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An ultra low voltage, low power, fully integrated VCO for GPS in 90 nm RF-CMOS
A fully integrated 0.6 V VCO for the GPS L1 band is realized in a 90 nm RF-CMOS process. The purpose of the design is to demonstrate how suitable deep submicron CMOS transistors are for ultra low voltage, low power oscillator design. The VCO operates at 6.3 GHz and a divide-by-four circuit buffer provide the wanted 1575.42 MHz signal. Measured phase noise is for a 0.6 V supply voltage and bias cur
Sustainability in ecotourism supply chains: Evidence from cases of Swedish ecotourism packages to Peru and to Nepal-Bhutan.
This paper presents application of sustainable tourism practices by leading tour operators in international ecotourism supply chains. Observations of actions implemented by the inbound and outbound operators creating the ecotourism experience are drawn from two case studies – one of trips to Peru and the other of trips to Nepal-Bhutan - both available on the Swedish market. The cases explore how s
Observation of superdeformed states in Mo-88
High-spin states in Mo-88 were studied using the GAMMASPHERE germanium detector array in conjunction with the MICROBALL CsI(TI) charged-particle detector system. Three gamma-ray cascades with dynamic moments of inertia showing similar characteristics to superdeformed rotational bands observed in the neighbouring A = 80 region have been identified and assigned to the nucleus Mo-88. The quadrupole m
Att forska om systrarna Brontë - Mellan myter, texter och kontexter
Ultrasound-enhanced Fibrinolysis Pro-fibrinolytic and Non-beneficial Effects Of Ultrasound Exposure
Popular Abstract in Swedish Ultraljud används inte bara som ett diagnostiskt hjälpmedel utan också som en behandlingsmetod. De terapeutiska områden som utforskas idag är destruktion av cancertumörer, behandling av diskbråck, ökning av antibiotikaeffekter, ökning av cellgiftseffekter och som i detta arbete, ökning av effekterna av propplösande läkemedel. Det görs även försök där ultraljud används fThe aim of this study was to further clarify the pro-fibrinolytic effects, and to explore the possible non-beneficial effects in ischemic organs, during exposure to pulsed ultrasound. This was accomplished by studies of the effects of different intensities of pulsed ultrasound exposure on the fibrinolytic properties of streptokinase and reteplase. Measurements were performed both following pre-exp
A Simple Slab Temperature Model
The model presented in this paper has been used for predicting the slab core temperature in several applications at The Danish Steel Works Ltd. The model has the advantages that it is simple and only contains a minimum of physical parameters, which makes it easy use and adapt to slab temperature measurements. The model has been verified using 11 data sets covering three different slab thicknesses
Effect of alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG) on mineralisation, morphology and mechanical endurance of femur and tibia in turkey
The aim of this study was to determine the influence of alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG) on volumetric bone density, geometrical and mechanical properties of femur and tibia in farm turkeys. All animals were kept under standard rearing conditions with constant access to water and appropriate feed, supplied in accordance with the stage of production cycle. Bone samples were collected 14 weeks after beginn
TOP2A and HER2 gene amplification as predictors of response to anthracycline treatment in breast cancer
The purpose of this study was to evaluate amplification of topoisomerase IIalpha (TOP2A) and HER2 genes as predictors of response to chemotherapy in advanced breast cancer. Gene copy number of TOP2A and HER2 were analysed with chromogenic in situ hybridization (CISH) on paraffin-embedded tissue sections from the primary tumour of 85 patients treated with anthracycline containing chemotherapy. TOP2
No title
The aim of this thesis is to examine the relationship between writing and alterity in three recent novels written by J. M. G. Le Clézio, Désert (1980), Onitsha (1991) and La quarantaine (1995), which deal with the encounter between the so-called primitive cultures and Western society. The first chapter contains a more general discussion on the discourse of alterity in literature and the French exo
Grisel syndrome after velopharyngoplasty
We describe two patients with Grisel syndrome (atlantoaxial dislocation) after velopharyngoplasty. One required open fixation, while the other was treated with closed reduction and skull traction. Both patients recovered well after long-term follow-up. Early detection and appropiate treatment improve the prognosis.
No indications of increased quiet sleep in infants receiving care based on the Newborn Individualized Developmental Care and Assessment Program (NIDCAP)
It has been proposed that the developmentally supportive care of very-low-birthweight (VLBW) infants provided by the Newborn Individualized Developmental Care and Assessment Program (NIDCAP) can improve the infants' opportunities for rest and sleep. The aim of the present study was to determine whether quiet sleep (QS) in VLBW infants is affected by NIDCAP care. Twenty-two infants with a gestation
Non-associated plasticity for soils
A brief overview is given of a non-associated plasticity theory developed for soils based on the concept of a characteristic stress state of vanishing incremental dilation, and a calibration procedure using only test data from a standard triaxial test. The capability of the model is illustrated by calibration examples and predictions made for standard triaxial tests at different confining stress l
Animal graves: dog, horse and bear
Abstract in Undeterminedhe atJthor dlscusses the relalionship betwccn peaplc and animals in a lime perspective of millcllnia. The starting point is the pre-Chri stian. $can dinavl:m. animal graves ofJogs and hoJ'SCs. the Saami hear-graves, as wdl as animal burials urmodern time. TIle occurrence ofanimal graves In pre Christian time and the wide mnge ofways to dispose of human and animal bodics c
Final Report for Project Process Control 1.7 1968 -- 30.6 1969
Accuracy of QT Measurement in the EASI-derived 12-lead ECG
The purpose of this study is to assess QT interval measurements from the EASI 12-lead ECG as compared to the standard 12-lead ECG. The QT interval was automatically measured in simultaneously recorded standard and EASI 12- lead ECGs, using a validated wavelet-based delineator. The agreement between the two sets of measurements was quantified both on a lead-by-lead basis and a multilead basis. The
Phase behavior of cetyltrimethylammonium surfactants with oligo carboxylate counterions mixed with water and decanol: Attraction between charged planes or spheres with oligomeric counterions
Cetyltrimethylammonium surfactants with a range of oligo carboxylate anions bearing. 2, 3, or 4 negative charges have been synthesized, and their respective behaviors in binary mixtures with water and in ternary mixtures with added decanol have been investigated. In binary mixtures with water, all surfactants formed nearly spherical micelles at high water contents; however, the interactions betwee
Comparison of the safety and immunogenicity of a refrigerator-stable versus a frozen formulation of ProQuad (measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella virus vaccine live)
Objective. A refrigerator-stable formulation of ProQuad has been developed to expand the utility of ProQuad to areas in which maintenance of a frozen cold chain (- 15 degrees C or colder) during storage and transport may not be feasible. The objective of this study was to demonstrate that the immunogenicity and safety profiles of a refrigerator-stable formulation of ProQuad are similar to the rece
Possible impact of a primordial oil slick on atmospheric and chemical evolution
Low molecular weight liquid hydrocarbons from various sources, could have formed an oil layer covering the primeval ocean (present already 4.0-4.4 x 10(9) yr ago), preventing water from evaporating into the atmosphere. Water from other sources, precipitated by cold traps at higher altitude in the atmosphere, becomes trapped in the ocean. In a thereby more dry and presumably reducing atmosphere (be
Functional magnetic resonance imaging at 3T as a clinical tool in patients with intracranial tumors.
Purpose: To investigate the potential of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) at 3T as a clinical tool in the preoperative evaluation of patients with intracranial tumors. High magnetic field strength such as 3T is of benefit for fMRI because signal-to-noise ratio and sensitivity to susceptibility changes are field-strength-dependent. Material and Methods: Twenty patients with tumors clos