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Aphasic status epilepticus with periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges in a bilingual patient as a presenting sign of "AIDS-toxoplasmosis complex"
We describe an HIV-infected, bilingual patient presenting with Wernicke's aphasia due to partial status epilepticus with periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges, as the first sign of AIDS-toxoplasmosis complex. The localization of the native and secondary language centers in the brain and the possible role of recurrent seizures in the fluctuating course of Wernicke's aphasia in this patient a
Affinity ultrafiltration for protein purification
Purification of a biochemical product from fermentation broths or other complex biological mixtures generally involves a combination of techniques which resolve substances according to differences in their physicochemical properties. These techniques have traditionally been optimized individually rather than as a part of the integrated, continuous process. Moreover, a lot of the development and re
High-resolution Measurement of Contact Ion-pair Structures in Aqueous RbCl Solutions from the Simultaneous Corefinement of their Rb and Cl K-edge XAFS and XRD Spectra
In concentrated solutions of aqueous RbCl, all of the Rb+ and Cl– ions exist as contact ion pairs. This full structural assessment is derived from the refinement of three independent experimental measurements: the Rb and Cl K-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) and the X-ray diffraction spectra (XRD). This simultaneous refinement of the XAFS and XRD data provides high accuracy since each m
Light-induced absorption and holographic recording in Pr:LINbO 3
With ultraviolet illumination, we have found a broad UV-induced absorption in the blue and some involvement of Pr ions in Pr:LiNbO 3 . Transient and stable absorption induced by UV illumination was analyzed at 457, 514, and 633 nm and could be explained by hole trap centers and iron ions. We also studied the effects of UV illumination and boundary conditions during holographic recording in the vi
Editorial: Smoking is still a major problem and challenge worldwide.
Nordic research in ophthalmology
PURPOSE: To provide an overview of some of the current activities in eye research in the Nordic countries.METHODS: The presentations at the biannual Nordic Congress of Ophthalmology, held in Tampere, Finland in 2002, were reviewed and the contributions found most noteworthy are included in this article along with a limited discussion of each research field. However, space requirements prevented th
Mutational Landscape in Resected Periampullary Adenocarcinoma: Relationship With Morphology and Clinical Outcome
PURPOSE Periampullary adenocarcinomas encompass a heterogeneous group of tumors with dismal prognosisand limited treatment options. Emerging evidence shows that tumor morphology (ie, intestinal type [I-type] orpancreatobiliary type [PB-type]) is a more relevant prognostic factor than tumor origin. Knowledge is sparse,however, on whether key mutations differ according to morphology.MATERIALS AND ME
Litteraturkrönika 2016
Bokanmälningar av flera böcker
Ribosome biogenesis during cell cycle arrest fuels EMT in development and disease
Ribosome biogenesis is a canonical hallmark of cell growth and proliferation. Here we show that execution of Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT), a migratory cellular program associated with development and tumor metastasis, is fueled by upregulation of ribosome biogenesis during G1/S arrest. This unexpected EMT feature is independent of species and initiating signal, and is accompanied by
Late Holocene pathway of Asian Summer Monsoons imprinted in soils and societal implications
The Asian Summer Monsoons (ASM) represent the main source of precipitation in China and East Asia with about one third of the world population and a region of widespread civilizations. Identifying the temporal and spatial patterns (pathways) of these monsoonal events during the Late Holocene to today has been a matter of debate amongst the scientific community. Here we show that the distribution
Four-fermion limit of gauge-Yukawa theories
Using information layers for mapping grassland habitat distribution at local to regional scales
The Natura 2000 network of protected sites is one of the means to enable biodiversity conservation in Europe. EU member states have to undertake surveillance of habitats and species of community interest protected under the Habitat Directive. Remote sensing techniques have been applied successfully to monitor biodiversity aspects according to Natura 2000, but many challenges remain in assessing dy
Deep into the mud : ecological and socio-economic impacts of the dam breach in Mariana, Brazil
We review the ecological and socio-economic impacts of the catastrophic dam failure in Mariana, Brazil. Tailing management practices by Samarco mining company ultimately caused a dam breach that abruptly discharged between 55 and 62 million m3 of tailings into the Doce River watershed. On November 5th, 2015, a tsunami of slurry engulfed the small district of Bento Rodrigues, loading the Doce River
Introducing the concept of the isodose for optimisation of decontamination activities in a radioactive fallout scenario
In the recovery phase after a radioactive release incident, it is important to be able to focus decontamination operations on the areas that contribute most to the radiation dose. Monte Carlo simulations were applied to determine the shielding effect of a building against radiation from various directions, also giving information on the dose contributions at various locations inside the building f
Correction for Residual Effects of B1+ Inhomogeniety on MT Saturation in FLASH-Based Multi-Parameter Mapping of the Brain
Maps of the MT-saturation as derived in FLASH-based multi-parameter mapping (MPM) are largely corrected for effects of flip angle inhomogeneity. Here, we present a heuristic model for residual effects of B1+ that is rooted in the dynamics of macromolecule saturation. Model parameters were validated for brain tissues by variation of the MT-pulse flip angle in an established MPM protocol. White and
Byråkrati och historia : Fem studier i politik och organisation
Produktion med passion : En intervjuundersökning med femtio äldre skogsägare
Boken redogör för de huvudsakliga resultaten av ett forskningsprojekt som undersöker rollen som skogsägare. Empiriska data insamlades genom semistrukturerade intervjuer som i många fall följdes av promenadintervjuer då skogsägarna visade upp och berättade om sina skogsbruk. Intervjuernas genomsnittliga längd var 2 timmar 6 minuter. 49 av 50 intervjupersoner var män men i många fall deltog även der
När och var bör patientens vilja respekteras?
Electrophysiological and pharmacological properties of neurons within solid basal forebrain transplants in the rat brain
Electrophysiological and pharmacological properties of neurons within solid basal forebrain transplants were studied in adult rats anesthetized with urethane. No specific topography of the neurons recorded was observed within the graft. The mean spontaneous activity of the grafted neurons (GNs) was relatively low (4.9 impulses/s) but not unlike that of other central neurons in situ. A large propor