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Effektivisera byggbranschen med system för leveransplanering : En kartläggning av befintlig situation och fallstudier för två pilotprojekt

Problemformulering: Hur ser informationsflödet mellan leverantör och entreprenör ut och vilka icke värdeskapande aktiviteter finns idag kopplade till en bristfällig leveransplanering? Kan dessa aktiviteter reduceras med befintligt systemet eller finns önskemål att ändra eller ta fram en helt annan typ av system? Syfte: Att ge läsaren en god inblick i hur det arbetars med materialförsörjning på enProblem: This study examines problems in the Construction supply chain. Most industries have already included use of assistive technology in their daily work and I will research if it is possible to implement a system for delivery planning in the construction industry to reduce non-value adding activities. A system designed for construction delivery planning has been developed. In order to grow an

Supplementary Old-age Pension Systems

The ageing population in Europe has created a demographic shift, especially in the number of pension beneficiaries, which has increased inversely proportional compared to the number of economically active individuals. With the aim of minimizing future pension problems within the EU Member States, the occupational pension system was proposed by the European Commission to integrate the internal pens

Meshing and Visualisation Routines in the Python Version of CALFEM

This report is the result of a masters project conducted at the Division of Structural Mechanics at Lund University. The purpose of the project was to integrate a FEM mesh generator with the Python version of the code library CALFEM and improve the mesh visualisation capabilities of said library. This report describes how the mesher software Gmsh and the visualisation library visvis were integrate

Ansikte mot ansikte; Ikoner i Svenska kyrkan - varför det?

This essay studies the frequent habit of using Orthodox icons in the Church of Sweden. Over the last 30 years, these icons have become very popular. How come a symbol, traditionally foreign to the Swedish, Lutheran tradition, has become so accepted? Is the use of icons an expression of a shift of religious practice in Sweden today? Interviews were conducted with people employed by the Church, who

Att vara eller att inte vara

Globaliseringen har lett till att ett nytt område inom varumärkesforskningen har vuxit fram, nation branding. Det råder delade meningar på forskningsfältet kring vad begreppet innebär, men den gemensamma nämnaren återfinns i att nation branding är en mer komplicerad variant av traditionell marknadsföring. Studiens syfte är att bidra med kunskap kring hur svenskhet konstrueras i nation branding, viGlobalization has led to the rise of a new field within brand research, nation branding. The opinions are separated on the research field, concerning the meaning of the term. The common denominator is though that nation branding is a more complicated version of traditional marketing. This study aims to contribute with knowledge about how Swedish culture is constructed in nation branding, through t

Kreativ förstörelse? En empirisk studie av nya och avslutade aktiebolag i Sverige

Uppsatsen gör en ansats att empiriskt undersöka om det fenomen som Joseph Schumpeter kallade kreativ förstörelse går att urskilja från data på nya och avslu- tade aktiebolag i Sverige under perioden 1984-2012. Resultaten bygger på data från Bolagsverket och genomfördes genom korrelationsanalys och Grangers test för kausalitet. På nationell nivå motsäger resultaten kreativ förstörelse i strikt meni

JUMPER JACK - the green hanger

This project started with a wide research of the life-cycle of clothes. The industry is problematic and unsustainable. To find a way to tackle the problem the life-cycle was divided into categories and brainstorming was done within these. The chosen category was the using of bought clothes. The aim was to prolong the life-cycle of the garments and engage the consumer in care and quality. The resul

Kronvittnessystem som strafflindring? - En komparativ studie av svensk- och dansk rätt

Ett kronvittnessystem, som innebär att en tilltalad genom angivelse av andra personers brottslighet kan få ett lindrigare straff, förekommer inte i det svenska rättsystemet. Syftet med denna uppsats är att, efter en komparation med Danmark, utreda om ett kronvittnessystem som strafflindringsgrund borde införas. Straffsystemets vägledande principer i både Danmark och Sverige är rättssäkerhet, legalThe legal system of Sweden does not contain a crown witness system. A crown witness system means that a defendant can get a penalty discount if he or she reveals other people's crimes so the police and the prosecutor can convict other criminals. The purpose of this essay is to investigate, after a comparison with Denmark, if Sweden should introduce a crown witness system as a possibility to ge

The challenge of finding correct measurements for mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions: A frame-critical analysis of the Kyoto protocol

The Kyoto protocol was the first tangible approach to prevent increasing amounts of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. In order to attain this objective, the parties of the protocol decided to put restrictions on anthropogenic emissions caused by production in developed countries. This territorially defined production-based method of measuring might have been a misguided path though. Researchers

Skällpaddor och bitande senap. Om översättning av ordlekar i Lewis Carrolls Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.

