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European Echoes of Hollywood Scandal: The Reception of Ingrid Bergman in 1950s Sweden

In 1949, Swedish actress Ingrid Bergman caused a well known scandal in Hollywood by leaving her Swedish husband Petter Lindström and their daughter for Italian film director Roberto Rossellini. The effects of this scandal in America have been thoroughly described in works like Bergman’s autobiography (Bergman, 1980), Donald Spoto’s recent biography on Bergman (Spoto, 1997) and in specialized schol

Gesture production and speech fluency in competent speakers and language learners

It is often assumed that a main function of gestures is to compensate for expressive difficulties. This predicts that gestures should mainly occur with disfluent speech. However, surprisingly little is known about the relationship between gestures and fluent vs. disfluent speech. This study investigates the putative ompensatory role of gesture by examining competent speakers’ and language learners

Migration and Mental Health: Epidemiological Studies of Immigrants in Sweden

Popular Abstract in Swedish Migration (folkvandring) är idag en global företeelse. Orsaken till migrationen varierar och kan bero på krig och förföljelse, naturkatastrofer, familjeskäl, fattigdom, studier eller sökande efter arbete. I slutet av förra seklet var Sverige en nation där fattigdom och religiöst förtryck drev drygt en miljon människor över haven till Nordamerika och andra världsdelar. IAbstract Aims: To analyse the influence of migration status (country of birth/ethnicity), accultura-tion, socio-economic and psychosocial factors on self-reported psychiatric illness, suicide attempt, total mortality and violent death. Methods: Three main data sources were used: suicide attempts in the catchment area of Lund University Hospital (PASIS) during 1991–94; the Swedish Survey of Living

Narrativity and Fiction in Pictures

In this paper, I shall present and discuss some possible criteria of narrativity with regard to their applicability to pictorial objects. More specifically, I will argue that pictorial works may express or imply fictional narrative structures. First, as I would like to argue, the concepts of fiction and narrativity could and should more thoroughly be investigated with regard to other media, such a

The history of Indo-European languages: alignment change as a clue

In this paper, the history of IE languages is studied in terms of alignment change. What is significant in this change is the emergence of transitivity as a basic grammatical operational system. However, there are varying degrees of transition to transitivity-based system, especially between semantic and syntactic transitivity. It is argued that these degrees of transition create differences in gr

Electrochemistry of Heme Containing Enzymes - Fundamentals and Applications

Popular Abstract in Swedish Inom analytisk kemi är selektivitet en viktig fråga. Att kunna urskilja ett specifikt ämne av låg koncentration i ett komplicerat prov är viktigt inom t.ex. medicin, miljöanalys och livsmedelsindustri. Naturen har under miljontals år utvecklat selektiva system. Ett exempel på ett sådant system är antikropparna i människans immunförsvar; om ett främmande ämne kommer in iThe thesis is a bioelectrochemical study of heme enzymes, mainly peroxidases and cellobiose dehydrogenases (CDH). It covers both fundamental and applied aspects, viz. studies of the direct electron transfer and kinetics of enzymes on electrodes, and the development of amperometric enzyme-based biosensors. The kinetics of the direct and mediated electron transfer of a wide range of peroxidases (bo

Thermodynamics of Protein Folding and Design

Popular Abstract in Swedish Proteinvecknings- och proteindesign-problemen studeras med hjälp av modeller med låg upplösning och endast två typer av aminosyror, hydrofoba och hydrofila. Förutom hydrofoba krafter innehåller modellerna sekvensoberoende lokal växelverkan som visar sig ha stor påverkan på termodynamiken hos dessa modeller. Modellerna studeras med hjälp av dynamisk-parameter Monte CarloThe protein folding and protein design problems are addressed, using coarse-grained models with only two types of amino acids, hydrophobic and hydrophilic. In addition to hydrophobicity forces, the models contain sequence-independent local interactions which are found to strongly influence the thermodynamics of these models. The models are studied using the dynamical-parameter Monte Carlo method.

The Enabling Service of the Industrial Design Consultancy: A Change of Focus from Goods- to Service Dominant Logic

Design has received increased attention not least of all in the business press and journals. The concept of design thinking – how to approach problems in a designerly way – is sometimes attributed as being the savior of business, making companies creative and innovative. This kind of exaggeration does more harm than good to industrial design consultancies (IDCs) and their client firms (CFs). And y

Transvascular exchange and organ perfusion with reference to colloid and hypertonic solutions, and to endotoxaemia

Popular Abstract in Swedish Effekter av olika blodvolymersättningsmedel och blodförgiftning på genomblödning och utbyte över blodkärlen Vid en rad svåra sjukdomar, som blodförgiftning (sepsis) och omfattande skador på kroppen, kan olika inflammatoriska system aktiveras. Inflammation kan vara till nytta, till exempel när infektioner bekämpas och sår läker, men också till skada. Vid inflammation ökaChanges in vascular permeability can immensely change plasma volume and affect the degree of oedema in the body. In diseases with an increased vascular permeability, adequate fluid therapy is of considerable importance to prevent hypovolaemia. Mechanisms behind differences in effectiveness of various plasma volume expanders to restore a low plasma volume and a compromised microcirculation are stil

Ulysses Dust Detection System V3.1

This data set contains the data from the Ulysses dust detector system (UDDS) from start of mission through the end of mission, 1990-2007. (As the dust detector was turned off after Nov. 30, 2007, this is the last date for which UDDS data is recorded.) Included are the dust impact data, noise data, laboratory calibration data, and location and orientation of the spacecraft and instrument.