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Global microscopic calculations of odd-odd nuclei
The macroscopic-microscopic finite-range droplet model is combined with a particle-rotor coupling model in order to systematically describe low-energy spectra of odd-odd nuclei. The odd proton and neutron are allowed to interact through effective nuclear forces representing the residual neutron-proton interaction. In particular, ground-state spins and parities are calculated and compared to data,
Advances in Inkjet-Printed Metal Halide Perovskite Photovoltaic and Optoelectronic Devices
Inkjet printing (IJP) has evolved over the past 30 years into a reliable, versatile, and cost-effective industrial production technology in many areas from graphics to printed electronic applications. Intensive research efforts have led to the successful development of functional electronic inks to realize printed circuit boards, sensors, lighting, actuators, energy storage, and power generation d
Predictive Factors of Concerns about Falling in People with Parkinson's Disease : A 3-Year Longitudinal Study
Introduction: Fear of falling (FOF) is more common in people with Parkinson's disease (PD) than in healthy controls. It can lead to several negative consequences such as restrictions in everyday life. Moreover, FOF is a risk factor for future falls. Aim: This study aimed to identify predictive factors of FOF (conceptualized as concerns about falling) after three years, with and without adjusting f
Advances in entomological laser radar
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Svenska politiker ”mörkar” när det gäller frågan om vad vi faktiskt betalar i skatt. Det handlar om ett demokratiskt informationsunderskott som inte är värdigt ett samhälle som gör anspråk på öppenhet i det offentliga samtalet. Nu måste beslut fattas om att alla lönebesked redovisar såväl totallön, löneskatt och löneavgifter, som bruttolön, inkomstskatt och nettolön. Fiffiga finansministrar har hi
Examensarbeten- att skriva uppdragsbaserade uppsatser och rapporter
På många utbildningar är det idag vanligt att det finns en uppdragsgivare som står bakom ett examensarbete. Det kan vara ett företag, en förvaltning, en branschorganisation eller liknande. Denna nya situation kan vara både utmanande och stimulerande.I boken presenteras på ett enkelt sätt olika metodfrågor och logiken bakom olika metodkrav förklaras. Frågor som: varför måste det finnas källhänvisni
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Self-Disorders in Asperger Syndrome Compared to Schizotypal Disorder : A Clinical Study
OBJECTIVE: There are historical and theoretical indications of a difference in subjective experience between autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and the schizophrenia spectrum. However, this difference has not been empirically explored. Therefore, to explore potential differences in subjective experience between the 2 spectra, we examined the presence/absence of self-disorders in Asperger syndrome/auti
Knowledge from the ancient sea : a long-term perspective of human impact on aquatic life in Mesolithic Scandinavia
Lately, evidence for early-Holocene emerging sedentism has been suggested among foragers in Northern Europe. The core of this suggested sedentism lies in the increasing dependency on large-scale fishing and mass consumption of fish and a territorial behaviour associated with access to the best fishing locations. This territoriality might also be associated with increasing numbers of people settlin
Two truncating variants in FANCC and breast cancer risk
Fanconi anemia (FA) is a genetically heterogeneous disorder with 22 disease-causing genes reported to date. In some FA genes, monoallelic mutations have been found to be associated with breast cancer risk, while the risk associations of others remain unknown. The gene for FA type C, FANCC, has been proposed as a breast cancer susceptibility gene based on epidemiological and sequencing studies. We
The Minimal Eating Observation Form-Version II Revisited : Validity and Reliability
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The Minimal Eating Observation Form-Version II (MEOF-II) is a screening and research tool for eating difficulties. Here we assess the psychometric properties of the tool. METHODS: Cross-sectional MEOF-II data, n = 5,956 persons (nursing home residents [n = 3,087]; in-hospital patients [n = 1,490]; mean age 76.9; 61% women). Data was analyzed taking account of the dichotomou
GlassesViewer : Open-source software for viewing and analyzing data from the Tobii Pro Glasses 2 eye tracker
We present GlassesViewer, open-source software for viewing and analyzing eye-tracking data of the Tobii Pro Glasses 2 head-mounted eye tracker as well as the scene and eye videos and other data streams (pupil size, gyroscope, accelerometer, and TTL input) that this headset can record. The software provides the following functionality written in MATLAB: (1) a graphical interface for navigating the
Senaste nytt från London 1789 : Ett brev, en avsändare och en adressat
En granskning av en opublicerad beskrivning av staden London i juli 1789.
LQG-Optimal versus Simple Event-Based PID Controllers
In this paper, we study event-based PID control from an optimal stochastic control perspective. The purpose is to better understand what implementation features are critical for achieving good event-based PID performance. For this end, we formulate an LQG control design problem for a double integrator process with an integral disturbance, where the solution is an ideal PID controller. We then cons