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Your search for "*" yielded 532522 hits

Effect of intensive training on lower leg structural strength: an in vivo study in ovariectomized rats

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of training on the in vivo tibial structural strength during the development of post-ovariectomy osteoporosis. Seventeen mature Wistar rats (215 g) were ovariectomized and randomized into two groups. The sedentary control group was kept cage confined, while 3 days postoperatively the trained group started treadmill running with high intensity for

Cholescintigraphy: a valuable diagnostic method in acute cholecystitis

In 91 patients (36 men, 55 women) who were hospitalized with symptoms of acute cholecystitis, cholescintigraphy was performed with 99m-Tc-ethyl-IDA, in order to evaluate the method in the diagnosis of acute inflammatory disease of the gallbladder. Five groups of patients were recognized: (A) abnormal scintigraphy and verified gallbladder disease, (B) abnormal scintigraphy without verified gallblad

Hand Mobility in Scleroderma (HAMIS) test: the reliability of a novel hand function test.

Objective Hand Mobility in Scleroderma (HAMIS) is a new hand function test developed for adults who have systemic sclerosis. HAMIS consists of 9 items designed to measure all movements assessed in an ordinary range of motion (ROM)-measured hand test. The aim of this study was to examine the reliability of the test. Methods Two observers (one occupational therapist and one physiotherapist) perform

Embryonic Stem Cells: Differentiation into Insulin Producing Cells and Elimination of Damaged Proteins

Popular Abstract in Swedish This thesis includes two different parts: One focusing on how to induce human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) to differentiate into insulin producing cells by following the normal pancreatic development pathway. These cells have then the potential to be an unlimited source for diabetes regenerative medicine. The second part of the thesis deals with how embryonic stem cellsThis thesis includes two different parts: One focusing on how to induce human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) to differentiate into insulin producing cells by following the normal pancreatic development pathway. These cells have then the potential to be an unlimited source for diabetes regenerative medicine. The second part of the thesis deals with how embryonic stem cells rid themselves of damaged p

Complement factor I deficiency associated with recurrent infections, vasculitis and immune complex glomerulonephritis

Here we report complement factor I deficiency in an 11-y-old girl from a consanguineous Turkish family, who presented with recurrent pyogenic infections, vasculitic eruptions and immune complex glomerulonephritis. A moderately low C3 level together with the clinical picture suggested a deficiency affecting regulation of complement activation. Analysis of haemolytic activity revealed absence of alt

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Artikeln jämför Norge och Sverige när det gäller facklig anslutning bland arbetare och tjänstemän och analyserar skillnader mellan organisationsmönstrens framväxt. De båda ländernas fackliga organisering sätts också in i ett större internationellt perspektiv.

The morselized and impacted bone graft. Animal experiments on proteins, impaction and load.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den moderna tekniken att operera förslitna höftleder infördes av John Charnley i England på 1960-talet. Lårbenshuvudet ersattes med en metallkula på ett skaft och ledhålan på bäckenbenet med en skålformad plastkomponent. Bägge komponenterna sattes fast med en härdande plast, s.k. bencement. I början uppstod komplikationer med infektioner eller brott i själva protesen. DThis thesis focuses on the healing and remodeling of the morselized and impacted bone allograft, commonly used in revision of loosened hip prostheses with osteolysis. The influence on remodeling by the impaction procedure per se was analyzed, as well as the effects of endogenous bone graft proteins, and an exogenously applied growth factor (OP-1). A bone chamber model in rats was used, with the in

Ultrafast Excitation Transfer and Trapping in a Thin Polymer Film.

Transient absorption anisotropy of a polythiophene polymer in a thin film was studied on a femtosecond time scale. The anisotropy has a non-exponential decay on the sub-picosecond time scale, with a fastest component characterized by an ∼40 fs time constant. To simulate the anisotropy decay an incoherent energy migration model has been used. Comparison between the simulated and experimental kineti

Biodiversity at Linnaeus birthplace in the parish of Stenbrohult, southern Sweden. 1. Habitat distribution of red-listed species.

The habitat distribution of red-listed plants, fungi and animals that have been found in the central parts of the parish of Stenbrohult, southern Sweden since 1970 is presented (Tables 1-4). In the centre of the 5 000 ha study area Carl Linnaeus was born in 1707, and he spent his summers there until 1727. In 1971-2002 at least 183 red-listed species have been found, with 73 wood-living beetle spec

Dose-volume relationships between enteritis and irradiated bowel volumes during 5-fluorouracil and oxaliplatin based chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced rectal cancer

Purpose. Radiation enteritis is the main acute side-effect during pelvic irradiation. The aim of this study was to quantify the dose-volume relationship between irradiated bowel volumes and acute enteritis during combined chemoradiotherapy for rectal cancer. Material and methods. Twenty-eight patients with locally advanced rectal cancer received chemoradiotherapy. The radiation therapy was given w

Towards integration of use case modelling and usage-based testing

This paper focuses on usage modelling as a basis for both requirements engineering (RE) and testing, and investigates the possibility of integrating the two disciplines of use case modelling (UCM) and statistical usage testing (SUT). The paper investigates the conceptual framework for each discipline, and discusses how they can be integrated to form a seamless transition from requirements models t

Vascular effects of proteinase-activated receptor 2 agonist peptide

Proteinase-activated receptor 2 (PAR-2) is a G protein-coupled receptor related to the thrombin receptor. PAR-2 can be activated by trypsin and by synthetic peptides corresponding to the new amino terminus generated by activating proteolytic cleavage. We show in this report that intravenous injection of PAR-2 agonist peptides has dramatic effects on arterial blood pressure in anesthetized rats. Th

Learning from Las Vegas: Archaeology in the Experience Economy

Archaeology has become a potent element in themed environments that abound in contemporary popular culture. This short article reviews the archaeological motifs that can be found in environments such as Disneyland and on the Las Vegas Strip. They provide a set of imagery to which people can easily relate and that immerses them in a world different from the normal routines and restrictions of every