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Your search for "*" yielded 533082 hits

Spectral characterization of diffusion with chemical shift resolution: Highly concentrated water-in-oil emulsion.

We present a modulated gradient spin-echo method, which uses a train of sinusoidally shaped gradient pulses separated by 180 degrees radio-frequency (RF) pulses. The RF pulses efficiently refocus chemical shifts and de-phasing due to susceptibility differences, resulting in undistorted, high-resolution diffusion weighted spectra. This allows for the simultaneous spectral characterization of the di

Histology of adipose tissue inflammation in Dercum's disease, obesity and normal weight controls: a case control study.

BACKGROUND: Dercum's disease (DD) is characterised by obesity and chronic pain (> 3 months) in the adipose tissue. The pathogenesis of DD is unknown, but inflammatory components have been proposed. In previous reports and studies, an inconsistent picture of the histological appearance of the adipose tissue in DD has been described. The aim of this investigation was to examine the histological app

Lithium and brain plasticity - studies on glial cell changes and electroconvulsive treatment-induced amnesia in rats

Depression and bipolar disorder, collectively known as mood disorders, are devastating, common and often chronic illnesses. Imaging studies of patients with mood disorders have demonstrated structural changes in several brain regions implicated in mood regulation. Furthermore, bipolar disorder is associated with white matter abnormalities and post mortem analysis of brain tissue from patients with

Self-rated mental health, school adjustment, and substance use in hard-of-hearing adolescents

This survey, "Life and Health-Young People 2005," included all 15/16-year-old adolescents in mainstream schools in the county of Orebro, Sweden. just students with a slight/mild or moderate hearing loss were included. There were 56 (1.9%) "hard-of-hearing (HH) students with multiple disabilities," 93 (3.1%) students who were "just HH," 282 (9.7%) students with some "other disability than HH," and

Structure and function of the ectomycorrhizal association between Paxillus involutus (Batsch) Fr. and Betula pendula Roth .L. Dynamics of mycorrhiza formation

Detailed examination of the structural and functional integration taking place during mycorrhiza formation necessitates rapid and aseptic synthesis of uniform mycorrhizal structures at well-defined stages of development. A system is described for formation of ectomycorrhizas between Betula pendula Roth. and Paxillus involutus (Batsch) Fr. Small sterile seedlings were placed directly on fungal colo

Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae Protein E Binds Vitronectin and Is Important for Serum Resistance

Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) commonly causes local disease in the upper and lower respiratory tract and has recently been shown to interfere with both the classical and alternative pathways of complement activation. The terminal pathway of the complement system is regulated by vitronectin that is a component of both plasma and the extracellular matrix. In this study, we identify prote

Perforated cylinders for heat demanding craft

Perforated vessels in one form or the other are found in ceramic assemblages in most societies from early prehistoric time onwards. They vary greatly in shape and size, indicating a multitude of uses. This paper focuses on a particular type of perforated vessel – the perforated open cylinder, a “vessel” with no base, or rather with rims at both ends. This means that its function as a container is

Clinical problems in thyroid surgery

Popular Abstract in Swedish POPULÄRVETENSKAPLIG SAMMANFATTNING Dokumentation om Sjukdomar i sköldkörteln (thyroidea) finns dokumenterade i litteraturen sedan nästan 3000 år tillbaka. Många miljoner människor över hela världen lider av någon typ av sköldkörtelsjukdom, t.ex. förstorad sköldkörtel (struma/goiter), elakartade -, godartade förändringar eller överaktiv körtel (hyperthyreos, Graves’ sjukBackground: Thyroid surgery is the most common endocrine surgical operation and is considered by many to be at the zenith of endocrine surgery. A good hemostasis is mandatory during a thyroid operation and many new devices have been available during the last two decades. Total thyroidectomy, (TT) is now by many surgeons considered the method of choice when treating Graves´ disease (GD) and multino

Drug therapy - a challenge in primary care.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bakgrund: Förskrivning av läkemedel är en av de vanligaste medicinska åtgärderna men samtidigt den största orsaken till patientskador och patientsäkerhetsproblem i Sverige. Läkemedelsbehandling av multisjuka äldre och förskrivning av antibiotika mot okomplicerade luftvägsinfektioner är två områden där patientsäkerhetsproblem har uppmärksammats. Behandling med potentiellIntroduction: Drug therapy in primary care is a broad field, with two areas previously identified as particularly challenging: treatment of the elderly and prescription of antibiotics against uncomplicated upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs). General practitioners’ (GPs’) attitudes and adherence to evidence-based treatment guidelines might be influenced by different interventions and need t

Different toxicity profiles for drug-versus radionuclide-conjugated BR96 monoclonal antibodies in a syngeneic rat colon carcinoma model

Background. One of many approaches being evaluated in experimental models and in the clinic for the treatment of cancer is the use of antibodies conjugated to various drugs or radionuclides. The aim of the present study was to compare the toxicity profiles of radioimmunoconjugates and drug-immunoconjugates based on the same monoclonal antibody, evaluated in the same experimental model, that much r

Sight-threatening retinopathy is associated with lower mortality in type 2 diabetic subjects: A 10-year observation study.

Aims: To study associations between diabetic retinopathy and development of stroke, myocardial infarction and death in type 2 diabetic patients. Methods: During a 10-year observation period, 363 type 2 diabetic patients (diagnosis >= 30 years of age) attending an outpatient clinic were studied regarding the prevalence and incidence of retinopathy and associated risk factors, i.e., (HbA(1c), blood