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The Natural Course of Traumatic Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex Tears in Distal Radial Fractures: A 13-15 Year Follow-up of Arthroscopically Diagnosed but Untreated Injuries.

PURPOSE: To evaluate the long-term results of a prospective, longitudinal case series of untreated, traumatic triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) tears found in displaced distal radial fractures. METHODS: Between 1995 and 1997, 51 patients (24 men, 27 women; age, 20-57 y) with a displaced distal radius fracture had wrist arthroscopy to identify associated injuries. Forty-three patients had c

Approximate Optimization of a Two-Level Distribution Inventory System

A two-echelon distribution inventory system with a central warehouse and a number of retailers is considered. The retailers face stochastic demand. The system is controlled by continuous review installation stock (R,Q) policies with given batch quantities. There are linear holding costs at all locations and linear backorder costs at the retailers. We present a simple technique for approximate opti

A multi-centre study on quality of life and absenteeism in patients with CRS referred for endoscopic surgery

Aims: This study summarises the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) scores and absenteeism caused by sinus problems in patients awaiting surgery with the diagnoses recurrent acute rhinosinusitis (RARS), chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRS+NP) or CRS without nasal polyps (CRS-NP), in a prospective multi-centre study. Methodology: Two hundred and seven patients with RARS, CRS+NP or CRS-

Germline genetics of cancer of unknown primary (CUP) and its specific subtypes.

Cancer of unknown primary site (CUP) is a fatal cancer diagnosed through metastases at various organs. Little is known about germline genetics of CUP which appears worth of a search in view of reported familial associations in CUP. In the present study, samples from CUP patients were identified from 2 Swedish biobanks and a German clinical trial, totaling 578 CUP patients and 7628 regionally match

Monetary Policy, Asset Price Inflation and Consumer Price Inflation

The overall price level contains prices of everything purchased or purchasable (Fischer, 1911). The consumer price index only covers a small subset of all prices in the economy and since these prices are among the stickiest in the economy, this index may not fully capture the true rate of monetary inflation in the short run. Merging all price indices into one overall index has been rejected, not l

Thyroid hormones and male sexual function.

The role of thyroid hormones in the control of erectile functioning has been only superficially investigated. The aim of the present study was to investigate the association between thyroid and erectile function in two different cohorts of subjects. The first one derives from the European Male Ageing Study (EMAS study), a multicentre survey performed on a sample of 3369 community-dwelling men aged

Meaningfulness in work: experiences among individuals with persistent mental illness

The aim of the present study was to investigate how people with persistent mental illness, with various types of work and employment conditions, experience and describe the meaningfulness of work. The study had a qualitative approach and twelve informants living in the community were purposefully selected and interviewed according to overarching themes. The interviews were analysed using qualitati

Industrial Dynamics and Regional Structural Change : Geographical Perspectives on Economic Evolution

Popular AbstractI avhandlingen undersöks den ekonomiska omvandlingsprocess som skett i Sverige sedan mitten av 1970-talet. Av speciellt intresse är hur och varför de fördelar som företag och branscher åtnjuter på grund av samlokalisering med andra ekonomiska aktörer (så kallade agglomerationsexternaliteter) varierar över olika faser av ekonomisk omvandling. Avhandlingen baserar sig på de framsteg This thesis investigates the process of economic transformation taking place in Sweden since the mid 1970s. Especially, it is concerned with how and why benefits that firms and industries draw from regional co-location with other actors (agglomeration externalities) vary over stages of economic transformation. Drawing on recent findings within the fields of evolutionary economics and evolutionary

Laser-Induced Incandescence and Complementary Diagnostics for Flame Soot Characterization

Popular Abstract in Swedish Även om vi i dagens samhälle försöker minska vårt beroende av förbränningsprocesser är förbränning fortfarande vår största energikälla och förväntas så förbli under en lång tid. Därför är det viktigt att effektivisera förbränningsprocesserna för att maximera den energi som utvinns medan utsläppen samtidigt minimeras. En av de oönskade biprodukterna vid förbränning är soThis work has been aimed at developing and applying laser-induced incandescence (LII) for flame soot characterization. The basic principle of LII is rapid heating of the soot particles to temperatures of 3500-4000 K by short laser pulses. Thereby the intensity of the soot incandescence is increased. By detection of this increased incandescence and analysis of the detected signal, the volume fracti

Respiratory Inflammation Among Workers Exposed to Airborne Dust With Endotoxins in a Coffee Curing Factory.

OBJECTIVE: To study dust exposure and inflammatory reactions in the respiratory tract among coffee curing workers in Tanzania. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in a Tanzanian coffee curing factory. Coffee workers (n = 15) were compared with unexposed controls (n = 18); all workers were nonsmokers. Exhaled nitric oxide was examined using an electrochemistry-based NIOX MINO device. P

Conditional Partial Plans for Rational Situated Agents Capable of Deductive Reasoning and Inductive Learning

Rational, autonomous agents that are able to achieve their goals in dynamic, partially observable environments are the ultimate dream of Artificial Intelligence research since its beginning. The goal of this PhD thesis is to propose, develop and evaluate a framework well suited for creating intelligent agents that would be able to learn from experience, thus becoming more efficient at solving thei

Robotic implementation of a microchip-based protein clean-up and enrichment system for MALDI-TOF MS readout

A capillary filling microfluidic proteomic sample processing system has been realized in an automated set-up. Chip-integrated solid-phase extraction is performed in a 96-array format followed by sequential capillary action elution into a piezoelectric microdispenser and subsequent transfer to MALDI targets. Samples are eluted and deposited in volumes of 200–300 nl. The robotic system offers calibr