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Experimental evidence for the 8B ground state configuration

The 7Be fragments produced in one-proton removal from relativistic 8B nuclei of 936 MeV/nucleon in a carbon target have been detected in coincidence with γ rays emitted by these fragments at the reaction target. It is found that 13 ± 3% of the 7Be fragments are released in the 429 keV excited state, 7Be*, which gives direct experimental information on the ground state configuration of 8B. The long

The Gray Zone : Questionable Research Practices in the Business School

In recent years, the awareness of academic misconduct has increased due to high-profile scandals involving prominent researchers and a spike in journal retractions. But such examples of fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism (FFP) serve to obscure the less flagrant, more subtle cases of possible misconduct: what some have called “questionable research practices” (QRPs). Where FFP is seen as in

Funding Matters: A Study of Internationalization Programs in Science, Technology and Innovation

Research funding is essential for promoting internationalization of science, technology and innovation. It is a key mechanism to advance international science, technology and innovation (STI) cooperation. This thesis argues that funding is a dominant driver of internationalization of science, technology and innovation but it is viewed as less than an optimal mechanism because of the trade-offs and

The currency composition of firms' balance sheets, asset value correlations, and capital requirements

We extend the Tasche (2007) model on the asset correlation bias caused by a currency mismatch between assets and liabilities to the more realistic situation where just some assets and liabilities are denominated in a foreign currency. To test the significance of the remaining bias we rely on a unique database constructed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) containing time-series of the a

Upper Pleistocene palaeoenvironmental changes at the Zwierzyniec site, Central Poland

The paper presents the data on an Eemian-Late Glacial sedimentary sequence from the Zwierzyniec site, central Poland. A number of boreholes document one or two organic layers that occur beneath one or two horizons of clayey and silty deposits of ice-dammed lakes. This study demonstrates to which extent the Zwierzyniec site can contribute to a better understanding of the palaeoenvironmental changes

Type 1 diabetes mellitus

Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM), also known as autoimmune diabetes, is a chronic disease characterized by insulin deficiency due to pancreatic β-cell loss and leads to hyperglycaemia. Although the age of symptomatic onset is usually during childhood or adolescence, symptoms can sometimes develop much later. Although the aetiology of T1DM is not completely understood, the pathogenesis of the diseas

On the Epidemiology of Soft Tissue Sarcoma and Risk of Cancer following Knee prosthesis surgery. Important factors and methodological notes

Den aktuella avhandlingen härrör ur forskningsinsatser inom klinikerna för onkologi och ortopedi vid Universitetssjukhuset i Lund, och behandlar vad som ursprungligen verkade vara två skilda ämnen.Ena ämnet behandlar epidemiologin för mjukdelssarkom hos vuxna (MDS), en grupp av ofta dödliga sjukdomar av okänd orsak, som behandlas av både onkologer och ortopeder. Här har den historiska oförmågan at

User-generated place brand equity on Twitter : The dynamics of brand associations in social media

Social media provides a unique opportunity for brand analysis. The mere fact that users create content and messages through social media platforms makes the detailed monitoring of temporal variation in brand images possible. This research analyzes data collected from a specific social media platform, Twitter, about the city of Stockholm over a 3-month period to analyze how social media could be co

Co-performing tourism places : The "Pink Night" festival

This paper adopts an ecological perspective to analyze the practices and processes inherent in encounters between residents and tourists. The study contributes to the literature on performance and performativity, seen as a novel theoretical approach in tourism studies, by proposing the concept of performative field, which enables a holistic and ecological consideration of the performances and rela

The Political Dimension of Place Branding

Place branding is commonly understood as the application of marketing and commercial ideas, strategies, measurements and logic to the realm of places such as cities, regions and nations. Nevertheless, place branding is also understood as the locus where political activities – imbued with political impact and political effects – appear and affect the soft and hard infrastructures of urban agglomera

Reduced breast cancer mortality after 20+ years of follow-up in the Swedish randomized controlled mammography trials in Malmö, Stockholm, and Göteborg

Objective: To analyze the age- and trial-specific effects of the breast cancer screening trials with mammography in Malmö, Stockholm, and Göteborg. Methods: The original trial files were linked to the Swedish Cancer and Cause of Death Registers to obtain date of breast cancer diagnosis and date and cause of death. Relative risks and 95% confidence intervals were calculated using the evaluation mod

Non-invasive electrocardiographic predictors of atrial arrhythmias in patients with the Fontan palliation

Background: Fontan palliation patients are at risk for atrial arrhythmias post-operatively. This study aimed to evaluate whether differences in depolarization vector magnitude or spatial P-R angle can reliably predict atrial arrhythmias in patients who had undergone Fontan palliation. Methods: A total of 115 patients who had Fontan palliation and post-Fontan catheterization were included. Atrial a