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Människohandel för sexuella ändamål

Människohandel, en modern form av slaveri, att köpa och sälja människor för utnyttjandet av deras arbetskraft, organ eller för att utnyttja dem sexuellt. Det händer inte bara i de mindre utvecklade delarna av världen, det händer överallt. En del instrument har tagits fram för att bekämpa detta, både internationellt och nationellt. Säkra källor är svåra att hitta, statistik saknas, ingen vet riktig

Kulturföremål - Föremål för organiserad brottslighet -

Företeelsen att kulturföremål är föremål för organiserad brottslighet är ett relativt okänt faktum i svensk rätt. Utomlands har man däremot uppmärksammat ämnet och för ett par år sedan så kunde klara kopplingar mellan stulna kulturföremål och organiserad brottslighet göras. Med anledning av de uppgifterna finns det skäl att tro att sådan verksamhet även förekommer i Sverige. Även om den empiriska

Rättsekonomisk analys av mobiloperatörsbranschen

Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera den ekonomiska effektiviteten av regleringarna för mobiloperatörer på den svenska marknaden. För att uppnå syftet krävs först att en ekonomiskt effektiv mobiloperatörsmarknad definieras. Därefter behövs en redogörelse för befintlig lagstiftning som sedan skall kunna analyseras mot den definierade effektiva marknaden. Enligt den ekonomiska teorin föreligger

Inverse association between Paleolithic Diet Fraction and mortality and incidence of cardiometabolic disease in the prospective Malmö Diet and Cancer Study

Purpose: Paleolithic Diet Fraction (PDF) estimates how large a portion of the absolute dietary intake stems from food groups included in the Paleolithic diet. In randomized controlled trials higher PDFs have been associated with healthier levels of cardiometabolic risk markers. Our aim was to build upon these findings by examining associations between PDF and mortality and incidence of cardiometab

Mitral valve repair using leaflet expansion and subpartial annuloplasty in children

Objective: Mitral valve reconstruction in the pediatric population is a challenge due to the frequent combination of annular dilatation and leaflet restriction and the need for growth. We present a novel strategy using leaflet expansion and subpartial annuloplasty with polytetrafluoroethylene reinforcement. Methods: From January 2014 through May 2021, 11 children aged 5 months to 14 years (median,

Adolescents’ Experience of Pain : A Focus Group Study in Sweden

The purpose of this study was to describe experiences of pain among students at upper secondary schools (adolescents aged 16–19 years) in Sweden. Focus group (n = 9) interviews with 41 adolescents were conducted in southern Sweden in 2021. The interviews were analyzed by qualitative content analysis, which identified four categories encompassing the theme how pain expressed itself: (1) a warning b

CatNap : Leveraging Generic MPC for Actively Secure Privacy-enhancing Proximity Testing with a Napping Party

Proximity testing is at the core of several Location-Based Services (LBS). Despite a series of reported and confirmed abuses, modern LBSs still demand their clients to disclose their locations in plain in order to preform location proximity testing. This works aims at enhancing proximity testing with privacy. We design CatNap a novel protocol that (1) implements precise Euclidean distance matching

Value of Seismic Structural Health Monitoring Information for Management of Civil Structures Under Different Prior Knowledge Scenarios

Seismic Structural Health Monitoring (S2HM) provides information about the integrity of civil structures and infrastructure in the aftermath of an earthquake. However, quantifying the benefits of S2HM information is crucial to justify the investment in S2HM systems. The benefit of S2HM can be computed through the Value of Information (VoI) from Bayesian decision theory, which compares the expected

Of robots and humans : creating user representations in practice

In this study, we explore the constitution of user representations of robots in design practice. Using the results of ethnographic research in two robot laboratories, we show how user representations emerge in and are entangled with design activities. Our study speaks to the growing popularity of and investment in robotics, robots and other forms of artificial intelligence. Scholars in Science and

Benthic foraminiferal investigations in Middle to Late Quaternary sections of Kongsfjordhallet, north-west Svalbard

Stratigraphic sites in north-west Svalbard record at least six significant glacial advances in the last 200 Ky, and sediments deposited under locally high relative sea level during intervening interstadials or interglacials contain abundant benthic foraminifera. We present a biostratigraphic record from the Kongsfjordhallet site in the Kongsfjorden area that covers five high relative sea-level eve

Paternal pre-conceptional smoking and semen quality in the adult son

Background: Growing evidence suggests intergenerational effects of paternal pre-conceptional smoking through the germ line, but its specific impact on offspring semen quality remains uncertain because of challenges in isolating paternal exposure from maternal passive smoking or underreporting. Methods: We reran previous analyses estimating differences in semen parameters and testicular size accord