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Vilken dag för Seyfo
Iron-rich Ca–Mg skarns from the SW East European Craton (Lithuania) : Microstructural study, mineral reactions and direct age constraints of ore-forming events using LA-ICPMS
The Varena Iron Ore deposit in the SW East European Craton is a significant ore body that occurs within metamorphosed and hydrothermally reworked Paleoproterozoic dolostones. We have performed microstructural investigations supplemented with mineral chemistry and geochronological investigations (LA-ICP-MS) to obtain age constraints on the ore-forming event(s) and improve the understanding of the c
Climate change dominated runoff change in the eastern Tibetan Plateau
Quantitatively identifying the impact of climatic and underlying surface condition changes on runoff is crucial for the efficient utilization of water resources and understanding hydroclimatic variability processes. This study aims to employ both Grid-RCCC-WBM model and Fu's equation based on Budyko hypothesis to quantitatively analyze the spatial patterns of runoff changes, driving forces, and up
Comparing and Optimizing an Identity-Based Post-Quantum Scheme
The objective of this thesis is to evaluate the performance of the IBE scheme over NTRU lattices presented by Ducas, Lyubashevsky, and Prest (2014) on different platforms. The motivation behind this study was to explore a post-quantum IBE scheme and determine its viability on different platforms and specifically on an ARM64 CPU. Our goal was to parallelize the bottlenecks identified during our ini
Nature-based solutions for upgrading harbour revetments in Simrishamn
In late October 2023, the storm Babet struck the southeast coast of Sweden, high waves and extreme water levels caused significant damage to infrastructure. Simrishamn’s central harbour was particularly affected, with waves smashing and destroying the as- phalt on the southern pier. The revetment covering the entire seaward edge of the pier is estimated to tolerate a significant wave height of up
Don't Be So Hard on Yourself! - Impacting Factors on the Relationship between Relatedness and Mental Well-Being in Swedish High School Students: A Longitudinal Analysis
This longitudinal study explored the factors influencing the relationship between relatedness and mental well-being in 16–18-year-old Swedish high school students (N=249; m=87, f=159, N/A=3) attending upper secondary school. Measurements were the DASS-21 (Henry & Crawford, 2005), BPNSFS (Chen et al., 2015), SFS-SF (Raes et al., 2011), and the HSC-21 (Weyn et al., 2022), with relevant scores be
L-chondrite body breakup in Ordovician strata in China - A time tie point globally and across the inner solar system
More than a quarter of all meteorites falling on Earth today originate from the breakup of the L-chondrite parent body (LCPB) ∼470 Ma ago, the largest documented asteroid breakup in the past ∼3 Ga. The event had a profound impact on the inner Solar System, resulting in an orders-of-magnitude increase in L-chondritic material in mid-Ordovician sediments on Earth. Here we show based on Ordovician st
Zinc speciation in fly ash from MSWI using XAS - novel insights and implications
The chemical forms of zinc in fly ash from municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) crucially affect ash management, influencing both material recovery options and the risk of unwanted leaching into ecosystems. The zinc speciation was investigated in fly ash samples sourced from full-scale MSWI plants, including four grate fired boilers (GB) and one fluidized bed boiler (FB). We applied X-ray Abs
Video Intro: Design of Flexible Code Block Comparisons to Improve Code Review of Refactored Code
Exploring vegetation as coastal protection during extreme storm conditions Case study: Kivik waste water treatment plant
Kiviks reningsverk som ligger på Skånes östkust drabbades av en storm 20:e oktober 2023 som nästan skadade reningsverket. Stormen visade på behovet att förstärka det befintliga kustskyddet för framtida stormar. I denna studie undersöks ifall vegetation kan användas för att skydda reningsverket. Växter som planteras vid kustlinjen kommer att dämpa våghöjden genom den friktionskraft som uppstår melScania has always been susceptible to damages caused by storms along its coasts which also holds true for the east coast in Scania where there is a great need of coastal protection for households and infrastructure alike. One example is the Kivik waste water treatment plant (WWTP) which is a newly built establishment with glass windows situated 30 meters from the east coast and provides its servic
Incremental prognostic utility of congestion markers in cardiac transthyretin amyloidosis
Background/aims: Congestion is prognostically relevant in cardiac transthyretin amyloidosis (ATTR-CA), but whether congestion has an incremental prognostic value beyond the well-established, congestion-sensitive NT-proBNP is unknown. Therefore, we aimed to comparatively evaluate the prognostic utility of several congestion surrogates over NT-proBNP. Methods: We estimated hazard ratios by Cox propo
Liver stiffness as a prognostic parameter and tool for risk stratification in advanced cardiac transthyretin amyloidosis
Background: In light of increasing therapeutic options, risk stratification of advanced cardiac transthyretin amyloidosis (ATTR-CA) is gaining clinical importance to avoid ineffective treatments. Liver stiffness as a marker of hypervolemia and hepatic congestion might predict mortality in advanced ATTR-CA and allow to identify patients at highest risk. Methods: Proven ATTR-CA patients underwent re
The impact of order fulfillment on consumer experience : text mining consumer reviews from Amazon US
Purpose – This research analyzes online consumer reviews and ratings to assess e-retail order fulfillment performance. The study aims to (1) identify consumer journey touchpoints in the order fulfillment process and (2) determine their relative importance for the consumer experience.Design/methodology/approach – Text mining and analytics were employed to examine over 100 m online purchase orders,
Respektlöst - en analys av respekträttsintrång vid användning av musikaliska verk i politiska sammanhang
Uppsatsen utreder rättsläget i situationer där politiska partier på olika sätt använder musik i sin verksamhet – kampanjer, torgmöten, sociala medier o.s.v. Utifrån den utgångspunkten aktualiseras förutom upphovsrättsliga frågor även konstitutionella dito – rörande yttrandefrihet och dess inskränk-ningar. I 3 § 2 st. upphovsrättslagen föreskrivs att ett verk inte får göras tillgängligt för allmänhThis thesis investigates the legal situation in scenarios where political parties use music in various ways in their activities – campaigns, rallies, social me-dia, etc. From this standpoint, not only copyright issues are of interest but also constitutional matters concerning freedom of expression and its limitat-ions. According to paragraph 3, subsection 2 of the Swedish Copyright Act (Upphovsrät
Det schabloniserade föräldraavdraget – En studie av schablonavdraget och barnets rätt till personlig assistans enligt LSS i teorin och praktiken
LSS stadgar rätten till insatser för vissa personer med funktionsnedsättning. Den enskilde ska genom insatserna få möjlighet att kunna leva som andra och tillförsäkras goda levnadsvillkor. En av dessa insatser är personlig assistans som innebär ett personligt utformat stöd för personer med stora och varaktiga funktionshinder. Bedömningen av rätten till insatsen är baserad på tid som fattningen av The Act on Support and Service for Person with Certain Functional Impairments (hereafter LSS) is an entitlement law. Individuals that meet the criteria specified by the act are entitled to measures pursuant to LSS. The measures pursuant to LSS shall guarantee good living conditions and the objective of LSS is to give the individual the opportunity to live like others. One of these measures pursuan
The Power of Privilege: Enhancing Land Cover Classification with Privileged Information
Given the pressing environmental crisis, marked by climate change, biodiversity loss, and deforestation, precise land cover monitoring has become crucial. In this thesis, we explore the use of privileged information to enhance land cover classification using deep neural networks. Our study specifically focuses on how to best utilise all available data, by leveraging a machine learning framework kn