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Radioimmunotherapy of Metastatic Disease - Studies of Alpha- and Beta-particle-Emitting Radionuclides in a Preclinical Model

Popular Abstract in Swedish Cancer behandlas i första hand med kirurgi, cellgifter och extern strålbehandling. Under senare år har man dessutom utvecklat så kallade målsökande behandlingar, som binder till en viss struktur i tumören. De kan verka på olika sätt: antingen genom att blockera en signal i cellerna och på så vis hindra tumören från att växa, eller genom att stimulera patientens immunförIn radioimmunotherapy, monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are used as a targeting agent carrying a toxic payload consisting of radionuclides. This treatment allows the irradiation of small lesions, even on the microscopic level. In the present work, two radionuclides with different properties were used. Lutetium-177 (177Lu) is a beta-particle-emitting radionuclide (t½=6.7 days) and astatine-211 (211At)

STPIS 2015: Socio-Technical Perspective in IS Development. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Socio-Technical Perspective in IS Development (STPIS'15) co-located with the 27th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2015)

* This workshop’s long term goal is to foster a community of Information Systems researchers and practitioners who are interested in the socio-technical perspective and see it as an important approach to improve the quality and reduce the costs of the information systems that have become an essential part of our lives in this 21st century. All communities need meeting places where they can discuss

Optimal realizations of passive structures

This paper presents a convex optimization approach to study optimal realizations of passive electromagnetic structures. The optimization approach complements recently developed theory and techniques to derive sum rules and physical limitations for passive systems operating over a given bandwidth. The sum rules are based solely on the analytical properties of the corresponding Herglotz functions. H

Human renal function maturation: a quantitative description using weight and postmenstrual age

This study pools published data to describe the increase in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) from very premature neonates to young adults. The data comprises measured GFR (using polyfructose, Cr-51-EDTA, mannitol or iohexol) from eight studies (n=923) and involved very premature neonates (22 weeks postmenstrual age) to adulthood (31 years). A nonlinear mixed effects approach (NONMEM) was used to e

A model partitioning method based on dynamic decoupling for the efficient simulation of multibody systems

The presence of different time scales in a dynamic model significantly hampers the efficiency of its simulation. In multibody systems the fact is particularly relevant, as the mentioned time scales may be very different, due for example to the coexistence of mechanical components controlled by electronic drive units, and may also appear in conjunction with significant nonlinearities. This paper pr

Hymnoden Härdelin

"Härdelin the Hymnist" Alf Härdelin (1927–2014) was a Swedish theologian and medievalist. In addition to a large academic output, he wrote eleven original hymns and translated 213 from Latin or German into Swedish. This article begins by showing how integrated this activity was with Härdelin’s theological work: both as an academic and as a hymnist he followed the Dominican adage, contemplata alii

Hospital admission rates among men and women with symptoms of chronic bronchitis and airflow limitation corresponding to the GOLD stages of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - A population-based study

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a major cause of increased morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study was to investigate hospital admission rates among individuals with symptoms of chronic bronchitis and among those with airflow limitation corresponding to GOLD stages 1-4. Method: Between 1974 and 1992, 22 044 middle-aged individuals participated in a health screening, which included

In0.53Ga0.47As Multiple-Gate Field-Effect Transistors With Selectively Regrown Channels

We report on In0.53Ga0.47As n-channel multiple-gate field-effect transistors (MuGFETs or FinFETs) with a novel method of selectively regrown lateral (parallel to substrate) nanowires as channels. The device exhibits a minimum subthreshold slope of 85 mV/decade and drain-induced barrier lowering of 88 mV/V at V-DS = 0.05 V and L-G = 200 nm. At V-DS = 0.5 V, (gm), (max) = 1.67 mS/mu m is achieved (L

A Survey on the Perception of Innovation in a Large Product-focused Software Organization

Context.Innovation is promoted in companies to help them stay competitive. Four types of innovation are defined: product, process, business, and organizational. Objective. We want to understand the perception of the innovation concept in industry, and particularly how the innovation types relate to each other. Method. We launched a survey at a branch of a multi-national corporation. Results. From

The Changing Role of Learning Regions in the Globalizing Knowledge Economy: A Theoretical Re-examination

ASHEIM B. The changing role of learning regions in the globalizing knowledge economy: a theoretical re-examination, Regional Studies. Highlighting four theoretical developments, this paper theoretically re-examines the learning region in view of the changing roles of regions in the globalizing knowledge economy: (1) from specific contexts to general regional development strategies; (2) introducing

Generalizing the Gibbard-Satterthwaite theorem: partial preferences, the degree of manipulation, and multi-valuedness

The Gibbard–Satterthwaite (GS) theorem is generalized in three ways: First, it is proved that the theorem is still valid when individual preferences belong to a convenient class of partial preferences; second, it is shown that every non-dictatorial surjective social choice function (SCF) is not only manipulable, but it can be manipulated in such a way that some individual obtains either his best o

Independent Spike Models: Estimation and Validation

We apply a class of Markov switching models (independent spike models) to six European electricity markets and two European gas markets. This paper extends the current framework by introducing Gamma distributed spikes, which improves the fit for most energy markets. The models are quite complex. The robustness of the estimates is therefore evaluated using three different estimation strategies: dir

Raman linewidth measurements using time-resolved hybrid picosecond/nanosecond rotational CARS

We report an innovative approach for time-domain measurements of S-branch Raman linewidths using hybrid picosecond/nanosecond pure-rotational coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (RCARS). The Raman coherences are created by two picosecond excitation pulses and are probed using a narrow-band nanosecond pulse at 532 nm. The generated RCARS signal contains the entire coherence decay in a single pu

Walkability parameters, active transportation and objective physical activity: moderating and mediating effects of motor vehicle ownership in a cross-sectional study

Background: Neighborhood walkability has been associated with physical activity in several studies. However, as environmental correlates of physical activity may be context specific, walkability parameters need to be investigated separately in various countries and contexts. Furthermore, the mechanisms by which walkability affects physical activity have been less investigated. Based on previous re

Sex- and tissue-specific profiles of chemosensory gene expression in a herbivorous gall-inducing fly (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae)

Background: The chemical senses of insects mediate behaviors that are closely linked to survival and reproduction. The order Diptera contains two model organisms, the vinegar fly Drosophila melanogaster and the mosquito Anopheles gambiae, whose chemosensory genes have been extensively studied. Representing a third dipteran lineage with an interesting phylogenetic position, and being ecologically d