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“Man får lön för att hålla käften” En socialantropologisk studie om bemanningsbranschens påverkan på svenska sjuksköterskor

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vad sjuksköterskor värdesätter mest, trygghet eller flexibilitet. Studien vill även undersöka hur sjuksköterskor förhandlar trygghet och flexibilitet mot riskerna som kan tillkomma med sin anställningsform. Varför väljer vissa sjuksköterskor att jobba inom bemanningsbranschen och vad är det som får andra att stannar kvar inom regionen? Studien baseras på el

Sustainable housing for everyone: A qualitative study of sustainable urban development and housing provision in Malmö

This thesis explores how the city of Malmö plans for the housing provision from a sustainability perspective by studying social and environmental sustainability in the urban development process with a focus on housing. The study is a qualitative case study and interviews with employees working in the municipality and a document study have been conducted. The results have been analysed through the

On The Evaluation of District Heating Load Predictions

Fjärrvärme är en teknologi som har stor potential att bidra till att möjliggöra ett fossilfritt samhälle. För att uppnå denna potential, finns det dock en del förbättringar som måste göras för att förbättra fjärrvärmeverksamheten i stort, minska förlusterna från systemen och därmed öka konkurrenskraften hos fjärrvärme som teknologi. Ett flertal studier har visat att ett sätt att göra detta, och däDistrict Heating is a technology with the potential to enable a fossil-free society. However, to realize this potential, some improvements need to be made in order to improve District Heating operation at large, decrease losses in the systems, and thus increase the competitiveness of District Heating as a technology. Several have shown that a possible solution, to increase the efficiency of Distri

Ett löfte om jämställdhet? En diskursanalytisk läsning av jämställdhet i propositionen till Sveriges samtyckeslag.

Based on a feminist poststructural framework and discursive analytical readings of sexual violence and intersectionality, gender equality in Sweden's self-image and the concept of consent, this thesis examines how gender equality is presented in the legal document that is the basis for the Swedish Consent Act: A new sexual crime legislation based on voluntariness (Prop. 2017/18:177). Through t

Processing, Modeling, and Forecasting: A Time Series Analysis of Sick Leave Absences in Sweden and Evaluating the Impact of Macro Factors

Sick absence affects companies both operationally and economically and the matter has become increasingly prominent following the COVID-19 pandemic. MedHelp Care is an e-health company working towards increasing workplace wellness by offering insights into absence and rehabilitation matters. Forecasting future absence levels could help with matters such as staffing and garner more insight into whi

Amongst Seals, Cattle, and Boars

This study utilises Correspondence Analysis to investigate the subsistence strategies of Scandinavia's Middle Neolithic Culture of the Pitted Ware Culture (PWC). The aim is to understand subsistence strategies' regional and local expressions across larger geographic areas. The studied material is derived from PWC settlements in Gotland, Åland, Central-Eastern Sweden, and South Scandinavia.

Skapandet av genus under gravritualen: En undersökning av genus utifrån gravgods i mesolitiska gravar från sydskandinavien.

The aim of this study was to gain an understanding of how gender was used and expressed through burial customs in the South Scandinavian mesolithic. This topic was chosen to further explore gender aspects during the mesolithic through different perspectives on the burial to complement previous research. For this purpose 110 graves from Sweden and Denmark were examined and 48 of them were deemed ap

Parallel lines – tensions in teachers’ enactment of the vision of a newly established school in Sweden

This paper aims to share new knowledge about tensions in establishing a new school in a marketised educational landscape, with a special focus on teachers’ experiences of enacting a highly profiled vision. The paper is based on a single case study using observations, surveys, interviews and document studies. To cover the complex enactment process, we have created a multilayered enactment triangle

From Hatchery to Headquarters - Investigating Key Barriers and Success Factors in Transferring Innovation from Incubators into Corporate Action

Incubators have emerged as crucial intermediaries for facilitating innovation for established companies. This thesis examines the process of transferring innovation from incubators back to established businesses. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with stakeholders representing both sides of the relationship: managers responsible for fostering and supporting innovative ventures within incub

The Contributing Role of Reflexivity to Innovation in Tech Teams: How Leader Humility and Team Proactivity Can Facilitate The Process

As most companies and organizations rely on their tech teams to drive their business, staying innovative becomes a crucial challenge in this context. The present study explores this strive for innovation by considering team reflexivity, defined as the ability of a group to communicate and ponder together. This concept is placed at the center of the proposed theoretical model, acting as a mediator

HR Analytics for Competitive Advantage: Bringing organisational value while empowering the HR profession

Title: HR Analytics for Competitive Advantage: Bringing organisational value while empowering the HR profession Authors: Elin Engsfelt & Louise Rosén Fång Supervisor: Rikard Larsson Problem definition: The HR profession has throughout history, and still has, a legitimacy problem, where the HR department typically becomes administrative support, rather than a strategic business partner. Purp

Managing Sustainably vs. Managing Sustainability: Exploring Sustainability Management in Born Sustainable Companies and Becoming Sustainable Companies

Despite the growing recognition of sustainability in business, industry research lacks behind in how businesses can integrate sustainable practices. This master thesis aims to investigate how managers in two different types of businesses, namely born sustainable businesses and becoming sustainable businesses, manage sustainability. The study begins with a comprehensive literature review that explo

Competence Development in a VUCA World: How to Make Employees Better Equipped for Handling VUCA

Several researchers have approached the subject of VUCA and the challenges of operating in a VUCA world. However, previous research seldom addresses specifically how the work can be done or how these qualities and skills can be developed. The purpose of this study is to help professionals responsible for competence development in their work to enable employees to handle a VUCA world. Therefore, th

Assessing the Efficiency of COLMAP, DROID-SLAM, and NeRF-SLAM in 3D Road Scene Reconstruction

3-dimensionell (3D) rekonstruktion, ett område inom datorseende, har under senare år gjort stora framsteg som en konsekvens av de omfattande genombrott som har skett inom Artificiell Intelligens (AI). Inom datorseende har man som mål att försöka förklara hur världen ser ut för en dator, där saker som vi människor finner uppenbara behöver beskrivas i detalj med matematiska begrepp för att datorn sk3D reconstruction is a field in computer vision which has evolved rapidly as a result of the recent advancements in deep learning. As 3D reconstruction pipelines now can run in real-time, this has opened up new possibilities for teams developing Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), which rely on the camera system of the vehicle to enhance the safety and driving experience. This thesis pres

Non-male Career Development in the Video Game Industry

This paper explores the career development of non-male workers in the video game industry in a male-dominated context. It examines their motivation, perception of success, goals, and values. The aim was to contribute to the discourse on the experience of minorities in a majority-dominated work context and how this affects their career development. This study followed two research strategies, groun

Core values and their role in attracting future employees: A quantitative study measuring how Swedish employers’ core values matter to students, in the light of external employer branding

Studies show that employees are an organisation’s most important asset. Therefore, an employer needs to attract the desired future employees. Currently, core values appear frequently on employers’ websites. Core values could consequently operate as a part of external employer branding to attract candidates. The question remains whether core values matter to future employees when considering workin

Teams’ Perception of Driving Forces and Challenges on Psychological Safety in Relation to Different Work-Setting Arrangements (remote, hybrid, on-site)

The study has explored the teams’ perceptions of driving forces and challenges of psychological safety (PS) in three different work-setting arrangements (WSAs), which are remote, hybrid, and on-site. These findings were discovered by interviewing three teams, each of which worked in different WSAs, and by asking them questions about what factors influence their PS. After that, thematic analysis wa