur ser de på förutsättningarna för att bedriva arbetsliv

Parents' recalled experiences of the child centred health dialogue in children with overweight: a qualitative study

Background: Because overweight and obesity are still increasing and prevention of childhood obesity is more likely to be effective when initiated in preschool children, the Child Health Service in the south of Sweden developed a structured child-centred health dialogue model targeting all 4-year-old children and their families. The aim of this study was to describe parents' recalled experiences of

The Simple One-step stool processing method for detection of Pulmonary tuberculosis : A study protocol to assess the robustness, stool storage conditions and sampling strategy for global implementation and scale-up

BACKGROUND: The Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra (Xpert-Ultra) assay provides timely results with good sensitivity and acceptable specificity with stool specimens in children for bacteriological confirmation of tuberculosis (TB). This study aims to optimize the Simple One-Step (SOS) stool processing method for testing stool specimens using the Xpert-Ultra in children and adults in selected health facilities in

Kvantitativa metoder i socialpolitiska studier : - en introduktion med frågor och övningsexempel i fyra delar

I rapporten underlaget presenteras grundläggande utgångspunkter och verktyg för studier som baseras på kvantitativa metoder. Avsikten är i första hand att komplettera kurslitteraturen på området och visa hur kvantitativa analysmetoder kan nyttjas i samband med socialpolitiskt inriktade studier. Syftet är också att öka kunskapen och förmågan att bearbeta och värdera statistik om sociala förhållande

Poor adult tuberculosis treatment outcome and associated factors in Gibe Woreda, Southern Ethiopia : An institution-based cross-sectional study

Tuberculosis (TB) remains a major medical and public health problem throughout the world, especially in developing countries including Ethiopia. Its control program is currently being challenged by the spread of drug-resistant TB, which is the result of poor treatment outcomes. Hence, this study assessed poor adult TB treatment outcomes and associated factors in Gibe Woreda, Southern Ethiopia. An

Associations in Perceived Health and Persistent Breathlessness: A Cross-Sectional Study

Background: Persistent breathlessness is debilitating and increases in prevalence with advanced age and at end of life. This study aimed to evaluate any relationship between self-reported global impressions of change (GIC) in perceived health and breathlessness in older men.Design: Cross-sectional study of 73-year-old Swedish men in the VAScular and Chronic Obstructive Lung disease study. A postal

Anatomical and histopathological approaches to asthma phenotyping

Asthma is typically characterized by variable respiratory symptoms and airflow limitation. Along with the pathophysiology and symptoms are immunological and inflammatory processes. The last decades research has revealed that the immunology of asthma is highly heterogeneous. This has clinical consequences and identification of immunological phenotypes is currently used to guide biological treatment

Striving towards normality in an unpredictable situation. A qualitative interview study of how persons newly diagnosed with incurable oesophageal and gastric cancer manage everyday life

Purpose: Getting an incurable oesophageal or gastric cancer diagnosis is a major stressful life event associated with severe physical, psychosocial and existential challenges. To provide timely and efficient support, based on patients' experiences, the aim of the study was to explore how patients newly diagnosed with incurable oesophageal and gastric cancer manage everyday life. Method: Semi-struc

Open Mouth Operations. Monetary Policy by Threats and Arguments. The Monthly Meetings Between the Riksbank and the Commercial Banks, 1956-73

After World War II and prior to the financial deregulation of the 1980s, monetary policy in Sweden as well as in other western European countries rested chiefly on a system of far- reaching non-market-oriented controls of credit flows and interest rates. How was monetary policy conducted in such an environment of financial repression, where the central bank was unable to rely on traditional moneta

Direct decomposition of three-way arrays using a non-negative approximation

Non-negative matrix approximation (NNMA) has been used in diverse scientific fields, but it still has some major limitations. In the present study a novel trilinear decomposition method, termed three-way NNMA (TWNNMA), was developed. The method decomposes three-way arrays directly without unfolding and overcomes the restriction of locking zero elements in the deduced multiplicative update rules by

Large Intelligent Surface Measurements for Joint Communication and Sensing

Multiple concepts for future generations of wireless communication standards utilize coherent processing of signals from many distributed antennas. Names for these concepts include distributed MIMO, cell-free massive MIMO, XL-MIMO, and large intelligent surfaces. They aim to improve communica- tion reliability, capacity, as well as energy efficiency and provide possibilities for new applications t

The impact of mechanical characteristics of GDL on the efficiency of a PEM fuel cell

When a fuel cell stack is assembled it is compressed to ensure gas tightness, and as a consequence, the Gas Diffusion Layer (GDL) will intrude into the channels of the Bipolar Plate (BPP). In this work, the GDL is studied in compression tests and through intrusion measurements. Based on the collected data from the measurements, an approximative method is developed to calculate the intruded profile

Quantification of the inhaled deposited dose during sand and dust storms

Exposure to dust particles during a sand and dust storm (SDS) can be harmful for health. The first step to understand the health effects of such exposure is to quantify the amount of deposited dust particles in the respiratory tracts. In this book chapter, a brief summary is presented about: (1) the outbreak mechanisms dust particles and being airborne, (2) physical and chemical characteristics of

The inflammatory mediator leukotriene D4 triggers a rapid reorganisation of the actin cytoskeleton in human intestinal epithelial cells

Epithelial cells play an important role in maintaining the intestinal mucosa barrier, a barrier that is impaired in several inflammatory conditions. The mechanisms behind this impairment are not known, but it can be presumed that structural alterations of the epithelial cells are involved. In support of this notion, we here show the inflammatory mediator leukotriene D4 (LTD4) triggered first a rap

Bättre tillsammans

Att social isolering och ofrivillig ensamhet har negativa effekter på den psykiska och fysiska hälsan är ingen nyhet. Ensamhet är en folksjukdom. Och undersökningar visar att den ofrivilliga ensamheten har starka kopplingar till boendet och det egna hemmet. Tiden under Covid-19-pandemin har präglats hårt av uppmaningen om ”social distansiering”. Ännu mer tid har spenderats i eller i närheten av h

The Swedish Version of the eHealth Literacy Questionnaire: Translation, Cultural Adaptation, and Validation Study

Background: With the increasing digitalization in health care, an effective instrument is necessary to assess health care consumers' digital competencies-their "eHealth literacy." The 7-scale eHealth Literacy Questionnaire (eHLQ), based on the theoretically robust eHealth Literacy Framework, has shown strong psychometric properties in Denmark and Australia.Objective: The aim of this study was to t