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Dimethyl carbonate as a green chemical
Dimethyl carbonate (DMC) is an established solvent and a green reagent which continues to attract attention. It is a nonpolar aprotic solvent with good miscibility with water, biodegrades readily in the atmosphere, and is non-toxic. DMC is classified in the greenest “recommended” bracket according to the solvent selection guide, and can be a potential replacement for methyl ethyl ketone, ethyl ace
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Mr imaging agent or medium compressing hzperpolarised 13c alanine and methods of imaging wherein such an imaging medium is used
The invention relates to hyperpolarised 13C-alanine, its use as imaging agent, an imaging medium comprising hyperpolarised 13C-alanine and methods of 13C-MR detection wherein such an imaging medium is used. Further, the invention relates to methods of producing hyperpolarised 13C-alanine.The invention relates to hyperpolarised 13C-alanine, its use as imaging agent, an imaging medium comprising hyperpolarised 13C-alanine and methods of 13C-MR detection wherein such an imaging medium is used. Further, the invention relates to methods of producing hyperpolarised 13C-alanine.
Interaction of the HOPS complex with Syntaxin 17 mediates autophagosome clearance in Drosophila
Homotypic fusion and vacuole protein sorting (HOPS) is a tethering complex required for trafficking to the vacuole/lysosome in yeast. Specific interaction of HOPS with certain SNARE (soluble NSF attachment protein receptor) proteins ensures the fusion of appropriate vesicles. HOPS function is less well characterized in metazoans. We show that all six HOPS subunits (Vps11 [vacuolar protein sorting
Under Threat: Working in Dangerous Environments
An empirical study of the role of e-government benchmarking in China
The topic of this paper is the role of benchmarking in Chinese e-government. Through content analysis of documentary material, this paper addresses the following questions: Which benchmarking schemes have been applied to e-government in China? What are the intentions behind the different benchmarking schemes? and Whose interests are served? Whereas previous research finds that benchmarking address
Black Death - Blue Skies - White Clouds : Water Vapour Uptake of Particles Produced from Traffic Exhaust and their Effect on Climate
Aerosol particles are everywhere in the air around us, regardless of whether you are in a busy city or in the serene Arctic. Airborne particles can be produced naturally or anthropogenically, and their properties changes during the time they spend in the atmosphere. Their sizes range from about 1 nm to 100 μm, and affect us in two ways; firstly, our health by deposition in the respiratory tract, a
Expecting the expected : Semantic incongruities are judged differently depending on the source during sentence judgment tasks
How well can people identify semantic incongruities, which are often used in linguistic research and experimental psychology (e.g., Clifton, Staub, & Rayner, 2007)? Acceptability judgment tasks measure how natural a sentence sounds (e.g., Dąbrowska, 2010), and are often used with sentences with or without incongruities, but can these judgments be affected by expectation and bias? Two experimen
On Data-driven Multistep Subspace-based Linear Predictors
The focus of this contribution is the estimation of multi-step-ahead linear multivariate predictors of the output making use of finite input-output data sequences. Different strategies will be presented, the common factor being the exploitations of geometric operations on appropriate subspaces spanned by the data. In order to test the capabilities of the proposed methods in predicting new data, a
Yrkesverksammas konstruktioner av asylsökande ungdomar
I det här papret undersöker jag vilka föreställningar om etnicitet och kön som professionella yrkesgrupper (lärare, boendecoacher, socialsekreterare, barn- och ungdomshandläggare) ger uttryck för i sitt arbete med asylsökande ungdomar. Jag undersöker också hur detta präglar deras arbete med ungdomarna och konsekvenserna av detta. Ungdomarna, samtliga pojkar och analfabeter, deltar i språkintrodukt
“GMFM in practice: opportunities, challenges and future- what’s app?”
Multis-Physics Modeling of Radio-Frequency Cooking
Probing the dynamics of complexed local anesthetics via neutron scattering spectroscopy and DFT calculations
Since potential changes in the dynamics and mobility of drugs upon complexation for delivery may affect their ultimate efficacy, we have investigated the dynamics of two local anesthetic molecules, bupivacaine (BVC, C18H28N2O) and ropivacaine (RVC, C17H26N2O), in both their crystalline forms and complexed with water-soluble oligosaccharide 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HP-β-CD). The study was ca
With, Without or Within the Institution. : Treatments of Media in Institutional Critique.
On Resurrected Nuggets and Sphincter Windows : Cultured Meat, Art, and the Discursive Subsumption of Nature
In this article, I scrutinize three art, design, and architecture projects engaging with “cultured,” or “in vitro,” meat (primarily muscle cells cultured outside of bodies) to illuminate the entanglements of academic and extra-academic environments that have characterized cultured meat’s history to date, and the conversations that this technology has spurred. In envisioning new ways of eating, and
Prognostic role of the tumour microenvironment in esophago-gastric, pancreatic and periampullary adenocarcinoma: B cells and beyond
Cancer development depends on cells aquiring a skillset of limitless growth and finally invasive properties to allow for metastasis, as summarised by the six hallmarks of cancer. Recently four more hallmarks have been added: genomic instability, deregulating cellular metabolism, tumour-promoting inflammation and avoiding immune destruction. This thesis focuses on the latter two: immune system and
Little Divergence revisited: Polish living standards in a European perspective, 1500-1800
I contribute to the debate on the timing of the Little Divergence within pre-industrial Europe. I add Polish real wages to the comparative framework by comparing them with the English and Italian series. I compile existing data for Poznań, Lublin, and the Polish agricultural sector. I add this information to the internationally available evidence for Cracow, Gdańsk, Warsaw, and Lviv. I demonstrate
Doppsalmer i Svenska kyrkan : Om tro, dopbarn och föräldrar
Massive MIMO for 5G: Theory, Implementation and Prototyping
This chapter presents a flexible platform that supports prototyping up to 20 MHz bandwidth 128-antenna multiple input, multiple output (MIMO). It devotes theory, design, implementation, and prototyping of Massive MIMO for 5G communication systems. The chapter overviews the principles and theory of Massive MIMO. It describes the channel modeling system with a focus on specific phenomena of large sc