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Kinematic Robot Calibration Using a Double Ball-Bar

Calibration of robots is an essential part of industry today when there is a high accuracy requirement. Several calibration methods have proven to be highly accurate but also expensive and time consuming to use. In this thesis a new calibration method has been developed. The method does not depend on any external measurement systems but instead rely entirely on the robot’s own sensors. The method

Understanding the Parasitic Effects on the Microwave Interferences at Hearing Instrument Level up to 6GHz

The use of electronic devices which radiate high power electromagnetic waves has seen a significant increase in the last 20 years. These radiated signals heavily effects electronic devices close to strong radio frequency (RF) or microwave (MW) transmitters . Mobile phones are a good example among electronic devices which cause signal interference in hearing instruments (HI). Changing the design o

Local NGOs and their empowerment of women

This thesis intends to contribute cumulatively to the understanding of the circumstances that women’s rights-focused NGOs work in when operating in a post-conflict country with an authoritarian regime. It also aims to argue on the importance of the NGOs’ role to empower women by political participation under those circumstances and discuss why it’s often very challenging for the mentioned NGOs to

Gentrifiering som stadspolitik: Ideologikritik av ekonomismens inverkan på policies och politik under 2000-talet i syfte att omvandla Landskrona stad

The economically directed city politics in Landskrona is focused on apartment and house strategies. In this study it is interpreted as policies and politics for gentrification. Officially the strategies is mentioned city development. The purpose is mainly to stop people with social welfare to move to the city. The city administration want a more economically prosperous city. Strategies are written

Grating Motor Control

A monochromator is a part of a spectrometer in which the grating scans the different wavelengths over the exit slit. A full spectrum is generated as the grating scans over a predefined interval. The grating must accelerate to a set speed very fast, then keep the speed constant over a predefined interval, and break to reverse the scan. On top of this come disturbances from an optical filter, causin

Robotic Gas Source Localization in an Industrial Environment

Gas leaks are an important safety issue in oil and gas production. For example, natural gas often contains large portions of hydrogen sulfide, a gas that is lethal to humans in concentrations as low as 0.1%. In addition natural gas itself is explosive. During the past fifteen years, a considerable number of studies have been made into how to detect and localize gas leaks. Equipped with sensors mea

Investigation of Standard Asynchronous Motors and Synchronous Servo Motors

This thesis is divided into two parts. The first part analyzes the asynchronous standard and the synchronous servo motor. Different experiments test the two motors differences to where they would fit the best according to application prerequisites. The second part presents the theory for interpolating two asynchronous standard motors, driving two vertically set linear units, connected by two brace

Modeling and Control of Reaction Calorimeter System

In dealing with calorimetry, safety aspects are very important. It is therefore very useful to be able to study a process before carrying out experiments on it. A computer model can then be very useful to save time and money. The purpose of this thesis was to construct a computer model of the Chemisens reaction calorimeter, in the modeling software Dymola. For the purpose of the modeling, a new Dy

Delay-dependent Stability of Genetic Regulatory Networks

Genetic regulatory networks are biochemical reaction systems, consisting of a network of interacting genes and associated proteins. The dynamics of genetic regulatory networks contain many complex facets that require careful consideration during the modeling process. The classical modeling approach involves studying systems of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) that model biochemical reactions

Reglerdesign för energi- och klimatsystem

This Master's Thesis describes the development and implementation of a controller aimed at the climate area business in buildings. Practical design issues for a robust, cheap and yet flexible product is presented. The system should be used in real market applications and the regulator used is equipped with PID-function and an autotuner for easy adjustment. The result can be used for tying heat

Evaluation of Automatic Code Generation Tools

There are different tools for automatic code generation today. A comparison between different tools is necessary in order to highlight the differences between the tools according to specific aspects. TargetLink from dSPACE and Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder from The MathWorks are two tools that have been evaluated and tested in order to point out the differences between the performance of those

Modelling of an EGR System

Due to new emission legislations in Europe and in the USA truck manufacturers are facing new difficulties when it comes to meeting these demands. This new legislation will demand more accurate models for simulation and malfunction diagnosis. The NOx emissions, covered in these new laws, are intimately linked to combustion temperatures and these temperatures may be decreased by means of exhaust gas

Automatic Calibration of Vehicle Models

In this thesis simple vehicle models are compared to more advanced models. The parameters in the simple models have to be chosen in such a way, that the model behaviour is as close to the advanced model as possible. This parameter optimisation is done with help of The Optimica Compiler, wich generates AMPL files that solves the problems. To run a successful parameter estimation there is a need for

En omsorgsfull förvaring? : En narrativ studie av livsberättelser från ett lågtröskelboende

The aim of this study was to examine how people who live in supported housings for active addicts shape their life stories based on their current geographical and social position. And how their stories can be understood in relation to prevailing political discourses on homelessness and substance abuse. A combination of unstructured life story interviews and ethnographic methods where used to colle

Design and Evaluation - Streamlining the handling of R&D projects

Agile software development promotes process adaptability throughout the life cycle of a project. A project is often broken down into smaller tasks and each task involves a cross-functional team working with all functions. There are many different agile methods, which focus on different aspects of the software development life cycle. Two of these agile methods are Kanban and Scrum, which focus on m

Unga män och maskuliniteter

The environment surrounding us affects our sense of ourselves, although it isn’t something static or permanent, but rather predetermined by our perception. What we wanted to explore with this study was how men were influenced by their environment in relation to their identity development, and in what way they felt social pressure from the society. Therefore our purpose of the thesis was to investi

Relatedness and competition between caterpillars of Maculinea alcon within host plants

Competition between related caterpillars on host plant The Alcon Blue is a butterfly with a parasitic lifecycle. The butterfly starts its life on the Marsh Gentian were the caterpillars feed on the seeds within the flower bud. Several females lay eggs on the flower, which could mean that related caterpillars could potentially compete for the resources within the flower bud as there is a limit to

Domstols riskbedömning - ett alltför stort risktagande? En studie av domstols bedömning av risk för återfall i allvarlig brottslighet vid omvandlingsprövning av livstidsstraff

Genom införandet av lag (2006:45) om omvandling av fängelse på livstid (OmvL) skapades ett nytt frigivningssystem för livstidsdömda genom en rätt att ansöka om omvandling hos Örebro TR efter att ha avtjänat tio år av det utdömda livstidsstraffet. Omvandlingsprövningen består av fem kriterier, varav ett innebär en bedömning av om det föreligger risk för återfall i allvarlig brottslighet. Om konkretBy the passing of the Act (2006:45) on conversion of imprisonment for life (OmvL), a new system for the release of a prisoner serving life sentence was created, by enabling an entitlement to apply for conversion after having served ten years of the imprisonment. The adjudicate consists of five conversion criteria, one of which involves an assessment of whether there is a risk of a recidivism into

Deriving and implementing a model of the fifth generation Haldex AWD actuator

The objective for this master thesis has been to develop a mathematical model of the actuator parts of the fifth generation Haldex AWD system. The parts to be modeled are the DC-Machine and the pump. Also a model of the elasticity of the clutch has to be derived as well as a model for the hydraulic fluid. These models were then to be implemented in Matlab Simulink. The model was derived by means o

Resource reservation and power management in Android

Saving battery time for mobile devices has been a goal for the industry for many years. With the advent of smartphones, reduction of energy consumption is even more important since they consume a lot more energy than the generation of mobile phones before them. Consumers are demanding longer battery life and greener electronics. One way to meet these demands is to reduce energy consumption. In ord