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Your search for "*" yielded 531675 hits
Guide and documentation system to support digital human modeling applications
Car developers use digital human modeling tools to analyze and visualize car interiors in relation to human characteristics before the vehicles are actually constructed. Developers, reviewers and users of human simulation tools often claim that such tools can reduce development time and costs. In car industry companies today, human simulation tools are used by a single or a few experts in an infor
Semidirect parallel self-consistent field: the load balancing problem in the input/output intensive self-consistent field iterations
The full capacity of contemporary parallel computers can, in the context of iterative ab initio procedures like, for example, self-consistent field (SCF) and multiconfigurational SCF, only be utilized if the disk and input/output (I/O) capacity are fully exploited before the implementation turns to an integral direct strategy. In a recent report on parallel semidirect SCF
Lexical semantics for software requirements engineering – a corpus-based approach
In companies that constantly develop new software releases for large markets, there continually arrive new requirements, written in natural language that may affect the development work. Before any decision is made about the requirements, these must be analysed and understood, and related to the current set of implemented and queued requirements. This task is time-consuming owing to the high inflo
Characterisation of the Microbial Community in Indoor Environments: a Chemical-Analytical Approach
Inhalation of airborne microorganisms and their toxic components and products may induce a wide spectrum of acute and chronic airway manifestations. The study describes important capabilities of chemical marker analysis in defining human exposure to microorganisms in indoor environments. An integrated procedure is presented where gas chromatography - ion trap tandem mass spectrometry is used to de
Annotated catalogue of the Anthomyiidae, Fanniidae, Muscidae and Scathophagidae (Diptera: Muscoidea) of Greenland.
Atomic Spectroscopy by Resonance Scattering
Resonance scattering techniques are very useful for high-resolution atomic spectroscopy. The applicability of these techniques has been much extended, particularly through the rapid development of tunable-laser technology. The use of a narrowband tunable laser, acting on a collimated atomic beam, gives a direct method enabling, for example, hyperfine structure and isotope shift studies. The intens
Maktutövning ur ett organisations- och genusperspektiv. En studie vid tre vårdavdelningar
Popular Abstract in Swedish Inom svensk hälso- och sjukvård är 82% av samtliga landstingsanställda kvinnor. Majoriteten av dessa kvinnor återfinns in organisationsstrukturens mellanskikt eller bas. I denna avhandling problematiseras den process inom vilken maktutövning sker i vardagliga möten mellan kvinnor och män inom tre somatiska vårdavdelningar. Resultatet visar att den genusrelaterade maktutThe primary aim of the present thesis is to increase understandig of the relationship between organisational structure, gender and power. Understanding of this relationship requires a closeness to the individual being studied as well to the content and consequences of that individuals´actions. The empirical object of study is a group of professional women at a somatic clinic. The problem investiga
Rat arterial smooth muscle devoid of ryanodine receptor function: effects on cellular Ca2+ handling
The roles of intracellular Ca2+ stores and ryanodine (Ry) receptors for vascular Ca2+ homeostasis and viability were investigated in rat tail arterial segments kept in organ culture with Ry (10 100 M) for up to 4 days. Acute exposure to Ry or the non-deactivating ryanodine analogue C10-Oeq glycyl ryanodine (10 M) eliminated Ca2+ release responses to caffeine (20 mM) and noradrenaline (NA, 10 M), w
Improvements to air mass calculations for ground-based infrared measurements
High-resolution ground-based infrared solar spectra are routinely recorded at the Network for the Detection of Stratospheric Change (NDSC) stations. These data sets play a key role in providing a long-term record of atmospheric composition and their links to climate change. The analysis of observed infrared spectra involves comparison to a computer-modeled atmosphere where knowledge of the air mas
Shoulder Pain After Stroke. A Prospective Population-Based Study.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Shoulder pain is a well-known complication after stroke, but data on prevalence, predictors, and outcome in unselected stroke populations are limited.METHODS: During a 1-year period, 416 first-ever stroke patients were included in the population-based Lund Stroke Register. After 4 months, 327 patients were followed up and 1 year later, the surviving 305 patients were follow
Quentin Tarantino - uppfinningsrik genrebearbetare
On Quentin Tarantino's early films
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De sociala kartläggarna och hemlöshetsfrågan
I beskrivningar av svensk välfärd under de senaste hundra åren finns det skäl att uppmärksamma hemlöshetsfrågan. I folkhemsbygget blev hemmet en symbol för det goda livet, och de hemlösas situation har ofta ansetts kunna tydliggöra luckor i välfärdens utveckling. I artikeln ges exempel på hur svensk hemlöshet har beskrivits på fattig- respektive välfärdssamhällets tid.
Intraobserver reproducibility of Doppler measurements of uterine artery blood flow velocity in premenopausal women
OBJECTIVE: To determine the intraobserver repeatability of Doppler measurements of uterine artery blood flow velocity and the contribution of various factors to within-subject variance. DESIGN: Seventeen healthy premenopausal women underwent vaginal Doppler ultrasound examination of the uterine artery by the same observer. Three measurements were taken at each of three sites: 1) the currently reco
Free volume and mechanical properties of Palacos(R) R bone cement.
Quantitative computed tomography in measurement of vertebral trabecular bone mass. A modified method
Measurement of bone mineral concentration (BMC) can be done by several modalities. Quantitative computed tomography (QCT) can be used for measurements at different sites and with different types of bone (trabecular-cortical). This study presents a modified method reducing the influence of fat. Determination of BMC was made from measurements with single-energy computed tomography (CT) of the mean H
Chroniclers and Prophets: Time and Genre in Porius
Properties of thermocouple plates
Exploiting time and frequency masking in consistent sinusoidal analysis-synthesis
In this paper, we elaborate on the issue of analysis-synthesis consistency in sinusoidal coding. Our analysis is based on windowed sinusoids, and uses the same amplitude-complementary window as is used in the overlap-add synthesis. Reconstructions of the neighboring segments are taken into account when forming a particular analysis segment. Sinusoidal estimation is based on a perceptual criterion.