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VHY, a novel myristoylated testis-restricted dual specificity protein phosphatase related to VHX

The human DUSP15 gene encodes an uncharacterized 235-amino acid member of the subfamily of small dual specificity protein phosphatases related to the Vaccinia virus VH1 phosphatase. Similar to VHR-related MKPX (VHX) (DUSP22), the predicted protein has an N-terminal myristoylation recognition sequence, and we show here that both are indeed modified by the attachment of a myristate to Gly-2. In reco

Microbial manipulation of the rat dam changes bacterial colonization and alters properties of the gut in her offspring.

The impact of an altered bacterial colonization on gut development has not been thoroughly studied, despite the increased risk of certain diseases with a disturbed microbiota after birth. This study was conducted to determine the effect of microbial manipulation, i.e. antibiotic treatment or Escherichia coli (E. coli) exposure, of the dam on bacterial colonization and gut development in the offspr

Changes in the incidence of fracture of the upper end of the humerus during a 30-year period. A study of 2125 fractures

The incidence of fracture of the upper end of the humerus by age group and sex was studied for a 32-year period from 1950 to 1982. The following numbers of humeral fractures occurred: 1950-1954, 411 fractures; 1961-1964, 552 fractures; 1971-1973, 639 fractures; and 1981-1982, 523 fractures. There was a progressive increase in the age-related incidence in older persons, especially in women. There w

Müller cells in long-term full-thickness retinal transplants.

Müller cells are essential in creating and maintaining intricate neuroretinal architecture. The functions of this important glial cell are not limited to mere support of the retinal neurons, but also include interaction in synaptic transmission and activation in response to retinal insult. In this study, we have examined Müller cell morphology and degree of activation in embryonic full-thickness r

Timing of Palaeoproterozoic intra-orogenic sedimentation in the central Fennoscandian Shield; evidence from detrital zircon in metasandstone

Detrital zircon U-Pb SIMS data on quartz-rich metasandstone units presumed to belong to the upper part of the Svecofennian stratigraphy in southeastern Finland and east-central Sweden suggest the existence of clastic sedimentary basins between the two main orogenic phases at 1.89-1.86 Ga and 1.83-1.79 Ga, during a period referred to as the intra-orogenic phase (1.86-1.83 Ga). Stratigraphically bel

Whole-body cooling increases plasma endothelin-1 levels in women with primary Raynaud's phenomenon

To understand better the role of endothelin-1 (ET-1) in the pathogenesis of primary Raynaud's phenomenon (PRP), we investigated the basal ET-1 plasma levels and changes after whole-body cooling in healthy women and those with PRP. The study was performed as an open parallel-group comparison during the month of February. The Raynaud group included 21 female patients (mean age 45.3 years, range 21-5

Panopticon in the Urinal? : the Stockholm homo-sex Commission C. 1950–1965

This article examines the records of the so-called homo-sex commission—a part of the municipal Stockholm police force dedicated to the policing of male same-sex practices—as a case study of the role of policing in shaping historical understandings of homosexuality. Building on a series of documents left by the commission and high-ranking police officers, from memoranda describing the nature of hom

LRIG proteins regulate lipid metabolism via BMP signaling and affect the risk of type 2 diabetes

Leucine-rich repeats and immunoglobulin-like domains (LRIG) proteins have been implicated as regulators of growth factor signaling; however, the possible redundancy among mammalian LRIG1, LRIG2, and LRIG3 has hindered detailed elucidation of their physiological functions. Here, we show that Lrig-null mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) are deficient in adipogenesis and bone morphogenetic protein (B

Bioderived, chiral and stable 1-dimensional light-responsive nanostructures : Interconversion between tubules and twisted ribbons

HYPOTHESIS: Self-assembling molecular structures responding to light stimulus are appealing for applications as sensing and drug delivery. Supramolecular nanotubes have a relevant potential in nanotechnology as they can be used to encapsulate different loads like drugs, biological macromolecules, and nanomaterials. In addition, they are suitable elements for novel supracolloidal materials. Structu

Molecular advances to study the function, evolution and spectral tuning of arthropod visual opsins

Visual opsins of vertebrates and invertebrates diversified independently and converged to detect ultraviolet to long wavelengths (LW) of green or red light. In both groups, colour vision largely derives from opsin number, expression patterns and changes in amino acids interacting with the chromophore. Functional insights regarding invertebrate opsin evolution have lagged behind those for vertebrat

The Political Impact of the Sustainable Development Goals : Transforming Governance through Global Goals?

Written by an international team of over sixty experts and drawing on over three thousand scientific studies, this is the first comprehensive global assessment of the political impact of the Sustainable Development Goals, which were launched by the United Nations in 2015. It explores in detail the political steering effects of the Sustainable Development Goals on the UN system and the policies of

The Study of Global Environmental Politics : Strategies for Research and Learning

Contemporary research and teaching on global environmental politics (GEP) draw upon many approaches to understanding the ways in which states and societies respond to transboundary environmental problems (see Chapter 2). Approaches that emphasize the state (see Chapter 7) and international organizations (see Chapter 8) derive in a straightforward way from scholarly work in international relations

Simulating International Climate Negotiations in Classrooms

A simulation of the international climate negotiations was designed for more than 50 students of political science and other study programs dealing with sustainability. A key advantage of such simulations is that they are highly adaptable to groups of different sizes, academic backgrounds, or learning levels and can be used to teach a number of major concepts within the same framework. The primary

A Global Response to Climate Change: In, through, and for Cities?

Cities have been wildly successful over recent years in positioning themselves at the center of the global conversation on climate change. For example, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recently convened the Cities & Climate Change Conference (CitiesIPCC) in Edmonton, Alberta. The conference — hosted by a city that once advertised itself as Canada’s oil capital — brought tog

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In December 2015, more than 190 nation-states adopted the Paris Agreement at the 21st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations FrameworkConvention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). This widely celebrated event hasspurred great enthusiasm among experts concerned with the globalresponse to climate change. Since then, considerable progress has beenachieved on the international level, especially at t

Older Adults Living in Disadvantaged Areas : Protocol for a Mixed Methods Baseline Study on Homes, Quality of Life, and Participation in Transitioning Neighborhoods

BACKGROUND: Swedish policy states that older adults should be able to age safely with continued independence and lead active lives. However, this plays out differently in different Swedish municipalities depending upon degree of demographic change, globalization, and urbanization. Internationally, older adults living in disadvantaged areas have worse physical and mental health, activity restrictio