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Your search for "*" yielded 531406 hits

Control properties of the Calvin photosynthesis cycle at physiological carbon dioxide concentrations

A previously described kinetic model for the Calvin cycle and ancillary pathway of starch production in the chloroplast of C3 plants has been extended so that it becomes applicable under physiological conditions where there is a competition between carbon dioxide and oxygen for ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (rubisco). The modified model is shown to account for the observed dependencies of

Gastrectomy induces impaired insulin and glucagon secretion: evidence for a gastro-insular axis in mice

1. Mice were subjected to gastrectomy (GX) or food deprivation (24 h). The release of insulin and glucagon in response to different secretagogues was monitored in vivo and in isolated islets 3-4 weeks after surgery. 2. GX animals responded to glucose with an impaired glucose tolerance and a poor increase in plasma insulin. Islets from GX or food-deprived mice displayed impaired insulin release to

Vascular effects of anandamide and N-acylvanillylamines in the human forearm and skin microcirculation.

1 The endocannabinoid anandamide is an emerging potential signalling molecule in the cardiovascular system. Anandamide causes vasodilatation, bradycardia and hypotension in animals and has been implicated in the pathophysiology of endotoxic, haemorrhagic and cardiogenic shock, but its vascular effects have not been studied in man. 2 Human forearm blood flow and skin microcirculatory flow were reco

Polychlorinated biphenyls in the air of southern Sweden - spatial and temporal variation

Polychlorinated biphenyls in the lower atmosphere were studied over a regional area covering approximately 11000 km(2) in southern Sweden. Sampling were performed in 1992-1993, continuously during one year, where samples from 11 sampling-sites (in all 260 samples) were analysed. PCB concentrations ranged over two order of magnitudes, 7-983 pg m(-3). Differences in PCB concentrations among the samp

School nurses' view of schoolchildren's health and their attitudes to document it in the school health record - a pilot study.

This study highlights school nurses' view of schoolchildren's health and their attitude to document it in the school health records. A strategic sample of 12 school nurses was interviewed. The interviews were semistructured and analysed with qualitative content analysis. The findings showed that the school nurses' viewed schoolchildren as physical healthy although they called attention to growing

Early Evaluation of Software Process Change Proposals

Software process improvement involves evaluation of process change proposals, and it is important to evaluate changes as early as possible. A process impact analysis method for interview based evaluation of change proposals is presented. It is based on the subjective opinions of people in the organisation, and it is carried out in three steps. In the first step, the impact on sub-processes is est

Polygalacturonic acid/endo-polygalacturonase system: A kinetic study in batch reactors

The enzymatic depolymerization of the pectic substance polygalacturonic acid (PGA) is studied in batch reactor. The number-average molecular weight of native substrate is estimated, using a simple and quick technique, to be approximately 11.1 kDa, the polymeric chains consisting on average of 63 galacturonic acid units. The effect of enzyme concentration was studied varying biocatalyst loading fro

Screening for Down syndrome based on maternal age or fetal nuchal translucency: a randomized controlled trial in 39572 pregnancies

Objectives Nuchal translucency (NT) screening increases antenatal detection of Down syndrome (DS) compared to maternal age-based screening. We wanted to determine if a change in policy for prenatal diagnosis would result in fewer babies born with DS. Methods A total of 39572 pregnant women were randomized to a scan at 12-14 gestational weeks including NT screening for DS (12-week group) or to a sc

The Significance of Spaciousness: an investigation of spaciousness in the context of the residential yard

Popular Abstract in Swedish Som en följd av de senaste årens förtätningstrend har stadens täthet blivit en aktuell stadsbyggnadsfråga. Förtätning är ett komplext fenomen som berör en rad centrala egenskaper hos staden. Förtätning är också en kontroversiell stadsbyggnadsstrategi. Det är motsättningen mellan förtätning och friytor som den här avhandlingen tar sin utgångspunkt i. Krymper mellanrummenThe new interest in density displayed by professional town planners and town-planning researchers is related to the present densification of the urban environment in many towns and cities. Research on densification is primarily concerned with the link between urban form and sustainable development. The point of departure of this thesis is to consider what a denser housing environment will mean to