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”Historia à la Hollywood – Steven Spielberg i pulpeten”

A text that sees the American film director Steven Spielberg as an audiovisual lecturer of history. In the analysis how Saving Private Ryan depicts the past, aesthetic and technical considerations are dealt with at the same time as more general and historiographic topics are problematized.

Source Localization Using Virtual Antenna Arrays

Using antenna arrays for direction of arrival (DoA) estimation and source localization is a well-researched topic. In this paper, we analyze virtual antenna arrays for DoA estimation where the antenna array geometry is acquired using data from a low-cost inertial measurement unit (IMU). Performance evaluation of an unaided inertial navigation system with respect to individual IMU sensor noise para

Combustion Bowl Heat Transfer Analysis in Diesel and PPC Engines

Popular Abstract in Swedish Transporter är viktiga för ett fungerande samhälle, men samtidigt innehåller avgaserna från en förbränningsmotor farliga utsläpp som förorenar vår miljö. Kan vi på något sätt hindra att miljön blir förstörd av farliga utsläpp genom förbättrad motordesign? Frågan om global uppvärmning har varit vid liv enda sedan IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) grundadeThis thesis concerns a numerical investigation on heat transfer in internal combustion engines, with the aim of increasing engine efficiency. The efficiency gains are to be extracted from reduced heat transfer losses, by increasing the knowledge on how the heat transfer process is affected by various hardware and operational parameters in the engine. The engines concerned are both conventional die

Mycorrhiza and carbon flow to the soil

The current extent of knowledge on the supply of carbon compounds to mycorrhizal roots and mycelia, and their subsequent distribution and cycling within the soil ecosystem is reviewed. The carbon requirements of different mycorrhizal fungi are discussed and carbon transfer from host root tissue to the fungal biomass is considered in relation to available information on the amounts and types of com

Ad Experimentum - En observation och analys av Andra Vatikankonciliets diakonatreform med särskild hänsyn till det förnyade diakonatets identitets- och legitimitetsproblematik.

This dissertation examines the renewal of the diaconate since the Second Vatican Council 1962 to 1965, focusing on the problem of the new diaconate to establish an identity within the ministry and to gain legitimacy both from the priesthood and the laity. The thesis brings forth the idea that the fathers of the Council decided to carry out the reform as an experiment after receiving a proposal to

Synergetic effects of combined destructive action on concrete

The effect of a certain aggressive action is often aggravated if another aggressive action takes place at the same time. Examples of mechanisms with synergy are (i) salt-frost scaling and reinforcement corrosion, (ii) alkali silica reaction (ASR) and internal frost damage, (iii) leaching of lime and internal frost attack, (iv) leaching of lime and reinforcement corrosion, (v) internal frost and le

Time Resolved Laser Spectroscopy of Rydberg States in Group IIIA and IIIA Elements

In this work radiative properties of neutral elements with one or two electrons outside closed subshells have been investigated. Using laser techniques in connection with atomic beams selective excitation of Rydberg states was performed. Most of the studied states were populated with two-step excitation. Some states were reached directly from the ground state or from a metastable state and occasio

Real-time real-sky dual-conjugate adaptive optics experiment

The current status of a real-time real-sky dual-conjugate adaptive optics experiment is presented. This experiment is a follow-up on a lab experiment at Lund Observatory that demonstrated dual-conjugate adaptive optics on a static atmosphere. The setup is to be placed at Lund Observatory. This means that the setup will be available 24h a day and does not have to share time with other instruments.

Förförande idéer

Många idéer cirkulerar kontinuerligt inom och mellan olika fält i samhället. En del av dessa idéer blir på modet och betraktas som legitima lösningar på olika slags problem. Bland dessa kan organisationer – såväl offentliga som privata - lätt hitta färdiga paketlösningar till hur de exempelvis skall styra, leda eller budgetera sin verksamhet. Kvalitetssäkring blev en sådan idé på modet inom hälso-