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Dömd men inte glömd - En studie av vissa svenska söktjänsters behandling av brottsuppgifter samt av förhållandet mellan rätten till skydd för personuppgifter och rätten till yttrande- och informationsfrihet
I Sverige finns ett antal webbplatser som samlar in offentliga handlingar och tillgängliggör dessa genom en söktjänst. Internetanvändare kan genom en sådan söktjänst, ofta efter erlagd betalning, till exempel se om någon förekommer i en fällande brottmålsdom. Webbplatserna är grundlagsskyddade genom utgivningsbevis. Möjligheten att ansöka om utgivningsbevis finns sedan 2003 genom en bestämmelse i In Sweden, there are a number of websites that collect public documents and make them available through a search service. Internet users can use such a search service, often after paying a fee, to find out, for example, whether someone appears in a criminal conviction. The websites are protected by a publishing license, a possibility that has been included in the Swedish Freedom of Expression Act
Barnets rätt i asylprocessen - En analys av tillämpningen av barnets bästa inom 5 kap. 6 § UtlL efter barnkonventionens implementering
Barnets bästa i 1 kap. 10 § utlL innebär att barnets bästa ska sättas i främsta rummet. Principen har sin utgångspunkt från FN:s barnkonvention som sedan 2020 också inkorporerad i svensk lag. Sverige har återkommande fått kritik gällande tillämpningen och uppfyllandet av barns rättigheter. Uppsatsen syftar till att beskriva hur principen om barnets bästa ska förstås i gällande rätt, med ett fokus The principle of the best interest of the child is written in 1:10 § alien act. The meaning of the principle is to always act in the best interest of the child in any case in which children are affected. Sweden ratified the UN Convention on the rights of the child already in 1990, and 1st of January 2020 the convention was incorporated into Swedish law. However, Sweden has gotten criticism regardi
Sialyl-Tn Antigen-Imprinted Dual Fluorescent Core-Shell Nanoparticles for Ratiometric Sialyl-Tn Antigen Detection and Dual-Color Labeling of Cancer Cells
Sialyl-Tn (STn or sialyl-Thomsen-nouveau) is a carbohydrate antigen expressed by more than 80% of human carcinomas. We here report a strategy for ratiometric STn detection and dual-color cancer cell labeling, particularly, by molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs). Imprinting was based on spectroscopic studies of a urea-containing green-fluorescent monomer 1 and STn-Thr-Na (sodium salt of Neu5Acα2-
Atomic Hydrogen Annealing of Graphene on InAs Surfaces and Nanowires : Interface and Morphology Control for Optoelectronics and Quantum Technologies
Folding two-dimensional graphene around one-dimensional III-V nanowires yields a new class of hybrid nanomaterials combining their excellent complementary properties. However, important for high-quality electrical and optical performance, needed in many applications, are well-controlled oxide-free interfaces and a tight folding morphology. To improve the interface chemistry between the graphene an
Common Mode Current Measurements in Traction Systems for Electric Vehicles
The market for partly or fully electrified vehicles is expanding fast. The number of sources and loads that are connected to the vehicles traction voltage systems (TVS) increase and thus also the ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) requirements on these sources and loads. These requirements should make sure that neither function nor lifetime of any source or load is severely affected by another. T
Selektiva straffskärpningar – minskad likabehandling? – En analys av straffskärpningar utifrån teoretiska, rättsliga och etiska principer
Gängbrottslighet har under senare tid varit en högst prioriterad fråga, både av lagstiftaren och bland allmänheten. Som en följd härav beslutade dåvarande regeringen den 11 juni 2020 att en utredning skulle tillsättas för att undersöka olika åtgärder mot brott i kriminella nätverk (SOU 2021:68). Bland de förslag utredningen har lämnat i sitt finns införandet av en ny straffskärpningsgrund vars syfGang crime has lately been a high-priority issue, both by the legislature and among the public. As a result of this, the government decided on the 11th of June 2020 to set up an inquiry that would introduce new measures against crimes in criminal networks (SOU 2021:68). Among their proposals is a new penalty enhancement provision, whose purpose is to enable significantly harsher punishment for cri
Relations between absorption, emission, and excited state chemical potentials from nanocrystal 2D spectra
For quantum-confined nanomaterials, size dispersion causes a static broadening of spectra that has been difficult to measure and invalidates all-optical methods for determining the maximum photovoltage that an excited state can generate. Using femtosecond two-dimensional (2D) spectroscopy to separate size dispersion broadening of absorption and emission spectra allows a test of single-molecule gen
Costs of form : academic publishers, product quality, and the outsourcing of typesetting
Bokslut och deklaration A-Ö : Sambandet mellan redovisning och beskattning
Komparativ studie av svensk och tysk turordning vid övertalighet
Abstract Denna uppsats är en komparativ studie av svensk och tysk turordning. Syftet är att ge läsaren en förståelse om annat lands lag samtidigt som den förstärker förståelsen för den egna rättsordningen. Frågeställningen siktar på att undersöka skillnaderna mellan 22 § LAS och § 1 KSchG. Utöver att jämföra turordningen undersöks även både de gamla och de nya bestämmelserna i 22 § samt turordniAbstract This essay is a comparative study of Swedish and German dismissal for economic reasons. The purpose is to give the reader an understanding of another country's law while strengthening the understanding of their own legal system. The research question aims to investigate the differences between 22 § LAS and § 1 KSCHG. In addition to comparing the dismissal for economic reasons, bot
