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Connecting Air Pollution Exposure to Socioeconomic Status : A Cross-Sectional Study on Environmental Injustice among Pregnant Women in Scania, Sweden

Environmental injustice, characterized by lower socioeconomic status (SES) persons being subjected to higher air pollution concentrations, was explored among pregnant women in Scania, Sweden. Understanding if the general reduction of air pollution recorded is enjoyed by all SES groups could illuminate existing inequalities and inform policy development. "Maternal Air Pollution in Southern Sweden",

Knowledge diversities and group dynamics within international master programs

Although international students are allowed to study at Swedish universities since 1985, the Swedish university landscape has undergone a strategic internationalization mainly during the recent few years. With a steadily growing number of international master programs and thereby more international students being part of the Swedish education system, a variety of problems related to cultural-diver

Strain improvement of Escherichia coli K-12 for recombinant production of deuterated proteins

Deuterium isotope labelling is important for structural biology methods such as neutron protein crystallography, nuclear magnetic resonance and small angle neutron scattering studies of proteins. Deuterium is a natural low abundance stable hydrogen isotope that in high concentrations negatively affect growth of cells. The generation time for Escherichia coli K-12 in deuterated medium is substantia

Flexibility and context specificity of communicative rhythmic behaviours in chimpanzees

Rhythmic behaviors (in short RBs), such as applauding, dancing or rocking a baby to sleep are part of humans everyday life. Recently there has been a growing interest in the RBs of other species, as a way of tracking the evolutionary roots of human musicality. RBs have been initially studied in arthropods, insects, anurans and songbirds, where a single behaviour is tied to reproductive function. E

Who is enrolling? The path to monitoring in type 1 diabetes trialnet’s pathway to prevention

OBJECTIVE To better understand potential facilitators of individual engagement in type 1 diabetes natural history and prevention studies through analysis of enrollment data in the TrialNet Pathway to Prevention (PTP) study. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS We used multivariable logistic regression models to examine continued engagement of eligible participants at two time points: 1) the return visit af

Fission of charged nano-hydrated ammonia clusters-microscopic insights into the nucleation processes

While largely studied on the macroscopic scale, the dynamics leading to nucleation and fission processes in atmospheric aerosols are still poorly understood at the molecular level. Here, we present a joint experimental-theoretical study of a model system consisting of hydrogen-bonded ammonia and water molecules. Experimentally, the clusters were produced via adiabatic co-expansion. Double ionizati

Theoretical insights into the aerobic hydrogenase activity of molybdenum-copper CO dehydrogenase

The Mo/Cu-dependent CO dehydrogenase from O. carboxidovorans is an enzyme that is able to catalyse CO oxidation to CO2; moreover, it also expresses hydrogenase activity, as it is able to oxidize H2. Here, we have studied the dihydrogen oxidation catalysis by this enzyme using QM/MM calculations. Our results indicate that the equatorial oxo ligand of Mo is the best suited base for catalysis. Moreov

Block Copolymer Lithography. Applications for Sub-50 nm High-Density Nanostructures

As high technology device functionalities seem to constantly be moving towards decreasing critical dimensions and increasing density, there is a need for lithography research to move in the same direction. Block copolymer (BCP) lithography is a promising technique, which has single-digit nanometer resolution, typically has a pattern periodicity of 10-50 nm, and easily scales up the patterned area

An organizational study into the concept of automation in a safety critical socio-technical system

Although automation has been introduced in all areas of public life, what seems to be missing is a reflection at the organizational or societal level about a policy of automation. By this we intend appropriate declarations made at the level of rationale, future plans and strategies to achieve intended goals and most importantly how those achievements will impact on various aspects of societal life

Medeltidsarkeologi 1983-2009, förmedling, representativitet och ansvar

Even when the editor of the popular journal Populär Arkeologi claims to be communicating the latest advances in archaeological research to the public and that the authors often are professional archaeologists, this is done very rarely and focuses mostly on dating and artifacts. Is it the editor’s responsibility or must the archaeologists themselves highlight these issues in their articles? Common

Organotitanium-induced stereoselective alkylative endo-cleavage of benzyl pentopyranosides

The results presented are the first examples where organotitanium reagents induced alkylative endo-cleavage of carbohydrates. The best conditions for the alkylative transfer of a methyl group to benzyl 2-deoxy- 2-C-methyl-4-O-(tert-butyldimethylsilyl)-α-D-arabinopyranoside (1) were the application of one equivalent of AlMe3 followed by four equivalents of MeTiCl3 generated by mixing TiCl4 and ZnMe

Marine protected areas modulate habitat suitability of the invasive round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) in the Baltic Sea

Biological invasions are one of the leading causes of biodiversity loss worldwide. Given that eradication of invasive species is not usually a practical option, conservationists may attempt to limit their impacts through the designation and management of protected areas. Here, we investigate the effect of marine protected areas on the habitat suitability of an invasive species, the round goby (Neo

Trait anxiety and bystander motivation to defend victims of school bullying

Introduction: School-based bullying is an omnipresent problem, but is less frequent when bystanders are inclined to defend victims. This makes it important to focus on motivation to intervene in bullying. Methods: 202 students (Mage=16.44 years, 52% boys) from public Swedish high schools participated in a vignette experiment. Students were randomized to one of two vignettes (victim belonging to/no

‘It's the organization that is wrong’ : Exploring disengagement from organisations through leadership development

This research explores the relationship between participation in leadership development programmes and disengagement from the employing organization. Based on repeated interviews with 10 managers participating in an open leadership development programme, our analysis shows that half of the participants reflected a sense of distancing themselves from how their organizations practiced leadership, an