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Investigation of methane oxy-fuel combustion in a swirl-stabilised gas turbine model combustor

CO2 has a strong impact on both operability and emission behaviours in gas turbine combustors. In the present study, an atmospheric, preheated, swirl-stabilised optical gas turbine model combustor rig was employed. The primary objectives were to analyse the influence of CO2 on the fundamental characteristics of combustion, lean blowout (LBO) limits, CO emission and flame structures. CO2 dilution e

Värdet av nya läkemedel: en förstudie

Denna rapport redovisar en förstudie till SNS fleråriga forskningsprojekt som undersöker hur värdet av nya läkemedel kan bedömas ur ett brett samhällsperspektiv. En slutsats av förstudien är att det finns goda möjligheter att få bättre svar på många av de policyfrågor som ställs i läkemedelspolitiken, t ex om förskrivning och offentlig subventionering av nya läkemedel. De omfattande svenska patien

PM - kommentarer rörande MSBs rapporteringsverktyg för risk- och sårbarhetsanalyser

Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MSB) har efterfrågat synpunkter av Lunds Tekniska Högskola på det rapporteringsverktyg för risk- och sårbarhetsanalyser som MSB utvecklar. Verktyget är tänkt att underlätta förmedling och insamling av information som framkommer genom de risk- och sårbarhetsanalyser som kommuner och landsting samt myndigheter upprättar enligt föreskrifterna MSBFS 2010:6

T-regulatory cells-Triumph of perseverance : The Crafoord Prize for Polyarthritis in 2017

The Crafoord Prize in Polyarthritis ranks as one of the most prestigious prizes and can be awarded only if the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences decides the likelihood of prize worthy progress in the field, and at most every 4th year. This has happened only four times since 1982. This year the 5th Laureates were Shimon Sakaguchi, Fred Ramsdell, and Alexander Rudensky with the motivation "for their

Science and proven experience : a Swedish variety of evidence based medicine and a way to better risk analysis?

A key question for evidence-based medicine (EBM) is how best to model theway in which EBM should ‘[integrate] individual clinical expertise and the bestexternal evidence’. We argue that the formulations and models available inthe literature today are modest variations on a common theme and face verysimilar problems when it comes to risk analysis, which is here understoodas a decision procedure comA key question for evidence-based medicine (EBM) is how best to model the way in which EBM should‘[integrate] individual clinical expertise and the best external evidence’. We argue that the formulations and models available in the literature today are modest variations on a common theme and face very similar problems when it comes to risk analysis, which is here understood as a decision procedure

Acoustophoresis separation of bacteria from blood cells for rapid sepsis diagnostics

We present a significantly improved acoustophoresis method to separate bacteria from red and white blood cells. As much as 98% of the bacteria were recovered, while only 0.06 % of the red and white blood cells remained. This 1600-fold relative enrichment was achieved by adjusting the center medium density, tightly controlling the chip temperature and stabilizing the fluid flows. This is a crucial

Critical biomass harvesting – Applying a new concept for Swedish forest soils

The contribution of forest harvesting to base cation losses and soil acidification has increased in recent years in Sweden, as the demand for bioenergy has increased and the sulphur deposition has decreased. Thus, new policy tools are required to evaluate the progress of the recovery from acidification, and as a basis for forest management recommendations. In this study we introduce and test a con

Cell immobilization on 3D-printed matrices : A model study on propionic acid fermentation

This study uses three-dimensional (3D) printing technology as a tool for designing carriers for immobilization of microbial cells for bioprocesses. Production of propionic acid from glucose by immobilized Propionibacterium sp. cells was studied as a model system. For cell adsorption, the 3D-printed nylon beads were added to the culture medium during 3 rounds of cell cultivation. Cell adsorption an

How does communication affect beliefs in one-shot games with complete information?

This paper experimentally studies unilateral communication of intentions in eight different two-player one-shot normal form games with complete information. We find that communication is used both to coordinate and to deceive, and that messages have a significant impact on beliefs and behavior even in dominance solvable games. Nash equilibrium and cognitive hierarchy jointly account for many regul

ControlSystems.jl : A Control Systems Toolbox for Julia

This toolbox works similar to that of other major computer-aided control systems design (CACSD) toolboxes. Systems can be created in either a transfer function or a state space representation. These systems can then be combined into larger architectures, simulated in both time and frequency domain, and analyzed for stability/performance properties.

Levodopa-induced abnormal involuntary movements correlate with altered permeability of the blood-brain-barrier in the basal ganglia

Chronic levodopa treatment leads to the appearance of dyskinesia in the majority of Parkinson's disease patients. Neurovascular dysregulation in putaminal and pallidal regions is thought to be an underlying feature of this complication of treatment. We used microPET to study unilaterally lesioned 6-hydroxydopamine rats that developed levodopa-induced abnormal involuntary movements (AIMs) after thr

Predictors of changes in gait performance over four years in persons with late effects of polio

BACKGROUND: Reduced gait performance is common in persons with late effects of polio. OBJECTIVE: To identify predictors of change in gait performance over four years in persons with late effects of polio. METHODS: Gait performance was assessed annually in 51 ambulatory persons (mean age 64 years, SD 6) by the Timed "Up & Go" (TUG), Comfortable and Fast Gait Speed (CGS, FGS), and 6-Minute Walk