Data Protection and the Division of Legislative Power – Enforcement of the EU Fundamental Right to Protection of Personal Data after Case C-817/19 Ligue des droits humains
I denna uppsats undersöks dataskydd som en konstitutionell rättighet i EU och de omständigheter under vilka rättigheten kan begränsas. Rätten till respekt för privatlivet och skydd för personuppgifter återfinns i artiklarna 7 och 8 i Europeiska unionens stadga om de grundläggande rättigheterna. Regleringen av användningen av personuppgifter är ett lagstiftningsområde i EU av växande betydelse, medThis thesis centers data protection as a constitutional right in the EU, as en-shrined in Articles 7 and 8 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights, and exam-ines the circumstances under which the right can be limited. Regulation of the use of personal data as a legislative field in the EU has clear ties to human rights, economic and market interests, and interests of law enforcement and national secu
Respiratory and allergic outcomes among 5-year-old children exposed to pesticides
Background: Little is known about the effects of pesticides on children's respiratory and allergic outcomes.We evaluated associations of prenatal and current pesticide exposures with respiratory and allergic outcomes in children from the Infants' Environmental Health Study in Costa Rica.Methods: Among 5-year-old children (n=303), we measured prenatal and current specific gravity-corrected urinary
Cash is king - eller klandervärt risktagande? - En rättssäkerhetsanalys av bestämmelsen om ringa näringspenningtvätt och tillämpningen i underrätterna
I 7 § 3 st. 2 m. i lagen (2014:307) om straff för penningtvättsbrott (penningtvättsbrottlagen) regleras brottet ringa näringspenningtvätt. Den kriminaliserade gärningen består i att någon medverkar till en åtgärd som skäligen kan antas vara vidtagen i penningtvättssyfte. Det är således, till skillnad från vad som gäller för penningtvättsbrott enligt 3–4 §§ penningtvättsbrottlagen, irrelevant huruvThe crime of minor commercial money laundering is provided under the sec-ond sentence of the third paragraph in section 7 of the Act (2014:307) on penalties for money laundering offences. The criminalised act is defined as a measure that can reasonably be assumed to be taken for money laundering purposes. It is therefore, in contrast to what applies to money laundering offences according to 3–4 §§
Metamorphoses of Cesium Lead Halide Nanocrystals
Following the impressive development of bulk lead-based perovskite photovoltaics, the “perovskite fever” did not spare nanochemistry. In just a few years, colloidal cesium lead halide perovskite nanocrystals have conquered researchers worldwide with their easy synthesis and color-pure photoluminescence. These nanomaterials promise cheap solution-processed lasers, scintillators, and light-emitti
The genetic regulation of protein expression in cerebrospinal fluid
Studies of the genetic regulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) proteins may reveal pathways for treatment of neurological diseases. 398 proteins in CSF were measured in 1,591 participants from the BioFINDER study. Protein quantitative trait loci (pQTL) were identified as associations between genetic variants and proteins, with 176 pQTLs for 145 CSF proteins (P < 1.25 × 10−10, 117 cis-pQTLs and 59
Ecology and Epiphany in Short Fiction by Zadie Smith and Joyce Carol Oates
This essay investigates ecological epiphany in short stories by Zadie Smith and Joyce Carol Oates, moments in which characters confront the link between their own consumption habits and planetary damage. These moments build on a longer literary history of epiphany in modern fiction, a history that foregrounds suddenness, physicality, and the mundane, but these short stories also adapt epiphany to
Comparison of Elemental Analysis Techniques for Fly Ash from Municipal Solid Waste Incineration using X-rays and Electron Beams
With the rapid expansion of the waste incineration business both in Europe and globally, there is a growing need for the elemental analysis for fly ash from municipal solid waste incineration. In this work, samples of washed and unwashed ash from municipal solid waste incineration in Sundsvall are evaluated. Qualitative analysis and semi-quantitative analysis are used to compare two elemental anal
The Impact of Instant Messaging Features on a Collaboration Platform's Usability
Användandet av samarbetsplattformer har ökat drastiskt under senare år i och med att distansarbete blivit allt mer vanligt. Målet med den här masteruppsatsen var att utforska vilken inverkan olika chattfunktioner har på användbarheten av sådana samarbetsplattformer. Mer specifikt syftade uppsatsen till att svara på följande forskningsfrågor: 1) Vilka chattfunktioner är avgörande för god användbarhThe use of online collaboration platforms has increased drastically in recent years with the rise of remote work. The focus of this Master thesis was to explore what impact different instant messaging features have on the usability of such collaboration platforms. Specifically, the thesis aimed to answer the following research questions: 1) What instant messaging features are essential for good us
Full-field X-ray fluorescence imaging with a straight polycapillary X-ray collimator
Due to the availability of X-ray imaging detectors, full-field X-ray fluorescence (FF-XRF) imaging technique has become achievable, which provides an alternative to scanning X-ray fluorescence imaging with a micro-focus X-ray beamline. In this paper, we present a setup based on straight capillary optics and an energy-dispersive hybrid pixel detector, which can perform simultaneous mapping of sever