Den här uppsatsen undersöker användningen av strategier vid översättning av ordlekar från engelska till svenska. Den text som undersöks är klassikern Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland av Lewis Carroll. Uppsatsen inleds med en redogörelse för det svenska textläget, urvalsprocessen för uppsatsens fokus och en beskrivning av forskning om översättning av ordlekar. Fyra olika översättares lösningar på f

Genotypic variation in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) affects growth-stimulation induced by Trichoderma harzianum T-22

Popular science summary Growth promoting effects of Trichoderma harzianum on sugar beet Imagine if a plant could be prepared to a pathogen attack before the attack occurs, or if a plant could grow stronger, without an excessive addition of inorganic chemicals. It can, it just need a little help from a fungus. The fungus that stimulates plants is called Trichoderma harzianum. It induces both p

Via Rupta: Nykantianska perspektiv på den kontinentalanalytiska särgången

The objective of this thesis is to investigate a possible contributive origin to the contemporary divide between the continental and analytical traditions of philosophy in the history of 20th century neo-Kantianism as well as the theoretical polemics that took place between Carnap and Heidegger in relation to this context. The first part of the thesis has its vantage point in 19th century discours

Opposing Ugandan homosexual policies—an activist perspective

Based on the perspective of LGBTI-activists, the aim of this study was to analyze the policy processes that frame homosexuality in Uganda, as well as to illuminate different powerful stakeholders involved in the debate with power in the policy process. In October 2009, Member of Parliament David Bahati tabled the Anti-homosexuality Bill in Uganda. The drafting of the Bill condemns people convicted

The development of agricultural food markets in Costa Rica and the influence of the diffusion of supermarkets

During the past thirty years the world has witnessed remarkable developments in agricultural markets in various parts of the world along with several obstacles in reducing global poverty rates. Previous research suggests that the inclusion of small-scale producers into agricultural economies is crucial for sustaining growth and reducing poverty. We argue that the agricultural structural transforma

The CP violating NMSSM in light of the newly discovered Higgs boson

The Next to Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM) allows a CP violating phase at tree level in the Higgs sector. This CP violation will introduce new mixing between the neutral Higgs states and give rise to changes in the mass spectrum and couplings. We investigate these effects in light of the newly discovered Higgs boson, as its measured properties provides new limits on the Higgs sector

Producentöverskottet ex ante, ex post

The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether or not the producer surplus calculated in Swedish cost benefit analyses correlate with the actual outcome in a satisfying way. In order to do this the electrification of Blekinge coastal railway in southern Sweden is examined by looking at the two parts of the producer surplus, the income generated by, and the cost of producing the service. While

Quality Improvement through Project Selection at Husqvarna Group

Background Whenever quality has been impaired, and a problem has been detected within a product, the producer needs to take action. However, in today’s scarce economic climate resources has to be spent where the benefits are the highest – thus initiating a prioritization problem. When not all issues can be handled at once, it is important to focus on those that provide the most in return. By selec

Referral hiring in a recruitment situation: The importance of favoritism, fairness and gender.

Which factors will influence who you choose to recommend in referral hiring? Questions regarding nepotism and referral hiring were examined in the study. Special focus was laid on in group favoritism, perceived fairness and gender. With an experiment participants were faced with a scenario where they were asked to select a replacer for a job spot. In the experiment the participants were faced with

Convergence in Income Per Capita in the EMU Regions: An empirical investigation of sigma and beta convergence

There are large differences in income level and growth across the members of the European and Monetary Union, and the differences are even larger at a regional level. As integration intensifies an important question is whether the disparities in terms of per capita incomes will diminish. The purpose of the paper is to empirically test the hypothesis of per capita income convergence among 144 NUTS-