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Low dose Zebularine treatment enhances immunogenicity of tumor cells

Strategy: We have investigated how alterations in gene expression induced by the demethylating drug Zebularine affect the immune response tumor cells elicit. The rational has been to treat syngeneic rat colon cancer cells with Zebularine at different concentrations and then use these cells to study gene expression of different genes involved in cancer immunogenicity. Gene expressions were monitore

Expression of properdin in complete and incomplete deficiency: normal in vitro synthesis by monocytes in two cases with properdin deficiency type II due to distinct mutations

Three properdin deficiency phenotypes have been reported--complete deficiency (type I), incomplete deficiency (type II), and dysfunction of properdin protein (type III)--all associated with increased susceptibility to meningococcal disease. Expression of properdin by monocytes was examined in type I deficiency and in two unrelated cases with type II deficiency, one from a Swedish and one from a Da

Mean force between like-charged macroions at high electrostatic coupling

Interactions between two like-charged macroions in the presence of their counterions confined in a cylindrical cell have been investigated by Monte Carlo simulations. The mean force and the potential of mean force (pmf) as a function of the macroion separation have been determined at conditions at which short-range attractions become significant. As the electrostatic coupling is increased, the nat

Recursive construction for a class of radial functions. I. Ordinary space

A class of spherical functions is studied which can be viewed as the matrix generalization of Bessel functions. We derive a recursive structure for these functions. We show that they are only special cases of more general radial functions which also have a properly generalized, recursive structure. Some explicit results are worked out. For the first time, we identify a subclass of such radial func

Judisk tro och kristen i ett religionsteologiskt perspektiv

The article examines some of the tradition answers to the questions what differs Judaism from Christianity, comparing those from antiquity to answers articulated during the 19th and 20th centuries. It is argued that representatives of Christianity constantly need to examine traditional answers. The encounter with living Judaism is essential, with the words of Leo Baeck: "Man muss die Juden kennen,


Popular Abstract in Swedish Moraxella catarrhalis är en bakterie som man länge trodde var en del av vår normala bakterieflora och därmed ofarlig. Under de senaste tjugo åren har M. catarrhalis dock visat sig vara en av orsakerna till öroninflammation hos barn och lägre luftvägsinfektioner hos vuxna med någon annan underliggande sjukdom som t.ex. kronisk obstruktiv lungsjukdom (KOL). De senaste 10 Moraxella catarrhalis is frequently colonizing the human respiratory tract, particularly in children. This gram-negative bacterium has during the last two decades been recognized as a pathogen causing otitis media in children and lower respiratory tract infections in adults with predisposing conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The virulence determinants of M. catarrhal

The impact of six European tree species on the chemistry of mineral topsoil in forest plantations on former agricultural land

Influences on mineral topsoils of common European tree species (oak-Quercus robur L., lime-Tilia cordata Mill., ash-Fraxinus excelsior L., birch-Betula pendula Roth., beech-Fagus sylvatica L. and spruce-Picea abies (L.) Karst.) were studied in 30 to 40-year-old stands planted in adjacent plots on former arable land. Mineral soil samples from two depth layers (0-10 and 20-30 cm) under the different

Inflammation and cholesterol

Atherosclerosis develops as a result of a chronic arterial inflammation and intimal Fibrosis. The disease represents in many respects a vascular repair process activated in response to injury caused by toxic breakdown products of aggregated and oxidized lipoproteins. The initial response of the artery involves expression of adhesion molecules and recruitment of leukocytes. Degenerated lipoproteins

Support for Ad-Hoc applications in ubiquitous computing

This thesis presents work within the area of ubiquitous computing, an area based on a vision of computers blending into the background. The work has been done within the EU project PalCom that introduces palpable computing. Palpable computing puts a new perspective on ubiquitous computing, by focusing on human understandability. The thesis goals are to allow for ad-hoc combinations of services an

Spiders in Iceland: distributions, species richness, and faunal changes

Spiders were collected, mostly by pitfall trapping in the 1970s, in a variety of habitats, mainly in lowland areas all around Iceland. Among the 62 species collected five were first records for Iceland (viz. Micaria pulicaria, Robertus lyrifer, Theonoe minutissima, Wabasso replicatus, and Bathyphantes gracilis). Most of the material (comprising ca 18 000 adult spiders) was obtained by pitfall trap

Symptoms, clinical and physiological findings motivating home mechanical ventilation in patients with neuromuscular diseases

Objective: To clarify the relationship between symptoms, clinical signs and physiological abnormalities that were motivating the initiation of home mechanical ventilation in patients suffering from neuromuscular diseases. Methods: From The Swedish Home Mechanical Ventilation Register we identified 352 patients with neuromuscular diseases and we looked at circumstances ( acute vs elective) and clin

Heat transfer augmentation in an oscillating flow

For combustors a heat transfer augmentation of two to five times higher than expected has been reported. Experiments, where the temperature profile in the tail pipe of the pulse combustor has been measured, give no indication why the heat transfer should be augmented. The objective is to study the heat transfer of an oscillating flow between two parallel plates. A set of governing equations is for

Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) gene polymorphism in sarcoidosis in relation to associated autoimmune diseases

OBJECTIVES: To investigate the significance of ACE gene insertion/deletion (I/D) polymorphism in the frequency of autoimmune manifestations in sarcoidosis. DESIGN: In patients with sarcoidosis the ACE gene I/D polymorphism was detected with PCR on genomic DNA. The patients with sarcoidosis were divided according to the presence (n = 30) or absence (n = 32) of autoimmune manifestations. The former