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Swedish Butterfly Monitoring Scheme, annual report for 2012

This is the third annual report of the Swedish Butterfly Monitoring Scheme, a national monitoring programme coordinated by Lund University for the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency since 2010. The programme is a partnership between the Entomological Society of Sweden, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Lund University, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and the Swedish

Decentralized Feedforward Control of Wind Farms: Prospects and Open Problems

The problem of load mitigation in wind turbines located in wind farms is addressed. The benefits of letting turbines communicate with and account for their neighbors are explored. First, the idea of exploiting previewed wind speed measurements is examined. The problem is formulated as an H 2 model matching optimization. The influence of preview length on the performance is analyzed and simulation

Retaining Emphasis on "Systems Approach" when Assessing E-Commerce by Life Cycle Assessment

In the issue of using Life cycle assessment (LCA) for assessing E-commerce, we had some epistemological observations, via content analyse method, indicating that LCA has not only aspects of the ‘Systems Approach’ but also of the ‘Analytical Approach’, with even less emphasis on the former in practical terms. The purpose of this paper is to shed light on the connection among these observations, and

Hot and cool plate tests on alternative materials for pilot clothing

Under operations in hot regions and flights at low heights the temperature in the fighter cockpit may rise to high levels causing heat stress on pilot. Reducing cockpit glass light permeability or increasing cockpit ventilation reduce heat load. The measures should not affect pilots’ performance. This study investigated if clothing material with reflective properties has an effect on heat gain in

Rat Paw Tracking for Detailed Motion Analysis

This work is part of a research project studying the learning of fine motor skills in rats. A system for tracking a rat paw using a system of high-speed cameras is presented along with preliminary analysis of the correlation between paw movement and neural data. The tracking method is generative, modeling the rat paw as a set of linked ellipsoids. To find the most probable paw pose a number of hyp