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Lactic Dehydrogenase in Umbilical Cord Blood in Healthy Infants after Different Modes of Delivery
Background: LDH may be a valuable marker for some of the most important diseases in newborns, and umbilical cord blood is a non-invasive and easy way to obtain blood for analysis. Aims of this study were to define interval for LDH in arterial and venous cord blood at delivery in truly healthy newborns. Method: a prospective observational study was performed at Soder Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden dur
Effect of IOP on the visual field in ocuLar hypertension and glaucoma
The traditional opinion that increased intraocular pressure is the cause of glaucoma is controversial, probably mainly because of the fact that firm evidence for the value of pressure reduction is largely lacking. The present article reviews results from short term studies of visual fields before and after pressure reduction. It also reviews published and unpublished preliminary results from studi
Automatic computerized perimetry in the detection of neurological visual field defects. A pilot study
Forty-seven eyes from 25 patients with neurological disease were examined with an automatic computerized perimeter primarily intended for glaucoma. Manual kinetic and static perimetry with Goldmann's instrument was used for comparison. In 32 fields, the automatic method disclosed all defects that had been found by manual perimetry. Furthermore, it detected three small defects that had been missed
Preliminary guide regarding diverse conceptualization of multiple values of nature and its benefits, including biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services (deliverable 3 (d))
Use of aqueous two-phase systems for recovery and purification in biotechnology
Aqueous two-phase systems are generated by mixing aqueous solutions of two water-soluble polymers, or a polymer and a salt. These systems offer extremely mild conditions for separation of cells, organelles, proteins and other biomolecules, in biochemical processes. Considerable attention has been directed towards the use of the two-phase systems in several areas of biotechnology. The present paper
Meaning-making made aloud : From a printed version to an audio version of a multimodal popular science journal
First, the printed journal is analysed in accordance with Unsworth (1997), focusing on how the resources of text, images and graphics are deployed in scientific explanation and how the meaning is constructed by the visuals. Second, the interpretative process of meaning-making is uncovered by think aloud protocols. In order to produce an aural version of the complex text, the interpreter must asses
Beskrivning av fonologi och grammatik i olika språk
Carl Georg Brunius
Geoelectrical imaging for site investigation for urban underground infrastructure : a TRUST-project
Unforeseen ground conditions are risk factors often leading to delays and significant additional costs in conjunction with underground infrastructure construction work. There are two main geological hazards that are important to identify, manage, or possibly avoid, for safe and efficient underground construction. The first is unstable rock and the second is large groundwater inflow. The latter exi
Grundvattendagarna 2013
Den här rapporten innehåller en sammanställning av abstracts som ligger till underlag för de presentationer som presenterades på konferensen Grundvattendagarna i Lund den 16–17 oktober 2013. Konferensen anordnades av SGU i samarbete med Geologiska institutionen på Lunds uni-versitet och Länsstyrelsen Skåne. Ett av konferensens syften var att få till en bred uppslutning från olika organisationer, m
Praktisk processreglering (4 uppl.)
Boken, som nu ges ut i en fjärde utvidgad och omarbetad upplaga, vänder sig till personer som är verksamma i industrin och kommer i kontakt med reglerteknik, som operatörer och olika kategorier av ingenjörer. Den är också lämplig att använda i skolor och utbildningar där reglerteknik ingår. Den nya upplagan har kompletterats med problem med lösningar, vilket gör den speciellt användbar för undervi
Bayesian model selection with fractional Brownian motion
We implement Bayesian model selection and parameter estimation for the case of fractional Brownian motion with measurement noise and a constant drift. The approach is tested on artificial trajectories and shown to make estimates that match well with the underlying true parameters, while for model selection the approach has a preference for simple models when the trajectories are finite. The approa
Is the Higgs boson composed of neutrinos?
Stable Eχtensions with(out) gravity
Samhällets frakturbörda kan reduceras med fysisk aktivitet
Om fysisk aktivitet har en roll att spela vid behandlingen av osteoporos utvärderas oftast genom att studera om träning minskar riskfaktorer för uppkomsten av en fraktur, exempelvis om träning ökar benmassan. Emellertid är riskfaktorer bara ersättningsvariabler för den enda egentliga acceptabla effektvariabeln – en fraktur - när träningens effekt skall utvärderas. Det är sålunda först om man kan v
Fantasy som hamnar mitt i debatten
Sara Bergmark Elfgrens ungdomsskildring Norra Latin möter rösterna som vittnar inom #metoo. Ingrid Bosseldal analyserar.
A Case of Pacemaker Endocarditis Caused by Aerococcus urinae
Background: Aerococcus urinae has lately been acknowledged as a cause of infective endocarditis (IE) especially in older males with underlying urinary tract disorders. In this population, cardiac implanted electronical devices (CIED) are not uncommon, but despite the capacity of A. urinae to form biofilm in vitro, no cases of aerococcal CIED infections have been reported to date.Case Presentation:
The Whiteness of the Whale, Part I,II and III
Soloutställning, Elastic, Stockholm