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An Analysis of the Nonlinear Klein-Goldberger Model Using Fix-Point Estimation and Other Methods
Conflicting Religious-Cultural Discourses of Human Rights in the World Today
The Shared Mind: Perspectives on Intersubjectivity
The cognitive and language sciences are increasingly oriented towards the social dimension of human cognition and communication. The hitherto dominant approach in modern cognitive science has viewed “social cognition” through the prism of the traditional philosophical puzzle of how individuals solve the problem of understanding Other Minds. The Shared Mind challenges the conventional “theory of mi
Big Bang i laboratoriet: Urmateria skapas på nytt
Benchmarking e-learning in higher education and beyond
Benchmarking is a powerful strategic tool used to assist decision makers to improve the quality and effectiveness of organisational processes. Even in Higher Education nowadays, benchmarking is used as a tool for quality enhancement. This paper explores the results from a study on international benchmarking on elearning in higher education. The study explicitly showed the value and impact of the m
Design of resonant tunneling permeable base transistors
We evaluate the performance of resonant tunneling permeable base transistors (RT-PBTs) by numerical simulations. Since the current is limited by the barriers, a design with a low doping level around the embedded gate wires is chosen to improve the transconductance. We evaluate the influence of the various geometrical parameters, to optimize the design for high frequency operation. We obtain a perf
Gender and Programming: A Case Study
Our study highlights the effects of gender-related learning styles on a computer programming course at introductory level of engineering education. It was triggered by the observation of statistically relevant under-achievements among female students over the years. We try to identify concrete differences in motivation/learning styles between genders and prove that lack of previous relevant comput
Negotiating Asylum. The EU acquis, Extraterritorial Protection and the Common Market of Deflection
Popular Abstract in Swedish Hur tillgängligt är EU för asylsökande? Står Unionens rättsregler i strid med folkrätten? Om så är fallet, hur löser vi konflikten dem emellan? Besitter vi alls medel för att lösa grundläggande konflikter om hur långt rätten skall skydda "utomstående"? Denna avhandling söker svar på frågorna genom att kombinera formaljuridik med statsvetenskapliga förklaringsmodeller. MHow are access to asylum and other forms of extraterritorial protection regulated in the European Union? Is the EU acquis in these areas in conformity with international law? What tools does international law offer to solve conflicts between them? And, finally, is law capable of bridging the foundational oppositions embedded in migration and asylum issues? This work combines the potential of legal
Educational linguistics
Preussiska anarkister. Ernst Jünger och hans krets under Weimar-republikens krisår
Boken innehåller en bred skildring av Ernst Jünger och hans närmaste vänkrets under slutfasen av Weimar-republiken. Bland de arbeten av Jünger som diskuteras återfinns "Das abenteuerliche Herz" (1929, "Die totale Mobilmachung" (1930) och "Der Arbeiter" (1932). Till persongalleriet hör Carl Schmitt, Ernst Niekisch, Friedrich Georg Jünger, Friedrich Hielscher med flera. Historien om Ernst Jünger och
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Resursmobilisering och expertis som vapen i äldrepolitiken
Urban peer-to-peer MIMO channel measurements and analysis at 300 MHz
Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems operating at frequencies in the upper VHF and lower UHF region is attractive for peer-to-peer communication applications where robustness is of high importance, e.g., in tactical networks and emergency response systems. When designing and evaluating such systems, knowledge of realistic propagation conditions is required. This paper presents results fro
Strong Toughening Mechanisms in an Elastic Plastic Laminate
The fracture process of a laminate is analysed. The laminate is a material used for packaging.It consists of a thin aluminium foil with a polymer coating. In both materials, the fractureprocesses are supposed to be dominantly localized plastic deformation. A Barenblatt regionis supposed to spread ahead of the crack tip. This region is analysed in its cross planeinvoking plane deformation conditionThe fracture process of a laminate is analysed. The laminate is a material used for packaging.It consists of a thin aluminium foil with a polymer coating. In both materials, the fractureprocesses are supposed to be dominantly localized plastic deformation. A Barenblatt regionis supposed to spread ahead of the crack tip. This region is analysed in its cross planeinvoking plane deformation condition
Studies of New Bioactive Fungal Metabolites
A number of bioactive natural products have by chromatographic techniques been isolated from extracts of various fungi, and their structures have been determined by spectroscopic and chemical methods. In the screening of fungal extracts for the inhibition of the binding of various ligands to CNS receptors in rat striatal membrane preparations in vitro, bioassay-guided fractionation of extracts of
Chemical Study of Fl, Cn, their Lighter Homologs and Rn at TASCA
Endosonography of the anal spincter in women with particular reference to obstetric sphincter tears
Popular Abstract in Swedish Bakgrund Anal inkontinens, dvs. oförmåga att kontrollera gasutsläpp eller defekation, är ett fysiskt och psykiskt invalidiserande tillstånd med inte sällan avsevärda svåra sociala konsekvenser. Gradering sker efter om inkontinensen gäller gas, lös eller fast avföring samt efter frekvens: 1g/månad, 1g/vecka eller dagligen (Wexner incontinence score). Anal inkontinens kaThe aim of this thesis was to study the endosonographic morphology of the anal sphincter in women, to establish an endosonographic sphincter defect score and to relate it to anal incontinence and anal sphincter pressure. A further aim was to determine intra-observer and inter-observer agreement in detection of endosonographic anal sphincter defects. An endosonographic anal sphincter defect classif