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Dynamic global vegetation modelling: quantifying terrestrial ecosystem responses to large-scale environmental change
Swedish Butterfly Monitoring Scheme, annual report for 2013
This is the fourth annual report of the Swedish Butterfly Monitoring Scheme, a national monitoring programme coordinated by Lund University for the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency since 2010. The programme is a partnership between the Entomological Society of Sweden, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Lund University, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and the Swedis
Strategic Energy Solutions: A Case Study of the Öresund Region
“Strategic Energy Solutions” is the final report on energy solutions for a zero emission Öresund region. It consists of numerous solutions that have been, or can be, applied in the region in order to minimise the environmental impact of the energy sector. Additionally it includes a case study of energy transition projects on Lolland Island in Denmark. The report seeks to provide recommendations fo
Children in medieval China
Studies on the structure of atomic nuclei : in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy
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Quantity in Romanian.
Feature transition charts for visualization of cross-project scope evolution in large-scale requirements engineering for product lines
In large-scale multi-project software engineering it is a challenge to provide a comprehensive overview of the complexity and dynamics of the requirements engineering process. This paper presents a visualization technique called Feature Transition Charts (FTC) that gives an overview of scoping decisions involving changes across multiple projects based on previous work on within-project visualizati
What is Legitimacy? Does it Matter? What happens when the concept of legitimacy is applied to political realities such as the European Union and the Lisbon Treaty?
Dynamic Manufacturing Costs - Describing the Dynamic Behavior of Downtimes from a Cost Perspective
Downtimes in a manufacturing cell, line or individual machines are characterized by a stochastic behavior that their frequency and their duration display. A method is presented here for analyzing this dynamic behavior from a cost perspective. An important element of the method is statistical analysis of downtimes, including empirical distribution functions pertaining to downtimes of specific types
The Future of CBT for Childhood Anxiety: Disorder-Specific versus Trans-Diagnostic Interventions
Health Effects of Foods Enriched with Cereal beta-Glucans from Cereals
Popular Abstract in Swedish Ett högt fiberintag från grönsaker, frukt och sädesslag som havre och korn minskar risken för hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar och typ 2 diabetes. Havre och korn har en hög halt av lösliga kostfiber, så kallade beta-glukaner (beta-glukaner) och studier har visat att beta-glukaner har intressanta hälsoeffekter. Ett dagligt intag av beta-glukaner från havre eller korn kan sänka kSince soluble fibre in the form of the cereal beta-glucans found in oats and barley has been shown to have a positive effect on lipid and glucose metabolism, people at risk of developing cardiovascular diseases or diabetes might benefit from that a variety of palatable food products containing beta-glucans being available to them. The aim of the papers presented in the thesis was to evaluate the m
Legitimacy, Credibility and Coherence - Perceptions of EU Roles in Global Climate Change Negotiations
Hälsosam substantivsjuka. Några påpekanden om den goda substantivsjukans funktionella förutsättningar
Abstract not available
Ecology and conservation of the moth Dysauxes ancilla
Popular Abstract in Swedish Ekologin hos lavdagsvärmaren (Dysauxes ancilla) studerades inom den enda svenska populationen vid Beijershamn på Öland. Populationen utgör en isolerad förekomst på nordgränsen av artens utbredningsområde, som huvudsakligen är mellan- och sydosteuropeiskt. Arten är rödlistad som akut hotad. Resultaten visar att lavdagsvärmaren för närvarande endast förekommer inom ett 4 The ecology of the moth Dysauxes ancilla was studied in the only Swedish breeding area at Beijershamn, situated on the Baltic island of Öland. The population is a northern outpost, separated from the species´ continous distribution area in middle- and southeast Europe. There is a general opinion that there has been a reduction of the species distribution during the last decades, but no studies hav
Retailer image - Conceptualisation, formation, methods and perspectives in previous research
Expanding my universe : Critical Animal Studies Education as Theory, Politics and Practice
Pyralid moth reproduction: Communication, Constraints & Control
Popular Abstract in Swedish Pyralidfjärilars reproduktionsekologi eller Med mitt mått mätt omåttligt mottlik sex Skadeinsekter Alla har väl någon gång haft besvär med inomhusskadeinsekter. Om inte, känner ni alldeles säkert någon som har haft det. Vem tycker inte att det är obehagligt att hitta larver och spinn i sina flingor på morgonen? När insekterna väl har fått sitt grepp om skafferiet, ärOlfactory cues play an important role in the reproduction of three pyralid moths, the Indian meal moth (Plodia interpunctella), the Mediterranean flour moth (Ephestia kuehniella) and the almond moth (E. cautella). Both males and females of P. interpunctella are capable of multiple matings. More energy is placed into the first mating by the male, as indicated by the larger spermatophore donated by
Urban Decision-making and Expert Integration
The aim of this Deliverable 2.2 on Urban Decision-making and Expert Integration is to provide an overview of existing approaches, processes, tools and techniques to urban decision-making, and the usage of expert knowledge as well as data and more and more ‘big data’ to support decisions.